Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] [to-vb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the drowsy state there is very little coming in and yet the cortex is still relatively alert and demanding something to work on , although not alert enough to provide an effective inhibition of nonsense being offered by the senses .
2 Similarly , the range is not broad enough to produce a median ratio .
3 We have limited the field to stored-program computers , and we further limit the field to general-purpose computers ; that is , to computers with an instruction set rich enough to perform a wide variety of tasks .
4 Many are rich enough to support a distinctive cryoconite flora of algae and cyanobacteria , which survive winters encapsulated in the ice ( Wharton et al .
5 The largest of them , Greenpeace , has , in the space of two decades , enlisted 3.5 million members worldwide and become rich enough to maintain a small fleet of boats and a research station in Antarctica .
6 JIM KERR 's heartbeat is loud enough to wake a whole sleeping city .
7 It was also recommended that the Committee should seek to make some of its existing activities profitable enough to employ a social development director from its own resources .
8 Is it the opportunity to slip in some data that are not strong enough to form a peer-reviewed paper or the liberty to digress and speculate which entices authors ?
9 She was strong enough to take a certain amount of punishment if it meant that , in the end , Matthew would rid himself of that core of hatred which was slowly eating him away .
10 Is the government 's tax base strong enough to support a planned expansion of services ?
11 If all the children are to be involved , is the production strong enough to support a large cast in worthwhile roles ?
12 Strong enough to whip a 1 50-kilogramme seal out of the water with one paw , able to swim many kilometres in freezing seas and quite capable of climbing up almost vertical ice-faces , they represent one of nature 's supreme examples of adaptation to an inhospitable environment .
13 And who would be strong enough to overcome a young man as well as a , presumably , fairly robust young damsel ? ’
14 Join Congress , Mr Gandhi seemed to be saying , and create a party strong enough to have a clear majority .
15 There 's absolutely nothing to be ashamed of , and the very fact that you 've confronted your fears , faced up to your problem and sough help on your own initiative shows that you 're strong enough to make a full recovery .
16 Carla Hills , his trade representative , who knows an export market when she sees one , is negotiating the framework for a free-trade agreement with the four , who together may be strong enough to strike a tough bargain .
17 When food aid arrived in some of the outlying villages , the elders ' authority was strong enough to ensure a fair distribution .
18 The normal bass roll-off of -6dB by 38Hz is low enough to lend a convincing weight to the majority of signals and if the bass seems initially a little ‘ polite ’ to some ears it is only because it is tight , with little or no hangover — the dual coupled-cavity technique really does give a positive ‘ start and stop ’ throughout its range .
19 They 're still young enough to rely wholly on you , but mobile enough to want a certain amount of independence .
20 Some of these early nautiloids occurred in such abundance that they are conspicuous enough to form an appreciable part of limestone formations — the ‘ Orthoceras Limestone ’ ( Ordovician ) is one of these , widely distributed through Scandinavia .
21 ‘ Significant downside risks ’ were that it would be ‘ very difficult to be sure when consumers will feel that their finances are sound enough to support a stronger growth of spending ’ .
22 The skeleton of all echinoderms except the sea cucumbers is a relatively strong assembly of calcite plates ; the animals are built from an interlocking mosaic of such plates , and mostly the skeletons are rigid enough to have a high chance of fossilization .
23 One was the absence of faction round an heir to the throne old enough to provide a focal point for political opposition , The only exception came in the last years of James III ; in 1488 , in the second and final crisis of his reign , his opponents could use his fifteen-year-old son , the future James IV , as their figurehead .
24 This meant that some of his own sons were already adult when he succeeded at the age of 35 : his eldest son Lothar was nearly 20 — old enough to provide an alternative focus of loyalty for aspiring nobles .
25 The master manufacturers of Manchester wish that prices might always be high enough to enforce a general industry ; to keep the hands employed six days for a week 's work ; as they find that even one idle day , in the chance of it being a drunken one , damages all the other five , or rather the work of them .
26 Although on the whole wages in the iron industry were good , real earnings would not have been high enough to produce a tangible effect on the structure of taxable wealth .
27 Nobody would be foolish enough to land an old ship like that in the middle of a war zone without a very good idea of how to defend it .
28 For the few considered politically reliable enough to get a closer look , there can be no mistake .
29 I certainly do not share the view of Charles Plummer nearly a century ago ( when the fate of Napoleon III was still fresh enough to point an implicit moral ) , that Charles the Bald was " a typical Frenchman in many respects , intellectually clever but caring only for the outward pomp and circumstance of empire without the strength of character to grasp and hold the reality of power " .
30 Needless to say a great deal of cheating occurred — the biggest boy 's interpretation of the rules having to be accepted unless you were brave enough to risk a good hiding .
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