Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [pron] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 It will also help if the players can hit the iron shots a little higher than usual to enable them to stop the ball on the firm greens .
2 Will representations to other Governments be as strong as possible to encourage them to make the sort of contributions to the know-how fund and to know-how activity that is absolutely crucial for the developing economies in central and eastern Europe , and without which they will never develop democratic politics as well ?
3 He criticised the MPs for ‘ their absolute lack of understanding of the conflict here ’ but said he would be willing to meet them to discuss the letter and other issues .
4 It 's probably unrealistic to expect you to avoid the sun altogether on holiday , but you must use a sunscreen with a factor of at least 15 and not go any lower .
5 If you are not prepared to let me see the original letter then this pretence of cooperation becomes a farce and I see no point in continuing it . ’
6 By September 1938 it was clear that Carl Burckhardt , the Swiss League of Nations High Commissioner , was not prepared to do anything to prevent the drive to Nazify the city , and that he saw his position to be that of ‘ observer ’ or , at most , intermediary .
7 And I must be on top to let him take the full force of the impact .
8 Many graduates could benefit from TOPS courses because their degree courses are often too specialised to allow them to acquire the generalised skills useful in many jobs .
9 chartered surveyors Dear Mr & Mrs Smith I refer to my telephone conversation with Mrs. Smith of 23rd May and write to confirm the terms on which we would be prepared to licence you to occupy the area of garden land adjacent to your property .
10 Okay right so there 's a s there 's a system to what 's going on with the acids and it 's not just one acid like hydrochloric most of the acids will do it some of them do it very readily some of them you have to get the conditions right often you have to get the temperature high to make it to make the reaction go but a metal plus an acid erm there 's a typical one zinc H two S O four gives zinc sulphate and the hydrogen .
11 It would be wrong to make them pay the price of justice — although this might nudge us into remembering that innocent wives and children and other dependents are made to suffer when the state imprisons thousands of working-class men for crimes which are often insignificant compared with corporate crimes .
12 More elaborate designs might use pin headers and sockets so that flying leads can be plugged into the board , making it easy to disconnect them to remove the board for servicing or repair .
13 Moreover , it is impossible to define what constitutes the ‘ appropriate ’ proportion of time which a 5-year-old , or a 7- or 11-year-old , should spend on task in a school day of some five and a half hours .
14 and as you do n't have anything to do with the decorating anyway I do n't know what you 're peeved about you like it before and then you like it after , and you 're quite content to let me do the bit in the middle .
15 As the rough represents the variability around the smoothed line , it is sometimes appropriate to use it to indicate the typical degree of variation around the smoothed curve .
16 The originality of the dress drew a gasp when Beatrice walked into the room , and since he did not dance he was content to watch her dance the tango with a number of admirers .
17 A Witham police spokesman said it was too early to say what caused the accident .
18 On this page we have tried to give you as much help and information as possible to help you discover the real Amsterdam , with excursion and holiday ideas in the city .
19 It is hard to see anything like the controlling hand of a single dominant ideology in all this , given the complex shifts of power and positioning which are in play in these constructions .
20 If Wigan youngster Grindley can produce one impressive lap of the Olympic Stadium in the Golden Gala meeting , selectors seem likely to pick him to run the event in the same arena in a fortnight 's time .
21 To calculate its fictional arm 's length profits , a firm is supposed to assume it pays the same price ( the ‘ transfer price ’ ) for those imported bits that it would have done were it buying them from an unrelated company .
22 ‘ If you have n't already arranged something else , I know Con would be glad to let you have the wedding breakfast here in the Watermen , ’ she added .
23 On the second occasion an inspector recognised his van and re fused to let him unload the stock .
24 ‘ It 's hard to believe we cut the first sod here only 15 months ago , ’ smiles John , who naturally did n't go into a project like this blind-folded .
25 Those who search for something and never find it become dispirited or cynical and eventually it becomes very hard to motivate them to climb the next hill .
26 CARING schoolmates of leukaemia victim Mark Lowry are going bald to stop him feeling the odd man out .
27 At 70mph it is hard to tell what fuels the car , and only at idle , windows down , does the noise start to irritate .
28 Examples of this approach are provided by Srihari and Bozinovic ( 1982 ) and Ullmann ( 1977 ) who developed a probabilistic model of the substitution , deletion and insertion errors that were likely to occur which modified the output from the shape recognition module .
29 Even without rearranging the order of the records in the database , it was considered possible to use them to examine the actual organisation in a manner similar to that of the comparison stage of the SSM , ie by listing all activities and posing questions about their existence and effectiveness in the real situation , at the same time considering information-related problems .
30 However , the difference between the systems of property rights in countries such as Britain , America , Germany , Hong Kong and Indonesia on the one hand and Russia , East Germany , Vietnam and China , is still sufficiently great to enable us to label the former capitalist and the latter socialist .
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