Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [conj] [adv] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If this intercommunication is not properly arranged there will be the familiar symptoms of frustrating reiteration , decisions being misunderstood or being constantly revised , political manoeuvring and even concealment of progress within one or more of the teams .
2 When advising an unmarried father it is important to note that party status is based on parental responsibility and not paternity .
3 When the current affairs machinery started to roll on the Aids issue , it quickly became apparent that this one had everything : public anxiety about health ; the awakening of incipient guilt over sexual freedom and either compassion or vengefulness , depending on your sympathies , for the gay community .
4 In his province , Huy remembered , Surere had tried to impose what he had interpreted as the supporting columns of a decent society : sexual responsibility and even monogamy were held to be the roots of a stable family ; sexual relations between members of that family were restricted to cousins .
5 It was a dignified response if not departure with Spurs chief executive Terry Venables forced to come clean over the Shreeves situation after a media leak .
6 Problems with a flaked bone in his foot , a broken toe and then hamstring and rib injuries meant that McLeish played only seven times for Aberdeen last season and also missed the first 11 matches of this one .
7 ‘ Adult care workers have a duty of public protection as well protection of children .
8 Rupture of atheromatous plaque leads to occlusive thrombosis that produces myocardial ischaemia and cell death leading to loss of ventricular function and possibly death .
9 One is that the background cleavage is greatly reduced by the separation of unbound DNA from the DNA-protein complex pool prior to treatment The second is the so called ‘ caging effect ’ occurring in the gel ( 4 ) which , by increasing the effective concentration of the interacting components , slows their electrophoretic escape after dissociation leading to oriented diffusional search and thus enhancement of the concentration-dependent reassociation reaction .
10 Yet in those golden eyes of hers was a lively intelligence and even wit .
11 Public procurement and especially defence procurement led to a double demand for semiconductors , which were used directly ( for example in military missiles ( and which were also in heavy demand from the computer industry ( for defence and other federal government use ) .
12 He said that I had the ability to be not only Britain 's top sprinter but also number one in Europe .
13 On the other hand , some kinds of knowledge are organized as practice , most notably in the traditional professions such as medicine , law , engineering and teaching , but also in the newer ones such as accountancy , architecture , management , social work and now psychology .
14 A tasty two-week campaign on national telly will go out in a fortnight 's time in the kids ' peak viewing slot — just between the early evening news and the popular Home And Away soap .
15 For owner-occupiers , on the other hand , the need to save for a deposit and other expenses , together with the relatively large mortgage payments in the early years means that two incomes are necessary for an extended period and therefore childbearing will be delayed .
16 There were moments of high drama and even tragedy , all sensationally recorded in the journals of the protagonists , The Seaman and The British Seafarer .
17 Louis Devos on Erato ( CD 2292 452022 ) establishes a logical series of tempo relationships , with a tactus that hovers around 72–6 , and , in ‘ Te per orbem ’ for example , with clear tripla and then sesquialtera relationships at the changes to 3/2 and 2 respectively .
18 The clubs meet at least once a year and there is continual development as both technology and knowledge advance .
19 The native peoples of Siberia were allowed to go on benefiting from the reforms which Speranskii had introduced in 1822 ; in this area " there was no sustained programme of enforced Russification or even christianisation " .
20 Hammond was clearly in very poor health when he made his will in 1657 , dying the next year , not long before the protector , his old colleague and then commander .
21 The key points of extended reach and fully body rotation are artificially emphasized and the stroke is simplified and standardized to remove confusing variations .
22 At a certain juncture ( the onset of modernism ? ) in such a chronology , cultural facts would accumulate to a point at which they could no longer be considered solely as representations , and the whole problem of their proper materiality and hence character as representations would have to be taken seriously .
23 Madge 's argument for the use of participant observation was that the ordinary interview situation is such a highly artificial social situation that both questioner and informant are in false positions .
24 In the course of treating Mrs Tighe , Bernstein used hypnotic suggestion and then regression , intending to take her back to an earlier time in her current life .
25 Put together with a faith vision of the contemporary social world as inherently secularist and radically subversive of Roman catholic values , the combination is significantly reactionary and ethnocentric .
26 She read a lot of magazines : Cosmo in high school and then Vogue .
27 With the spectre of the supermarket pinta a very real threat to the British milkman , Steve Ellis points to his unofficial role as social worker or even home help .
28 Heatpipes draw energy away from the electronics and pass it into a cooling unit where either air or water is used to dissipate the heat .
29 Measures concerned with the relief of destitution , public health , sanitation , housing , highways , public order and eventually education were provided through the reforming social legislation of the period .
30 But Brewer has an uncanny knack of getting injured at the wrong time and so hooker Sean Fitzpatrick will be in charge for the first time .
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