Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [adv] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The web of confusion that has surrounded the whole Nimslo venture is now so tangled that not even Nimslo can say exactly how much investment the company has attracted .
2 In the future , Suffolk people will reflect on this decade and they will find it strange that at a time when environmental issues were more prevalent than ever both county and borough councils made such an effort to be seen to be environmentally friendly , that so much development took place on the green belt of Ipswich .
3 As the original trophy , 113 years old and now so wafer thin it can be easily dented , was taken away to be placed in the Ulster Museum , nostalgic thoughts flashed through the mind of many great Cup finals , of glory and tragedy , jubilation and disappointment .
4 But that other ‘ landscape ’ , quieter perhaps , but like an underground stream , unconscious and very persistent , never failed to obtrude itself on him : ‘ It is strange that even now prayer is my natural language , ’ he said , in ‘ Lines From My Grandfather 's Journal ’ ( The Spice-Box Of Earth , p10 ) which powerfully reflect his own self-questionings ; the ‘ tyranny ’ was asserting itself .
5 Does he agree that the use of national insurance contributions as an underhand tax is fundamentally dishonest and that early retirers , widows and those on limited incomes would be hurt by the imposition of a savings tax as proposed by the Labour party ?
6 There 's also this thing which is called agricultural fundamentalism right and the most developing c , most developed countries , most of the population live in urban areas and the they see erm er rural areas as being sort of the backbone of society , sort of the salt of the earth type of element in society that although they do n't participate in themselves would like to maintain right and so even consumers may well be would not want see erm agriculture obliterated from er , from their country right because they like the products that erm that agriculture produces and they think that you can of erm destroying of the agricultural industry would , would pose an unacceptable burden on the fabric of rural society and as a result are quite happy to see protectionism er fo , for that industry .
7 And the Cid should have gone with him , but he fell sick and perforce therefore abode at home .
8 However , success stories in themselves are not unusual and most certainly part of any teaching environment .
9 Halpern ( 1986 ) derides their apparent conviction that ‘ it is frightening and perhaps even unAmerican to consider the possibility that even a small part of the sex differences in spatial abilities ( or any cognitive ability ) , may be attributed to biological factors ’ ( 1986 : 1014 ) .
10 Speyside was an area where the units were large and almost exclusively family farms .
11 The Romans made only tentative essays into building such designs but in the eastern Mediterranean and even further east — in Persia , Iran , Armenia , Syria — Christianity had taken root earlier than in Rome and churches were built of this type from the second century A.D. onwards .
12 About 20% of care is consistently shown to be inappropriate and only about 15% of medical interventions are based on solid scientific evidence .
13 ‘ Perhaps we are n't very subtle but even then people miss the point . ’
14 Subject : Majestic or not so Leeds
15 As a child it had been embarrassing and as both teachers and playmates had looked askance at the familiarity she 'd reverted to the ubiquitous ‘ Mum ’ in their presence , but woe betide her if she had lapsed into this form of address in Margaret 's presence !
16 I found that I had become very tired and once again Boris said ‘ It 's time to go . ’
17 I talked to you and you were grand , and you said Mother would be grand and then suddenly Sean manages to spoil everything . ’
18 The Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals ' report suggests that more flexibility should ‘ allow staff to be used considerably more effectively than under the present system , where research is considered the prime and often only road to reward and promotion and hence staff expect that the balance of their tasks should be broadly the same for all . ’
19 Provided the soil is workable , a spit ( spade 's length ) deep and not violently acid or alkaline , it will need little preparatory treatment .
20 The star goes on becoming smaller and smaller , denser and denser , until its gravitational pull has become so enormous that not even light can escape from it .
21 But he himself did not sound particularly happy and once again Hazel felt oddly perplexed .
22 Er medical and then sometimes people with a lot of money if they needed a not a particularly dangerous operation they 'd have it done in their own homes .
23 Now she was a young widow , dignified but vulnerable , busy but not tastelessly careerist ; she believed that she always put her family first .
24 The penalty for failure to do so was likely to be dire because not only individuals but nations were chastised for their sins , and can it be expected that He will suffer this great iniquity to go unpunished ? ’
25 Though the majority of youth continued outwardly to behave in a conformist manner , the growth in numerous big cities of deliberately non-conformist and sometimes actively oppositionist youth groups delighting in physical as well as verbal attacks on Hitler Youth brigades , wearing ‘ western ’ clothes , aping English mannerisms , and listening to jazz , showed that Nazism was losing ground among what had been its strongest area of support .
26 Wolff begins with the assurance that children are not rational and then immediately back-pedals to say that actually they are , partially at least .
27 Having found their way into museums and institutions around the world they were usually identified as Inca or most often Chimó .
28 When the arm spines are cleaned in bleach the smaller ones are seen to be thin and only slightly rugose with the area of attachment reinforced while the larger spine has an almost smooth shaft with a multipointed head .
29 It seems if we agree to these new constituents coming through , we 'll only do it by having additional buildings which are utterly wasteful and quite honestly Mr Deputy Speaker , I think you 'll your constituents a very distressed indeed about the waste , the fraud and the mismanagement of the E C , of course Sir .
30 In contrast , the Spanish Romanesque is rougher , more austere , more solemn than not only Mohammedan architecture but also Romanesque work from elsewhere in Europe .
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