Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [noun pl] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Also , it will be possible to transmit instructions concerning money .
2 Thus it should be possible to monitor changes in admission practices , to understand the mechanisms of change during medical education and beyond , and to provide long-term validation data for the process of selection itself .
3 It is therefore possible to see movements in interest rates in the money markets as a whole in advance of changes led by the Bank of England .
4 It must be possible to write sections of text to external files without change to the original and to insert text from external sources at any desired position .
5 Still , it is sometimes possible to infer alterations over time , and one direct conclusion that can be drawn is that part , at least , of landlords ' rationale was economic : within a situation affected by such non-economic factors as pious donations , landlords organised estates and renders to maximise resources .
6 It is possible to provide examples of policy patterns ( such as provision for the disabled ) varying considerably across the country .
7 For what it is worth , I think he may be right because it is possible to find objects in space from remembered information .
8 The validity of official statistics on suicide has often been questioned ; some critics have claimed that different national suicide rates reflect the extent to which coroners in those countries are prepared to categorize deaths as suicide , rather than real national differences in propensity to suicide .
9 Senior officers say more and more criminals are prepared to carry firearms in cash raids .
10 Armies so non-national and drawn so largely from the lowest strata of the social pyramid were prone to lose men by desertion .
11 The fear now is that banks will start to compete by driving commission rates lower and lower until they are prepared to arrange issues at break-even or worse .
12 Since it is one of the most natural of all pleasures , the Church should not be afraid to provide opportunities for enjoyment of it in worship .
13 The Department pledges its support to staff who work within the spirit of the Guidelines set out in this document , and will make it clear that as a Department we are not prepared to accept threats of intimidation and violence from that small number of clients who use such methods to manipulate their social environment or evade responsibility for their behaviour .
14 Trial conduct : Supplier 's staff should be prepared to accept restrictions on access during the trial to prevent distortion and for planned visits to be controlled to cover specific aspects previously agreed .
15 In the survey already mentioned , more than half the parents questioned appeared willing to provide funds for school needs , materials and maintenance .
16 It is sometimes said that the dissident minority in the Cabinet , led by Henderson , were not willing to accept cuts in unemployment benefit .
17 This new sense of topographical security left him free to explore theories about art , the novel in particular , and see his writing as more than ‘ mere journeywork ’ .
18 Psychologically , it is sound to award points for success .
19 The problem with such a view is that as between the members in general , the various non-profit interests and aspirations are likely to conflict and members will undoubtedly differ in the extent to which they are prepared to forego profits in order to see them fulfilled .
20 Given their virtually unlimited powers to dictate what a dissenting group may or may not be allowed to do , there is a danger that police will prove less willing to negotiate arrangements with protest organisers , preferring to impose conditions as the law allows .
21 These factors may be grammatical ; for instance it is ungrammatical to put verbs in theme position in English , though not in Arabic or Spanish .
22 The distributors say they 're prepared to give refunds for safety 's sake .
23 Students should apply direct to appropriate centres in order to enrol on a distance learning or correspondence programme .
24 It was wrong to do things in life and not enjoy them .
25 Be prepared to abandon lines of enquiry which are not producing results that will easily meet your deadline .
26 The Inland Revenue attempts to maximise revenue , and are prepared to negotiate terms with tax offenders .
27 An alternative , which operated in the UK from 1925 — 31 , is that the central bank is not prepared to convert banknotes into gold for domestic residents but is willing to convert such paper into gold for foreigners .
28 Hoe the beds , weekly to keep weeds under control
29 Hence they will not substitute their views as to the proper management of a company but they are prepared to articulate standards of review which are designed to catch self-dealing on the part of managers .
30 By 1755 serious friction had developed between England and France over their respective Far Eastern and North American colonies , and it was rapidly learned in London that the French had , though reluctantly , decided that only a major invasion of England itself could force the English to keep ships at home or bring them back from overseas .
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