Example sentences of "[adj] [that] [pron] have [be] " in BNC.

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1 It became clear that nothing had been gained by removing the prince , especially as another ruler had now to be found .
2 I can not comment on details of the negotiations because I do not know the details of what is actually happening today , but it is quite clear that we have been arguing that matters affecting foreign policy should continue to be decided under the auspices of intergovernmental co-operation .
3 In one of the central episodes in the novel , Humberto not only cuckolds his employer , but fathers on his wife the heir whom the oligarch himself has never been able to engender , and it is only subsequently that it becomes clear that what has been narrated as a factual account of events is , in reality , no more than a fantasy in which he simultaneously avenges his social humiliation and effects the incorporation of the humble Peñaloza line into the oligarchy .
4 His speech made clear that he had been brought reluctantly to much the same view as his Director of Propaganda .
5 ‘ They pretended that Paul was hit by a ricochet , but the evidence was clear that he 'd been hit by a direct shot .
6 It is clear that he has been speaking for some time .
7 It was clear that she 'd been taking him for a ride , in that there was no ride in it for him at the end of the process .
8 It was clear that there had been an implicit agreement to hold back output until a higher price was fixed .
9 The distribution of the wreckage was such that from the position of the outer wing panels more than two kilometres from the main wreckage it was clear that there had been a structural failure of both wings in the air .
10 Yet , despite Mrs Thatcher 's resolutely ‘ gung-ho ’ attitude , it was increasingly clear that there had been a general shift in Britain 's stance on Iran and the whole of the Middle East .
11 The Palace statement said the Queen 's action had been brought ‘ to make clear that there had been a breach of Her Majesty 's rights in the matter ’ .
12 It now seems clear that there had been intense military activity near Loughgall before last night 's shooting , as one eye witness recounts :
13 It is clear that there have been profound changes in North Shields since the mid-1970s .
14 If Japan represents one possible path towards postmodernity , it is clear that there have been winners and losers in this development .
15 It is also clear that there have been long-term shifts in priorities as the cuts became permanent .
16 ‘ A paragraph or two would do it , make it clear that you 've been unfairly treated .
17 Even if it is clear that you have been dismissed , the precise date when your employment comes to an end may be unclear .
18 It seemed to be of horsemen having a nice peaceful ride in the wood — picnickers , almost — until I discovered the animal , when it became perfectly clear that it had been a hunting scene all along .
19 In the first place it was clear that it had been a mistake to let Alexei know that his transfer away from the Praetorian Guard had been requested — because if the boy was looking for an excuse for his antagonism , then the one with which he had just been presented was perfect .
20 They were slightly embarrassed that he had been left out , but had agreed at the time that there was no sense in phoning him at home because he would have nothing useful to say .
21 Yeah , just as a , as a side issue , I am interested that they 've been growing plum tomatoes because each year I hear of more and more people growing plum tomatoes successfully in this country and while we are just on the subject of diseases and things to control them , you may remember that a few weeks ago we were giving advice on how we should dispose of waste garden chemicals and , and we said you ought to pour it down an outside drain .
22 Christopher Hill had always acknowledged that it was doubtful that there had been a Ranter organisation and difficult to define what ‘ the Ranters ’ as a group believed as opposed to individuals whose views came to be labelled as Ranters .
23 I am afraid that I have been indiscreet . ’
24 I warn the House — I am afraid that I have been an awful bore in continually pointing this out — that , as we extend the concept of health care out into the community , we shall find more and more unsatisfied demands that have not previously been recognised .
25 I am afraid that he has been far from well for several months .
26 It must be because they are historic that they have been left standing .
27 The American legal system is so odd that I 've been told I could get Tristram deported in my custody .
28 It really should not strike you as odd that I have been enquiring into your affairs — if I may so phrase it .
29 Although this is the first recorded instance of a private undertaker being used by the royal household it is possible that they had been previously involved in some small way in royal funerals , for it is doubtful that the College of Arms provided coffins and it would seem probable that they contracted this out to the trade , to people such as William Russell — indeed , could it have been Russell who provided the coffin for Queen Mary in late December 1694 ?
30 It was possible that he had forgotten to switch it off last night or that he was at work early , but it was also possible that there had been an intruder .
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