Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 This sort of task is very common in process control situations where the operator often makes a preliminary three-way decision corresponding to the worldwide system of red , amber and green traffic lights .
2 But Aoun seems sure that , if he just hangs on regardless , some other miracle will in due course come to the rescue .
3 The long hours worked by preregistration house officers , the high service commitment , and the low rating given to the educational aspects of the job have led to numerous criticisms of this part of medical education .
4 A FORMER spokesman for the EC Commission today blamed the British Government for the lack of European funding coming to the province .
5 Mediated enforcement through intermediatory , quasi-governmental bodies such as the BBC and the Bank of England and quasi-non-governmental such as the Press Council bring advantages of administrative economy and reduced political responsibility attaching to the government : ‘ It is the essence of these organizations , therefore , that their relationships to state authority remains ill-defined ’ ( Winkler , 1977 , p. 54 ) .
6 A gang of workmen put a fence up across the private lane leading to the house in Beaconsfield .
7 For the training of teachers in art , further education colleges have traditionally offered the one-year full-time course leading to the Post-Graduate Certificate in Education ( Art Education ) , formerly the Art Teacher 's Diploma ( ATD ) or Certificate ( ATC ) .
8 But this is , I believe , slightly misleading , for although he is right about the mixture of often contradictory emotions , it is wrong to give the impression that the weeping is of the same order of emotional experience related to the child being a patient in actuality .
9 There is , however , some conflict between detail provided by Gregory in his Histories and that to be found in his other works ; moreover earlier evidence is at odds both with specific points in the Histories , and also with their general interpretation , which sees Clovis 's reign as the manifestation of divine support granted to the king after his conversion .
10 The Saltersgate Inn , near Pickering is a veritable flicker compared to the blaze which engulfed the Chequers near Osmotherley .
11 ‘ There is no reason now why there should not be an interim payment made to the unsecured creditors , ’ he said .
12 It is simply necessary to ensure ( a ) that no strong stem contributes to the score of a record which is indexed under the corresponding weak stem , and ( b ) that a strong stem , if distinct from the corresponding weak stem , has lower weight than the weak stem .
13 It 's stable enough on level ground with the optional plastic stabilising base fitted to the cartridge , but the height makes it a little wobbly on rough ground .
14 This case followed a couple of weeks after the extensive coverage given to the case where a teacher was accused of raping a 15-year-old pupil but who was eventually jailed for unlawful sexual intercourse .
15 At the end of a narrow lane leading to the Embankment was a tilting building with ‘ Wines from the Wood ’ in flaking gold letters arced across its glass .
16 The regional award went to the Northern region — for its good programme of events , good communications and for tackling difficult issues .
17 Britain had extensive non-European links to the Empire-Commonwealth , which were practical as well as emotional .
18 There is no stabilized figure corresponding to the later producer or director , who does not really appear in theatre until the late nineteenth century .
19 Despite its shattering defeat in 1931 the Labour Party had established itself as the dominant political force opposed to the Conservative Party , as the unchallenged controller of local government on the major coalfields and as the Party to which the great majority of trade-union officials gave their loyalty .
20 The Labour administration elected to the Greater London Council in 1981 was committed to an extensive programme of economic intervention , to be supported by economic research on a larger scale than previously experienced in local government and with radically new approaches to generating and implementing policy .
21 The publication of a book by a private citizen led to the breaking-off of diplomatic relations .
22 The Arundel-trained colt came to the course having shown up so well on his home gallops that he held a Royal Ascot date .
23 Strong opposition remained to the growth of state interference .
24 Perhaps one should keep a picture of hideous confusion pinned to the kitchen door in the same way as slimmers keep a fat photo taped to the fridge as a deterrent to snacking .
25 The European Commission has decided that the state aid offered to Digital Equipment Corp at its Scottish plant in Ayr conforms with Community rules , the Irish Department of Enterprise & Employment has had to admit : in a letter to the department , Brussels said ‘ The Commission , with regard to information provided by the UK authorities , considers the regional aid granted to the Ayr plant is in conformity with Community rules and the aid received is within the limits approved by the Commission for this region ’ ; the Irish government had asked for a review of state aid to DEC after it decided to transfer some operations from Galway to Ayr .
26 More and more we are beginning to suspect that a similar situation may also occur with other conditions and that the suppression of symptoms with palliative therapy leads to the development , perhaps even years later , of more serious complaints .
27 Shadows wavered backwards through the green railings and down on to the sunken slipway leading to the chain-ferry .
28 Expressing this as the differential equation leads to the equation of motion of a Maxwell unit
29 Although we have argued that the patent vein metasomatism observed in the Bultfontein peridotites represents a discrete , short-lived episode corresponding to the eruption of the Cretaceous group I kimberlites , we emphasize that alkaline volcanism on the Kaapvaal craton has occurred periodically since the Archaean era .
30 First , the mother lacked parenting skills which had given rise to emotional harm caused to the children .
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