Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] the most [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I visualise a matrix even more subtle to taste the most intangible fruit of the soul ; and one day men will fall heir to a Golconda of the most beautiful emotions and joys , and from being mere trappers and hunters we shall become harvesters .
2 But the effect left in the mind by this UK and USA reservation is unfortunate : it suggests , rightly or wrongly , that these nuclear powers are prepared to support the most elaborate codification limiting the use of conventional force , but at the same time want to keep their hands completely free so far as nuclear weapons use is concerned .
3 Employers should be free to recruit the most suitable workers and not be restricted from doing so by legislation or regulation . ’
4 As to claims that religious education was inadequate , he pledged the Movement ‘ to investigate any individual case referred to them ’ and promised ‘ to leave no stone unturned to make the most satisfactory arrangements possible , .
5 Accurate identification of molluscs is a skilled business , and there is a vast literature describing fossil species , but it is easy to recognize the most important types preserved in fossils .
6 Nevertheless , it is possible to combine the most feasible aspects of a number of these theories into a reasonably coherent explanation of football hooliganism .
7 Of all these factors ( 1 , 2 and 3 above ) is it possible to select the most important cause(s) of an event or idea in the long or short term ?
8 Erm , I think these refugees are likely to include the most enterprising , the best trained and so on , they 'll be a grave loss to the Soviet economy , erm , but I think they 're a potential gain to us and er , I do n't think that , I think therefore we should make arrangements to try and absorb them if we can and , and let them contribute as they undoubtedly will to our own economies .
9 Assuming that the organ is likely to remain the most common instrument for worship , the Commission urges parishes and dioceses to set up schemes to encourage people to learn the organ .
10 ‘ It is a bedrock of traditional liberalism to build on and it is here that we are likely to see the most substantial progress of all .
11 For the purposes of this study , we will be focusing more on videoconferencing using digital links such as digital telephone lines because it is here we are likely to see the most rapid developments .
12 Are you likely to find the most copious quantities of conditioning in the swimming pool ?
13 As the most prestigious sector of the economy , the military sphere is also likely to attract the most ambitious and competent engineers , scientists and managers .
14 A regional or supraregional service within a wider service for inherited metabolic disease is likely to provide the most effective approach .
15 Nevertheless , on the basis of the displayed image the middle value was likely to give the most accurate result ( see Figures – .
16 What we did at that point , was to get together a task force of people to examine the idea and where it was going : the people doing the work and the people who were likely to understand the most likely market — put them together in one room to reason their way through to the fact that we really ought to drop the project .
17 The sole task of the Convention will be " to consider what provision for the government of Northern Ireland is likely to command the most widespread acceptance throughout the whole community . "
18 They 're hardly likely to have the most tolerant or liberal attitudes are they !
19 On the other , the uncertainties of war are likely to need the most sensitive political response in terms of the Cabinet 's relations with party , Parliament and public .
20 In such a case , it is hard to prioritise the most worrying behaviour but the ABC analysis provides some ideas .
21 And nineteen eighty two may serve as a suitable reminder for us as we seek to identify those likely to make the most significant contributions in the future .
22 It is possible to determine the most appropriate sub-disciplinary research method for each area , or at least those techniques most often used .
23 At first glance it also looks like the perfect market of classic economic theory , where all potential buyers and sellers are simultaneously in touch with each other and able to agree the most acceptable price to meet their requirements .
24 But not even Barnes could break down a Springbok side able to absorb the most intense pressure and punish every error .
25 Mr Lloyd said yesterday : ‘ My duty is to get the management able to provide the most constructive and positive regime for prisoners and to secure the best value for money .
26 ‘ We have now been able to establish the most efficient operational procedure to be followed , ’ said Natasha , ‘ and this has been set up to ensure the highest standards of quality and productivity . ’
27 Word spread that he was producing custom-build detectors able to meet the most demanding requirements , and the foundations of the Garrett legend had been laid .
28 When selecting other census counts to profile a local market , it is important to choose the most useful of the 10,000 or so available counts .
29 It means we 've been able to choose the most appropriate hardware for the job .
30 If they are to succeed as stealthy hunters , they must be able to detect the most minute rustlings and squeaks , and must be able to distinguish precise direction and distance to pinpoint their intended victims .
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