Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] the [adj] party " in BNC.

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1 The Party had adopted the principle of complete control over its Parliamentary spokesmen , but the stage had been reached where the MPs were prepared to re-enter the Labour Party rather than be instructed on their actions .
2 There is no way that any party , there is no way that the Liberal party can say to the Labour party or to anyone else , well we 'll support you , we think you 're getting in a mess but it 's your problem , you can carry it because that roughly is what they actually said and if it does go wrong , as it is sure that it will I am quite sure that it will be quite wrong to blame the Labour party entirely for that process , because it wo n't be entirely their fault .
3 ‘ Is it democratic to declare the Lithuanian party independent without a referendum of party members ? ’
4 Because the polls , and therefore the program , are likely to shortchange the minor parties , and because the minor parties are most likely to make gains at the Conservatives ' expense , the program is liable to project somewhat too high a level of Tory parliamentary support .
5 Nevertheless , the veto was widely denounced as politically partisan , on the basis that any overall increase in registration was thought likely to favour the Democratic Party .
6 Promises of a new bullet train here , a relief road there , let alone an airport or large tourist attraction , are clearly likely to favour the ruling party in dozens of marginal constituencies .
7 The British people have in the past found them rather more powerful than the corporations which are popularly supposed to finance the Conservative party .
8 Progress on the restoration of Glenburrell Bridge was reviewed by Mr Tim Wallace ; in particular he reminded members that volunteers were always most welcome to join the working party at the bridge .
9 ‘ I am no more likely to privatise the health service than I am likely to join the Labour Party , ’ he said .
10 However , if the third party were informed of the agreement and assented thereto , a novation could be implied , effective to bind the third party .
11 There seems no point in pretending that he was reluctant to serve the Tory Party in this way , though it added to his unpopularity with the younger Liberals .
12 He was able to address the Eleventh Party Congress in August that year and emphasised the need for ‘ less empty talk and more hard work ’ ( quoted in Benewick and Wingrove 1988 : 14 ) .
13 Parties to commercial contracts tend not to terminate the contract even in cases of breach of condition , but will normally be happy to allow the other party to make good any breach .
14 It seemed that a major factor in being granted access , was that I was able to convince the deciding parties that the research would be ‘ useful ’ for practitioners .
15 The AT , on the other hand , wanted the groups to continue as an association with individual members of each group able to join the new party if they wished .
16 Well I have to say straight away that I 've erm worked on a Council with the Labour Party in opposition with us , and now with the Labour Party in Government with us with us a very small group , and I have to say it 's much preferable to have the Labour Party in power than to have the Conservative Party in power as far as we 're concerned , because at local level the sort of things that we want to do — providing better services , caring of people , all those sort of things — we do n't disagree .
17 The realisation that it was important to defend democracy , and that it was difficult to dodge the Labour Party , forced many to consider transforming the constitution of the party so that the leadership in Parliament was more accountable to the party outside .
18 Reading right-wing papers also made people more inclined to believe the Conservative Party had convincing policies and was likely to keep its promises , that Kinnock was neither decisive , nor trustworthy , nor a good leader of a team , and especially that he could not be relied upon to stand up for British interests against the USSR .
19 Pipkin was advancing to summon the next party .
20 Where photographs are to be produced it is usual to ask the other parties to admit their authenticity .
21 There is , as has been said , all party support for the Children Act and it is nice to see the Labour Party agreeing with Conservative legislation , as with the care in the community , asking us to rush our legislation , so it makes a change for us to be united on something .
22 It was necessary to resist the Labour Party 's discipline and to attack its structure and policy , rather than to attempt to become Part of it .
23 It was no longer necessary to upstage the Green Party ; and it was becoming harder , too , to find a straightforward , easily defined green issue on which to challenge the Tories .
24 It would be almost certain to give the strongest party not a majority of seats , but only a plurality , thus rendering it incapable of governing without the support or at least the consent of one other party .
25 The problem is to determine the degree of intensity necessary to allow the third party to make some valid claim , or for the parties to bring a claim against it .
26 The caution was prompted by a desire not to seem anxious to dominate the fledgeling party .
27 The Forum of the Democratic Right ( FPD — which had split from the Democratic Union in September — see p. 39106 ) , the Republican Coalition and the Upper Silesia and Zaglebie Conservative-Liberal Group on Dec. 6 merged to form the Conservative Party ( PK ) .
28 ( 3 ) If the party tendering the document did what was reasonably sufficient to give the other party notice of the conditions , and if the other party knew that there was writing or printing on the document , but did not know that it contained conditions , then the conditions will become the terms of the contract between them .
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