Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [adv] [subord] a " in BNC.

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1 Copper had made a completely recovery , he was as sound as ever although a little on the thin side in an attempt to save his legs .
2 Jurisdiction must involve the power to make a wrong as well as a correct decision .
3 However , the Census is a diachronic as well as a synchronic dataset .
4 However , I can not get excited by them ( and that applies to the passion they generate in a sexual as well as a moralistic sense ) and would certainly not ever describe them as sublime .
5 Despite some evidence to the contrary of Third World women in EOZs organizing fierce resistance to exploitation , of a sexual as well as a general nature , the overwhelming weight of evidence SuppOns the view that most women workers in EOZs , while not necessarily enthralled by their jobs , are glad to have them and much prefer them to the alternatives on offer .
6 Besides being far more satisfactory , it is submitted , from a social as well as a legal-theoretical standpoint , it would provide a framework applicable to all unions .
7 This principle of self-help , of ‘ harambee ’ when applied at school level , may emphasise local differences , may lead to some difficulties over matters of replacement and repair , but , because it emphasises the community 's participation in the education of its children , must be accounted a social as well as a financial good .
8 Handbell ringing has potential as a social as well as a musical activity in church .
9 The steady economic growth and the increasing level of wealth which it generated led to an expansion of commerce whose effects were visible throughout the whole of France , but nowhere more so than in the capital , making it more and more a commercial as well as a political centre .
10 But , of course , rabbits are a commercial as well as a sporting crop and on that basis most efforts at containing their numbers are carried out when the bulk of the rabbits are likely to be mature .
11 interesting as well as a er edible lunch er we 're very pleased now to start away the afternoon session and I 'm particularly pleased to be able to introduce Patricia Routledge , she 's an actress with so many parts in so many media that I 'm not going to make any further introduction , but merely to ask her to come up and speak to us .
12 This contrasts with Derrida 's view of différance which cuts across the distinction between diachrony and synchrony by including a temporal as well as a spatial dimension : elements are seen as part of a chain of relationships which can not be de fined as either diachronic or synchronic and so can not be reduced to the status of an object in the way that synchronically defined structures can .
13 The concept of structure is replaced in Derrida 's writing by the concept of a chain of signification which avoids the dangers implicit in the notion of structure : by being open-ended and non-teleological it does away with any idea of a commanding entity within the system , and by having a temporal as well as a spatial dimension it can not itself be reduced to the status of entity or object .
14 And their preservation was not due to any touristic interest ; for in a real as well as a metaphorical sense , colonial Cuzco was built on their foundations as well as on the backs of the native population .
15 So far as the finger-work or typesetting goes , she is as quick or quicker than a man ? — They say she is more deft and better adapted to it " ( a trade unionist ) .
16 The chance that a random conglomeration of whale cells would swim , let alone swim as fast and efficiently as a whale actually does swim , is negligible .
17 No bread was eatable , for it was as cold and hard as a stone . ’
18 He saw Owen redden with pleasure , and laughed , flinging an arm about his shoulders so forgetfully that it was a worthy as well as a willing sacrifice Owen made for him , containing the pain of the embrace .
19 He was a very confused as well as a very angry man as he pushed open the doors of Briant 's unit , and hurried down the corridor toward the office .
20 It seems that the nine-month gestation period has a psychological as well as a physical reality in human life .
21 It is at this point that the nation state begins to acquire a psychological as well as a purely administrative significance .
22 Positions -65 and -72 are part of an inverted as well as a direct repeat ( Fig. 1 ) .
23 Some general managers of state radio stations are former NBC men or women accustomed to thinking in a national as well as a local context .
24 Texas Instruments Inc claims a 33MHz SuperSparc is equal or better than a 50MHz MIPS R4000 , and twice the stuff of a 50MHz 80486 .
25 However reference is also made to the Smithers and Griffin ( 1986 ) study which indicated that nonstandard mature students obtained results that were either as good or better than A level entrants on the same courses and were less likely to fail to complete their courses .
26 But so long as English law refuses to recognise that parent companies are under a legal as well as a moral obligation to meet the debts of their subsidiaries the group accounts are largely irrelevant so far as creditors are concerned since they normally have resort only against the individual company with which they have dealt .
27 There was no denying that the new corset had an impressive effect on her waist , but the dress disconcerted her — the first true evening dress she had ever had — because it left her shoulders quite bare as well as a considerable amount of — of , well , upper bosom , and all her arms .
28 Hostages are a useful as well as a time-honoured gesture of mutual trust .
29 Economic policy today is very much an international as well as a national matter .
30 In such traditions , when a session is in progress , one or more of the participants may be designated as ‘ guardians ’ , to protect the room or space that is being used , checking on a mental as well as a physical plane that it is not being intruded upon .
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