Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It was obviously advantageous to record those events and the aftermath as quickly as possible to preserve them for the benefit of those who came after us .
2 7 It 's terrific to see her without the bars between us. 8 She sits eating the treat food at the opening to the door and looking at me. 9 How does she know to look into my eyes and not at the huge finger next to her .
3 The outer leaves are very important for the effect of the painting , especially against the sky , whereas it is possible to lose myself in the inner masses to some extent .
4 When questions , for example on morbidity , had been validated in the General Household Survey , it would be possible to include them in the Resource Allocation Survey .
5 Through this it is possible to orient oneself amidst the various schools and to make sense of the anonymous drawings , which constitute the majority . ’
6 And I was sorry to miss you at the Keppels 's thrash ; I hope that you are recovered ?
7 At Aintree he beat The Thinker just over seven lengths and is due to meet him on the same terms , although Jimmy Frost , his rider , may put up a pound or two more than the minimum 10st .
8 ‘ Harry said he was due to meet someone in the boathouse , so we went over there . ’
9 ‘ I am extremely sorry to inform you of the death of poor Mary Flint — the haemorrhage from the stomach had ceased for nearly a week in consequence of which her other symptoms became aggravated .
10 That is why you have someone with a clapperboard at the start of each take : to make it possible to find everything in the whole length of film .
11 If there was no shot in or among the human remains , in the cavities of the skull for instance , would it be possible to find it in the soil , among the sand and gravel and pine needles ?
12 However , it is possible to discover something about the relationship between clause structure and the processing of written language by using a subject-paced reading task .
13 Far away we can hear the noise of the wind forcing its way up some narrow gully then bursting free to hurl itself across the plateau we crossed yesterday .
14 Dr Mackintosh had left for the weekend , but Dr Lange , the literary one , would be free to see him in the morning .
15 I had needed to break our journey north int he capital to see someone in the tourist board 's head office .
16 They were prepared to hit me on the head , were n't they ? ’
17 ‘ Quite a lot of people , ’ said Maisie acidly , ‘ are prepared to hit you on the head . ’
18 Negotiations continue but no clear way forward has yet presented itself , the Cooking Centre is zoned for housing and there is little prospect that the Region would be prepared to acquire it at the residential land value — £150,000 .
19 UK airlines are not sponsoring pilots at the present time , but the school is attracting an increasing number of young people , both from this country and abroad , who are prepared to invest something in the order of £50,000 to train as professional pilots …
20 Lord knows what they say to her , but they must be on at her night and day , to get her into a state where she 's afraid to acknowledge me on the phone ! ’
21 Breeze had already heard the family mentioned the day before , at the Vicarage , and was interested to see them in the flesh .
22 It will be interesting to know something of the history too .
23 De Gaulle wanted the agricultural settlement but was not prepared to accept it at the price of giving in to the other five and the Commission on the issues of resourcing and budgetary control .
24 As you will have realised by now this is not a fish for the person with a small community tank , but as long as you are prepared to provide it with the correct conditions , it is perfectly feasible for the novice to keep and breed the fish successfully .
25 Mr Attlee was careful to position himself with the majority view in Cabinet .
26 Solly was prepared to try it in the days when Napes Needles was still ‘ a rattling good ‘ un ’ and you took photos of your mates with plates in a Thornton-Pickard Folding ruby camera .
27 Since Schorne was described in an episcopal record in 1273 as a subdeacon and became an incumbent with cure of souls at that time , it is probably wrong to identify him with the namesake collated by Archbishop John Peckham [ q.v. ] to the rectory of Monks Risborough ( Buckinghamshire ) on 24 September 1289 , a man who had been ordained subdeacon on the title of that benefice just twelve days earlier in Kent .
28 For the most part these arose from the almost heedless manner in which Christians were prepared to identify themselves with the dominant values of secular Roman society .
29 I plan to donate approximately 30 items myself and a friend if willing to help me with the selling .
30 ‘ Who should be free to help me with the food .
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