Example sentences of "[adj] [adv prt] in [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Times I 've , I 've sat up at the window trying to wa watch her coming round two o'clock in the morning hoping that he 's fallen asleep down in the armchair .
2 You know you are due down in the shop .
3 He did not look up until he was right down in the station ; and it was a sound that made him look up .
4 It must be pretty old , it 's right down in the chalk and yellower than my old Roman ring . ’
5 I took Tim to the match one Easter Monday they played Luton in league match , and Ted played , the old Ipswich player , and we go absolutely , it rained , hailed , blew , and we got home soaked to the skin you know , and er it seems to make you feel better if they win you know , but if you sort of put up with those sort of things and they , they lose it 's makes you feel right down in the dumps , but when they get promoted like they did last time it 's remarkable , it 's been remarked about this aspect , that people in local industry seem to work harder , and it seems to be a boost in general local traders make shop window displays and it seems to be a boost to the town in general and give a lift to the town if you like
6 She had undergone a sea-change into something rich and strange down in the depths of Lucifer .
7 I think what 's happened the moon is is either set already or it 's so low down in the sky we ca n't see it because the buildings and things are in the way .
8 I 'm literally wet through in the night , I was !
9 It was high up in a tree , its back part and hind legs caught in a fork of two branches .
10 Mandy was telling us , you know , about one of her friends she erm her husband was very high up in a company and he went to work one day and they called him in the office and says right , you ai n't got a job !
11 The red light that shines out from high up in the nave roofing indicates the position of a True Nail held in a glass reliquary at the centre of a crucifix .
12 The window of the charge room was high up in the wall , but through it Wycliffe could distinctly hear the strident voice of a woman teacher talking to her class .
13 He was high up in the syndicate , which tied him in to Truro Daine .
14 They must have been high up in the tree , leaves .
15 Er , but I mean clearly the , the debt and the guarantees are paid down first and so for the reason we are high up in the pecking order , because we provided the er , the loans and the guarantees .
16 what they are doing you see , an authorized dealer , well even a non-authorized dealer get hold of a piece of kit and then somebody say want this system , right okay , and they just have a big load of forms for maintenance agreements and all they do the dealer 'll go along and put this kit in , B T 'll come along and say yeah that conforms to regulations , sign here , the customer er sign here , the dealer send the maintenance agreement to us , we signed it , send it back , we 've never even seen it , then we turn up and find that the main control unit 's high up in the attic or in a damp cellar , in a cupboard where you ca n't see it , there 's no light and stuff like that and we 're taking jobs on like that and it you know , it 's just impossible to work on them
17 If he 'd been born an American he 'd have been high up in the CIA — and still informing Moscow … ’
18 He subsequently er went to work at the Berlick in latter years and , and this man was just sweeping-up at the Berlick and I could n't believe it cos he was so high up in the technology in the war and he 'd be a dental mechanic and he 'd come down to just being a sweeper-up , and he used to show me the pay packets he 'd got in the war and you know it was fantastic money even , even by today 's standards this is going back fifteen years
19 Jesuit leaders said , however , that those on trial had been " scapegoats " and that the search had to continue for those high up in the military who had masterminded the operation .
20 I think Shrewsbury have done very very well , they conceded a goal very early on in the game and they could have gone to pieces but they gathered themselves together , got back in the game with a goal from and they 've done themselves proud so far .
21 Under the Enquiry Rule Procedures we actually are required to submit a statement that was placed very early on in the process and indeed the work by it to see that a safe and greater .
22 And if I ring him we get cut off in the middle of the call . ’
23 I 've just spent six months in Cottonvale and I mean its degrading , I mean cos your locked up in a cell from eight o'clock at night till six o'clock in the morning and your not got any toilet facilities you 've got to use a potty if you want to go to the toilet and it is degrading , I mean there 's people in there , well I was a first offender the first time I was in , but I mean there 's people in there seventeen year old that have n't a clue about life in general and it is degrading for them .
24 Sam 's boat was one of the last to sail in between the old forts , and Harry , who was standing at the end of the stone quay in order to crow over the birth of his son and demand payment of his winnings , saw with a twinge of jealousy that Gristy 's ketch was well down in the water .
25 It was at Oakridge Lynch , close by the junction of the Whiteway and Broadways , an unusual place for such a large mill , the majority of its brethren being well down in the valley bottoms .
26 our defence is among the best in world ( 3 goals conceded in 8 world cup qualifiers so far ) and our midfield ( 5 players ) is also quite good — a good blend of techies — Bohinen and Mykland has to be two of the best ever technical players to emerge from norw. futba , Flo is ‘ quite ’ good up in the air , Halle is stable as is Rekdal who also got a powerful shot ( as shown on Wembley : - ) ) .
27 I assume Keegan and Francis are also well up in the betting .
28 thought bream to be the culprits , but could n't be sure because so far I had not seen any prime out in the swim to indicate they were , in fact , present there .
29 Trouble is I go into such a deep sleep I ca n't wake up in the morning if I do , you know , take the herbal stuff , I , I 'm flat out in the morning , ca n't wake up .
30 I left him to his problems because it was coming up to the time when Emil had said the crew should board the train , and I was due back in the coffee shop .
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