Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [verb] [art] [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 However , for normal purposes they are perfectly adequate and offer the best solution for the home or small business user who can not afford the more professional systems .
2 And for a special treat after a special day we recommend you put the car away , order up something tasty and drink the finest the Rhineland grapes can produce .
3 Our rail network is the lowest funded , the lowest staffed and has the lowest investment programme in Europe with the poorest quality service and the fastest declining level of safety , but B R has the highest fares .
4 One butterfly I had longed to find since childhood was the purple emperor — very scarce and frequenting the highest branches of oak trees .
5 Norwood , Massachusetts-based Microcom Inc reports that it has been granted a patent for the Microcom Networking Protocol Class 10 feature , called Aggressive Adaptive Packet Assembly : the feature improves data link transmission performance by pro-actively adapting the size of data packets to line conditions — MNP 10 enables modems to connect , stay connected and have the highest transmission possible , regardless of the line conditions .
6 ‘ But it looks as if I 've been lucky and escaped the worst of it .
7 I accepted the inevitable and picked the biggest boy , a lad of about twelve who already had the looks and the embryonic physique of the typical Pathan , the North-West frontiersmen who produce fierce fighting men and , surprisingly , great squash champions — like the legendary Hashim Khan .
8 On a 300dpi page printer spot colour separations , ie solid colour , is possible but to get the best results for full colour work then a typesetter is required .
9 Yet these are the lice and the slugs who sit in judgement on me , the trendy , shallow-minded , illiterate time-servers , the Giffords of our time , who can destroy reputations , dishearten the innovators , bully the imaginative , slander the pure , cheat the innocent , mock the talented and sully the cleanest of spirits .
10 Meanwhile , having a consistent worldwide system is more important than having the best possible one in any single state .
11 Ergas ( 1987 ) has referred to this as a ‘ deepening ’ model of technological development , in which ‘ learning by doing ’ and making the best organizational and technical use of ‘ what you 've got ’ are far more important than acquiring the latest ‘ state of the art ’ process technology ( Ewer et al. , 1987 : ch. 4 ) .
12 As always , it 's something very small that has the longest discussion property , and it was at personnel .
13 I do not think that the Labour party has anything to crow about , because Labour-controlled local authorities have the most empty homes available and have the highest community charges .
14 It is vital that to get the best performance from your newly-purchased system you read AND follow the information provided , and if necessary contact the supplier or manufacturer if you do not understand any particular point .
15 They were the first to study magic and remain the greatest masters of it in the known world .
16 Although basic , they are all friendly , spotlessly clean and represent the best value for money way of staying in this delightful resort .
17 ‘ What could I have to gain , other than making the best of a bad bargain ? ’
18 Some theorists claim that English spelling is a triumph of English muddling-through that achieves the best possible compromise between conflicting needs .
19 Therefore , it is the very ordinariness of the RUC 's policing in Easton which is surprising and provides the greatest disjuncture with public imagery rather than the fact that it contradicts , to some extent , the formal regimen of the police manual or the bureaucratic ethos of police management .
20 Working at the top end of the market as he did , Roche was taking on the most difficult assignments , but they were also the most remunerative and had the greatest publicity value .
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