Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 The excess risk levels off in the following years and is undoubtedly the result of selection of patients with an unrecognised malignancy at the time of commencement of peptic ulcer treatment .
2 Eastern winds have brought what had been fair sport back to a normal level for the time of year .
3 Even after counselling , though , what seemed the right decision at the time can be a source of regret later .
4 On this occasion Mr David Butler will have an even finer collection of predictions to record in his book about the election than he did in 1970 , when almost every distinguished political correspondent of the time echoed Peter Jenkins of the Guardian in asking ‘ Why is Labour winning with such apparent ease ? ’ , just before Ted Heath won by a majority of 43 .
5 In this respect England 's relations with Brittany were likely to be of great importance , not only for the positive reason that a friendly duke of Brittany would allow the use of his duchy as a stepping-off place into the mainland , but for the negative one that a hostile duke might cause untold harm to English maritime interests , both military and commercial , by failing to stop the activities of Breton pirates and privateers whose ships gave much trouble at sea , as complaints in Parliament and in some of the political literature of the time , notably The Libelle of Englyshe Polycye , testify .
6 However , for experienced parachutists , anxiety was usually high on the day before the jump but then steadily reduced to a low level by the time of the jump .
7 As Paris et al performed their measurements by instant manometry using the solid or liquid bolus , the difference between their results and ours is entirely attributable to the positive effect of the arrival of the liquid or solid bolus in the segment of colon in their studies , while in our patients the propulsive waves were in response to the contents of the colonic segment at the time .
8 Such a title , and a book written by a political figure at a time of great controversy …
9 Ranulf thought of the Lady Agnes and moaned ; she had proved a fiery lover from the time he had first flung her on her back and lifted her lace-trimmed skirts .
10 Robert Cecil evidently rebuffed Sir Arthur Gorges when the latter sent him a present in 1603 , for Gorges wrote in a hurt tone that he had only followed ‘ the common custom and usual compliment of the time ’ .
11 Alix was asleep upstairs at the time , with Nicholas .
12 Secondly , a comparison indicates the centrality of housing to the political thinking of the time , and the extent to which some novelists , notably Dickens and Disraeli , became actively involved in practical measures .
13 The most important of the exhibitions staged to commemorate the fifth centenary of the death of Lorenzo de Medici is undoubtedly ‘ Il Disegno Fiorentino del tempo di Lorenzo il Magnifico ’ ( Florentine drawing in the time of Lorenzo the Magnificent ) at the Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe at the Uffizi ( 8 April to 26 July ) .
14 The improvement in medical knowledge and other changes of recent times made marriage a more stable institution for a time than it was in the Middle Ages .
15 Both flashbulb and vivid memories can be inaccurate and do show some forgetting over time ( McCloskey et al. , 1988 ) and there certainly are memories of this type which do not necessary involve emotional arousal at the time .
16 The sampling of events in these two studies was not completely random ( see for comparison Brewer , 1988 ) , nonetheless the studies do suggest that although emotionally arousing circumstances can sometimes be well remembered even after very considerable delays ( c.f. Wagenaar & Groeneweg , 1990 ) it seems unlikely that actual feelings of emotional arousal at the time are either necessary or sufficient to cause dramatically enhanced memory .
17 Feeble recovery in the 1590s was cut short by the famines of 1601–03 and the prolonged disruption of the Time of Troubles .
18 There will be great political problems for any government tampering with the more fundamental principles or institutions of the constitution , but the extent of such tampering will depend entirely on the political condition of the time .
19 Luckily she was the only person on the top deck at the time .
20 At the core of this debate is the precariousness of state arts funding throughout the United States , and the threat of reductions in public funding at a time when cutting the government 's colossal budget deficit is a national priority .
21 Announcing the establishment of new climate monitoring centre , Thatcher offered support for the establishment of a convention on climatic change by the time of the UN 's 1992 world conference on the environment and development ( a proposal supported in Resolutions 44/229 and 44/207 ) ; and proposed that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change preparing a report for that conference be extended .
22 ‘ His , er , surcoat has both the lions of England and the lilies of France because we were laying claim to the disputed French throne at the time .
23 Fourteen points put Master James eighth in the championship and Hesketh made of him a public figure , a British hope at a time when Graham Hill , Mike Hailwood and others were fading from the scene and Jackie Stewart was about to retire .
24 If anyone spoke , it was usually only to voice condemnation of British Rail for the time it took to get served .
25 Although the Bury to Heywood line has been disused since 1980 , the majority of track remains in place thanks to the persuasive powers that Rochdale Council exerted on British Rail at the time .
26 The magnetism is built into the basalt when it is first formed , and it records the nature of the Earth 's magnetic field at the time of formation .
27 That 's hardly a sensible slogan in a time of recession , with more people being made redundant every day .
28 The films had a sense of urgency that the rest of mainstream British cinema at the time largely lacked , but their directors did n't have enough personal contact with the lives of their characters to offer visions that rang true .
29 There also appeared to be less dissension on state aid and subsidies , a subject given added poignancy by the recent revelations about the UK Government 's ‘ sweeteners ’ to British Aerospace at the time of the takeover of Rover .
30 Following the Commission 's order of June 28 , 1990 , that the £42,900,000 in " sweeteners " paid to British Aerospace at the time of its purchase of the Rover motor group should be repaid , the UK government announced that it was suing British Aerospace for the return of the money , and Rover for another £1,500,000 [ see pp. 37582-83 ] .
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