Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [noun] [vb past] the " in BNC.

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1 It seems clear that Wagner perceived the lack of congruence between his own theory and Schopenhauer 's as uncomfortably as the gulf between his own theory and practice .
2 While there was , at least for Monnet and Schuman , an altruistic motive behind the scheme , it is clear that France found the idea attractive because it offered a better way than the International Ruhr Authority of binding the new West Germany to external control while it was still relatively weak .
3 It was clear that Artai found the prospect attractive .
4 It is clear that Ulpian discussed the topic of aestimatio more fully in this book ; here too the most likely explanation of the oddity is abbreviation. ( ii ) Paul mentions the case of a legacy left by a testator to his wife .
5 Despite the conflicting accounts it is clear that Richard had the upper hand and that William des Barres lost his valuable war-horse .
6 Feeling on the close-knit estate was running so high that officers took the grandmother away for her own safety .
7 The day had been rainy and wet so Barrymore saw the prints left by Sir Charles ' shoes as he had walked down the Alley .
8 Thus , although the US had been told by the French not only that there was no question of the ‘ reconquest ’ of Indo-China but that it was also doubtful that France had the military strength to accomplish it , they were also invited to believe , by the French , that Ho was in direct contact with Moscow and was receiving advice and instructions from the Soviets .
9 It is interesting that Cairns saw the pressure for ministers to run for office coming , not from ambitious ministers , but from party activists who thought that certain ministers would make good political leaders .
10 SARFU had done little to try and rectify the damage created at Ellis Park so French and Fordham took the initiative prior to the special ANC meeting .
11 Last year 's IWC meeting agreed in principle a new scientific procedure for sustainable catches of whales , although it was not clear if Norway used the procedure to calculate its catch .
12 The minimum of furniture emphasised the impressive size of the foyer — only small modern tables bearing huge smoked glass ash trays , two or three low chairs and a huge arrangement of dried ferns and foliage in shades of brown and gold graced the enormous expanse .
13 We dragged the man free and Warren drove the car at the dogs to box them in the alleyway so they could not escape .
14 The Wahl model , the most powerful , is cordless and Helen found the flexible head made it easier to reach shoulder and back muscles .
15 Luke 's voice was deep and magnetic and Robyn felt the anguish twist inside as he gazed into her face , and the once dreamt of words were spoken .
16 Their movements were deliberate and careful and Wycliffe had the impression of figures in slow motion , indeed of a whole existence that proceeded at a slower pace , muted , subdued , and infinitely depressing .
17 It was doubtful if Rose heard the last part of her remark .
18 The parking plots on either side of St Giles ' were now virtually empty and Morse drew the Jaguar in outside St John 's .
19 He did n't seem upset that it was empty and Trent had the feeling that , given the chance , the President would have poured himself another whisky and drunk it for something to do rather than from desire for alcohol .
20 Candles in iron candelabra shed some light but Wishart preferred the darkness , even the cold , so he could think clearly , logically , plan and plot .
21 The room was dim till Fernando crossed the bedroom and opened the shutters .
22 It was not made clear whether Ramadan replaced the incumbent Vice-President , Taha Mohieddin Maarouf , the sole Kurd in the Iraqi leadership .
23 Celia looked unconvinced as Christina left the house and got into her car to drive to Bridgetown .
24 The hum of conversation in the lounge sounded restrained as Lee approached the door .
25 But it all nearly went horribly wrong as Benn cursed the ‘ scumbags ’ who tried to rob him of this title .
26 Juliet felt rather embarrassed when Nigel did the same , holding her body against his , while his hands moved suggestively over her hips , his mouth seeking hers .
27 Moreover , it is also possible that management took the view that unskilled workers could be controlled more easily than skilled workers because they had less powerful union backing , and that they could be replaced more easily because there was a bigger pool of labour to draw from .
28 It is possible that Storr continued the concern , Fogelberg perhaps acting as the sleeping partner .
29 How strange that God chose the Jews , and how extraordinary that he placed the Messiah in an ordinary Jewish home in a backwater place among the yokels of Galilee of the Gentiles !
30 Is it not ironic that Australia won the final playing in exactly the same style that England were so slated for — to win !
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