Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [pron] [verb] up " in BNC.

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1 If so , it is clear that he gave up after a short while , returned to E ( which needed a fresh set of running titles before printing could resume ) and finished it off regardless .
2 Films such as The Sleeping Tiger ( 1954 ) , where a psychologist 's efforts to reform the mugger he 's picked up off the street are subverted by his own drives and the desires of his wife , The Criminal ( 1960 , The Concrete Jungle in US ) , in which Stanley Baker plays a loner trapped between the violent prison system and the criminal underworld , or The Servant ( 1963 ) , in which butler is pitched against master , focus on tensions in British society much more interesting than anything opened up by Anderson 's contemporaries .
3 But you need to be careful that you set up a scheme that actually works , and it would be sensible to take professional advice to avoid making a mistake in its tax or National Insurance implications .
4 After the first few months , George was insistent that she give up the market stall .
5 Interesting that you picked up on that one .
6 At the end of September the group split up ; determined to get away from things English , they now decided to explore different areas , thinking they would learn more German if they gave up each others ' company .
7 The conversation then started to get interesting and we turned up the volume in London .
8 If something went wrong and you landed up inside a black hole , I 'd never be able to get you out .
9 They had their they measured it and it was eight foot high and he jumps up , spins around and crash
10 What would be funny if we meet up
11 Jim Lauderdale is like a neutered Dwight Yoakam , though his tribute to George Jones and Gram , ‘ The King Of Broken Hearts ’ suggests he could be exciting if he loosened up a taste .
12 It is doubtful if you look up the word for baggage retrieval , and then look for a sign with those words .
13 How might life be different if you gave up playing this game ?
14 Even her voice was different and he came up on one elbow to look into her face , seeing all the fire die out of her .
15 Upright cabinets are the most popular because they take up less floor space .
16 There was an ache in my middle as if a rock was lodged in the place where all my habits had been — my going-to-bed routine of always brushing my teeth last thing of all so that my mouth felt glowing fresh before I curled up under my duvet and drifted off into sleep .
17 I was OK when I woke up , but when I remember Marie 's gone I start feeling sad .
18 Moran looked stern and self-conscious as he drove up the short avenue .
19 But the pitch was wet when I picked up a swag against them at Bradford .
20 She could feel that she was already soaking wet as she nuzzled up to him like a happy , purring cat .
21 ‘ I do n't know what , ’ replied Mr. Gordon , looking grave as he stared up at the circling plane .
22 Now I think it also is important that we recognize that as a university and as colleges we have a responsibility for the sort of environment , the education environment , that we provide our students , but I think we also have to remember that these students are eighteen years old when they come up , they are twenty one when they graduate , and many of the students are older than that , they are graduate students and they are young adults .
23 He was already fifty-five years old when he took up his first corporate post , as technical director of C.A. Parsons , manufacturers of electrical generators , transformers and turbines .
24 It 's more than possible that she cleans up here … ’
25 He dialled out , and as he waited for it to be answered he knew he was using a line more private than anything set up between the Kremlin and the White House .
26 The full impact of it seemed to come from the roof , and was so strong that she jerked up in bed .
27 Do you try so hard not to be upset that you end up always being upset ?
28 The good news is that , even in the minority of cases where the only solution is to leave your job and try your luck elsewhere , it is unusual for a dispute to arise that is so serious that you finish up in front of a judge or an industrial tribunal .
29 and I just , I threw buckets of water on it to rinse it , and it dried because it was really warm and it came up like new
30 But I suppose you get insight er twenty per cent was she ca n't outrun him I think this bit she gets killed and she turns up in Little England , this come on .
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