Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [det] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Apparently she was not prepared to risk this for the sake of pleading Russell 's cause .
2 Is Synod willing to take this for the general assembly as a nomination for erm if she agrees to nomination for moderator general assembly .
3 She shook her head not willing to admit that for a moment she had thought he was Craig .
4 It seems possible to suggest that for a sultan already disposed toward examining and reorganizing the institutions of state , pride in his newly-built medreses , as well as simply the fact of their existence , might well have acted as a strong spur to him to impose some sort of order upon and , implicitly , control over-the learned institution .
5 Nor is the sale of BR 's divisions likely to raise much for the Treasury .
6 While by 1986 the government itself conceded some of these criticisms , it flatly rejected calls for the abolition of capital controls and put forward proposals which , if introduced , seem likely to maintain these for the foreseeable future ( Paying for Local Government , ch. 6 ) .
7 She 's only supposed to take that for a week at a time Tom .
8 It was more practicable to do this for a district or industry , since firm-by-firm bargaining was precluded for want of suitable union organisation to bring together all employees at the workplace .
9 That is a question I am afraid that is impossible to answer at this stage , that wo n't be known until he 's had a thorough investigation by the surgeons at the hospital who er probably wo n't be able to answer that for a day or two yet .
10 That is , it is important to remember that for every year from 1966 to 1983 , only two years , 1979 and 1983 , were characterized by net immigration ; in all other years more people left Britain than entered ( Gordon and Klug , 1985 , p. 22 ) .
11 Erm if they , if you 've got a heavy mortgage , and I 'm not suggesting that many of you will have a heavy mortgage , it 's not a bad thing when you 're retiring to fix a rate , because we 've not been able to do that for a long time .
12 First thing is that they would n't actually be able to do that for the reasons you 've stated .
13 In its wisdom , the Community felt able to do that for the Iberian peninsula a few years ago and it would be right and proper for it to do something analogous for the central European countries .
14 Whatever happens , the TV viewer of the future looks likely to be presented with a bewildering array of alternative television systems , that are unlikely to do much for the sales of HDTV or any other wide-screen television .
15 You will then know what a healthy weight-loss diet is for you and be able to follow this for a further two weeks , or longer if necessary .
16 Are we looking for freshness and flavour , or are we happy to forgo these for the headier feeling that longevity might be achieved if we avoid imbibing pesticide residues .
17 Desmond Bonney has been able to show this for the Enford area of Wiltshire , where the territory of each small settlement can be tentatively defined , even though most of their boundaries never emerge as more than tithing arrangements , if that .
18 It is important to note that for a variety of reasons clauses of this kind have been heavily criticized .
19 Sir , — My first reaction on reading the reader 's question , ‘ No tea with the taxman ’ ( ACCOUNTANCY , October , p 80 ) , was one of hilarity that a member should feel it necessary to complain that for a meeting lasting as long as ‘ about two hours ’ the member and client were not offered refreshments .
20 For our purposes , it is sufficient to note that for the majority of economists , the use of these concepts of surplus is a legitimate way of analysing the benefits ( and losses ) that arise under differing competitive conditions .
21 By virtue of Theorem 1 it is sufficient to prove this for the case when P is an x-IF/ALT program .
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