Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] the more [adj] " in BNC.

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1 By dressing up deprivation in this spatial vocabulary it is possible to hide the more unpalatable realities of economic restructuring , redundancy and exploitation .
2 It is interesting to compare the more rural structure of the farm house with the elegant tiny gallery of the manor house at Hodge Hill , nearby , remembering that all women were spinsters and produced wool , flax and silk on their wheels , according to their needs .
3 Thus we have the permitting conditions : the lack of parental control which might have brought the youth into more conventional alignments rather than setting him free to explore the more extravagant possibilities of a sporting career .
4 Culture is so often used to justify nationalism today perhaps because people are a little embarrassed to give the more traditional grounds for believing in the existence of nations : the idea that nations are characterized by common biological descent , ethnic origin or race .
5 These butterflies are so quick and easy to make the more enthusiastic amongst you will probably want to try your hand at producing various named species !
6 You are more likely to hear the more anodyne : personal authority , or influence .
7 The network was designed to meet the needs of the international travellers out of America , who , at that time , were those who were likely to use the more upmarket hotels and restaurants , and so the network was established at the top end of the market .
8 Private citizens were also quick to adopt the more decorative motifs of imperial monuments .
9 It is , of course , possible to use the more restrictive bounds given by Walpole for the case of random orientation .
10 Even so the British were able to dilute the more extreme American demands for their integration into Western Europe , for the introduction of American managerial methods , and for trade liberalization .
11 Even though the old man himself is supposed to have rebuked one of his more imaginative pupils with the phrase : ‘ There are times when a cigar is only a cigar ’ , his disciples have generally been reluctant to embrace the more prosaic and parsimonious explanations for life 's little difficulties .
12 It is important to exclude the more obvious infective causes by a thorough microbiological examination and , once this has been done , advice on the use of artificial lubricants is enough to break the vicious circle in many cases .
13 This proportionality holds strictly only at low levels of total occupancy because at high levels of blockage less of the RNA polymerase probe is able to reach the more downstream sites .
14 Even if the catechisms of ‘ correct thought ’ are updated and find new roots , and old upbeat endings are set to more popular and contemporary tunes , they will not be able to generate the more intricate models or maps which are required to confront successfully the types of racism which are evidenced by our two transcripts .
15 Some of the most distinguished scientists at the Metropolitan Laboratory were women and Dalgliesh , recognizing in himself an old-fashioned sensitivity which he certainly would n't have confessed to them , was always glad when it was possible to remove the more horrific bodies before they arrived to track and photograph the bloodstains and supervise the collection of samples .
16 It is one of the unhappy paradoxes of the Whitehall market-place that it reacts to the goad of strong , abrasive ministers like Duncan Sandys , whose revolutionary ideas it detests , and yet is slow to implement the more balanced , evolutionary policies of a Harold Watkinson , for which it craves .
17 The decision comes against a background of growing concern , in Latin America and elsewhere in the developing world , that poorer countries are being used as a dumping ground by companies keen to avoid the more stringent regulations governing toxic waste in force in industrialized states .
18 In the second place , Thatcher is surely right to attach the more grandiose unification plans .
19 He must be encouraged to bascule over them so that he is ready to jump the more demanding and athletic type fences he is bound to encounter later on .
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