Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [adv] [adv] every " in BNC.

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1 Particularly if that is as important as just about every politician insists it is .
2 If we now turn our attention to the hero-literature of ancient Greece , it is notable that just about every prominent hero does battle at one time or another , and sometimes repeatedly , with Amazon women .
3 I recall someone complaining about those little cartoon drawings of you lot , I would just like to say that I think they are very comical and nowadays virtually every computer magazine has them ( except for crappy ones like Amstrad Action ! ) .
4 Parents have to be aware that not absolutely every accident is preventable and if they 're not prepared for their children to run that element of risk then obviously they have the choice of not letting their children go . ’
5 It will be interesting to know how the wha how the minister proposes to define er materials er material significance , er who will issue guidance on that point er will it be the professional associations , is it something that the government is going to turn it 's mind to and what is , what does it actually mean er for example if the auditor was looking at the Maxwell accounts er what what is a matter of material er er er significance , er for example would it be materially significant that just about every one er er who you spoke to at the time thought that Maxwell was a crook although interestingly that was n't er apparently the view of the regulator or that are directly responsible for these matters , er but even before Maxwell was exposed for the the crook that he was er many , many people knew from him that his conduct , er the way his conducted himself , the D T I itself of course had said that he was a a a manifestly unsuitable person er to be in charge of a company .
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