Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] the same [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is pleasant to see the same easy charm , quiet confidence and obliging manner re-establish itself in the new generation of ownership .
2 This is because such households would find themselves holding more money on average to finance the same total value of transactions .
3 Then she began to feel anxious , for she could sense that Fontana was getting set to make the same impossible leap .
4 Acquaintances say it is hard to believe the same charming woman they knew is now a convicted IRA terrorist .
5 If it is possible to use the same basic pattern for a number of guides , this has the advantage of both saving the librarian 's time and making it easier for the user to transfer search techniques from one discipline to another .
6 The mixture of adulation and censure with which seamen were regarded continued to provide the same rich harvest for the sentimental and the censorious .
7 Although Gaumont-British also declared a loss in 1937 , of £98,000 , Balcon 's departure from the company was precipitated by the prospect of Maxwell , a man whose production philosophy he abhorred , taking a stake in the company , and a general sense that he was n't going to be able to continue the same broad-based production policy as before .
8 ‘ Drivers want to be able to put the same smart card in a holder ( or a different card in the same holder ) whether driving in the Netherlands or on a French autoroute , ’ says Ian Catling , a member of an EC group which is ensuring that electronic Babel is avoided on the roads .
9 And until a company has the volumes , it will not be able to get the same good terms from suppliers .
10 The East India Company might have liked to have been able to take the same detached attitude as the Hudson 's Bay Company .
11 If Harry were ever to know how she felt , he would never again be able to show the same natural affection , albeit of a brotherly nature , which was all she had of his heart .
12 ‘ It is impractical to repeat the same unchanged dose of a remedy once , not to mention its frequent repetition ( and at short intervals in order not to delay the cure ) .
13 Mountbatten attempted to persuade the Dutch to adopt the same liberal policy he had followed in Burma .
14 The women who spoke to Margaret Irwin were themselves inclined to adopt the same low value of their work that they heard expressed by the men .
15 My officers find it frustrating to see the same persistant thieves out and about .
16 Hence , it is possible to guarantee the same perfect result time after time .
17 With only a few exceptions all those aged 18 or over are liable to pay the same basic charge .
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