Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although it was probably inevitable that whatever the political flavour of the government of the day some form of national pattern of cash limits would have had to applied to expenditure on public sector higher education , 4 the practical effects of this political decision turned out to be both complex and capricious , and had two important consequences .
2 Early government line , from Michael Portillo , the Treasury chief secretary , to Widdecombe , was that there was categorically no special help and that price rises would ‘ by the normal route feed through into the retail price index ’ .
3 Moving speedily up the Left Bank of the river , General Riemann 's 22nd Reserve Division joined up with von Zwehl 's men , to effect a neat pincer on the French hemmed within the bend of the river at Regneville .
4 Professor John Ashworth , vice-chairman of the committee of vice-chancellors and principals ( CVCP ) , also urged Mr MacGregor to use ‘ a heaven-sent opportunity to go back to the drawing board and look at the entire issue of how students are supported — grants , loans and fees . ’
5 He liked the plain chops and boiled potatoes and greens ; most of all he liked the rice puddings with a well of red jam in the centre and evaporated milk poured on to cool it all .
6 Even a computer-literate user brought up on a different type of mainframe may find the nested screens in CMS and the XEDIT editor offputting at first .
7 Following the conclusion of the Heads of Agreement , we will be available to assist should any issues arise during the due diligence carried out by the acquiror 's accountants .
8 Best hoot of the lot was the gladiatorial look dreamt up for Spurs by Jimmy Jumble .
9 As I have already noted , some kind of political change goes on at all times , produced by the succession of generations , the rise and fall of dynasties , competition among various social groups , economic and cultural developments , changing external circumstances , and more idiosyncratic factors , which can only be understood fully through detailed historical studies .
10 So my visits to the Ainsworth home were frequent but undemanding , and I had ample opportunity to look out for the little cat which had intrigued me .
11 He made it possible for the duke and his eight-months pregnant duchess to rush back from Germany to Kensington Palace for the birth , putting up the royal cavalcade at his home in Shooter 's Hill on the way .
12 A narrow stairway led up to the third floor where an unmarked door opened onto a plush modern office reception area with a deep-pile fawn carpet dotted with pot plants .
13 Then at last , desperate , Alexandra had leaned towards her nearest neighbour , a pale aristocratic child with thin mouse-coloured hair tied up in blue ribbons and said , meaning only to establish identity , ‘ Who is your father ? ’
14 But Joseph was now resigned to moving to the reservation , saying : ‘ It required a strong heart to stand up against such talk , but I urged my people to be quiet , and not to begin a war . ’
15 It informs Flashman of the dire consequences of the club 's financial predicament , recommending that the controversial chairman sells out to a consortium as quickly as possible .
16 In Conspiration Nizan ironically refers to school life as a barrack-room existence cut off from the reality of the outside world .
17 The ace cyclist went along to the Glover 's Lane Surgery in Netherton to start a week of Health Promotion events .
18 Train driver Graham Lumsden , of Duke Street , Hartlepool , said he was driving the train from Port Clarence to Thornaby and was approaching the North Shore signal box , about a quarter-of-a-mile north of Stockton station , when he saw a dark-haired male dash out from some bushes and place his head on the line .
19 In the following year , indeed , Joan of Arc was captured at Compiègne and in May 1431 , after what was a political trial carried out under ecclesiastical rules , she was condemned and burned at Rouen .
20 If this bracing action is not achieved at the top of the backswing , it will be caused either by the right foot folding over on its side during the backswing , or the right knee moving out of alignment with the toes , before or when you arrive at the top of the swing .
21 The specific provision edged up from £551 million to £563 million .
22 I was lying in the middle of a green lane clutching a bunch of dandelions , my fingers gummy with the pungent milk oozing out of the squashed stems .
23 RIGHT Mandarin comes back to a hero 's welcome .
24 I think also that aspersions were cast , as asides , on the true soldierly qualities of Sgt York , and hence on all American soldiers , and a three-way fight broke out among the French-Canadian , American and British , to a background drone of German bombers wending their weary way to or from London , or circling in a desultory fashion prior to dumping their bombs with a dull thud on the surrounding countryside .
25 He wanted his personal belief and his professional expertness to come out as a single attribute .
26 Shortly after this point the road becomes little more than a bridle path or cart track which , however , provides an intriguing pass-walk of about 4 hours duration over the Pragel Pass to Richisau 's alpine pasture leading down to the beautiful Klontal valley in the canton of Glarus .
27 She was small , obviously frail , with silvery-white hair drawn back from her face and secured in a knot at the nape of her neck .
28 She shook her head as if she had been swimming , and complete consciousness came back to her .
29 Russell turned to Dexter with a look of surprise and irritation , as if he were a complete stranger butting in on a private conversation — which indeed was just how the sergeant felt .
30 ‘ And the villagers let a complete stranger drive off with a machine that could play music from the future … ’
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