Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] a long time " in BNC.

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1 The organization 's market share had been relatively stable for a long time and even growing in concert with the growth in world economies .
2 You 've been asleep for a long time . ’
3 ‘ But I tried being polite for a long time , Aunt Ruth , and it got me nowhere .
4 Grown in impoverished conditions , the plant becomes stunted but remains alive for a long time while many small shoots develop to give the appearance of an irregularly worn shaving-brush .
5 It has been clear for a long time that where land adjoining the highway is unintentionally entered , i.e. as a result of a car accident , that the plaintiff must prove negligence ( River Wear Commissioners v Adamson ( 1877 ) 2 App Cas 743 ) .
6 If you have been made redundant or have been unemployed for a long time you have two additional problems to overcome .
7 It maybe faithful for a long time , perhaps you build up that trust , and it 's only once you 've got beyond that , that you can then begin to actually influence er , negotiate with them .
8 He suggested using watertight ox bladders as containers ; in them , tied to the saddle , plants could be kept fresh for a long time .
9 The rate of unemployment in Glasgow has been very high for a long time , and I accept that that is unfortunate .
10 But I 'd been careful for a long time before that , because I 'd sensed something .
11 There was no question of demolition taking place and the site standing derelict for a long time , he said .
12 It 's the last I 'll see of the outside for a long time . ’
13 The trend towards equality of attainment is especially marked in schools that have been comprehensive for a long time .
14 ‘ Well , it wo n't be dark for a long time yet .
15 But I 'll leave the door open , and it wo n't be dark for a long time .
16 We remained numb for a long time .
17 Huddled together on the muddy earth floor they were content for a long time to embrace one another without speaking .
18 I have been convinced for a long time that people could not love , accept or respect me for the person I am , only for the amazing amount of exercise I can do .
19 He admitted quietly , ‘ I was very sad for a long time , but not now .
20 It made me quite nervous for a long time .
21 It is only extinguished or " barred " because the claim it gives to land has been allowed to remain unpressed for a long time in face of a rival title … the effect of the Act is to eliminate .
22 Lots of inquiries about Foster and Allen they 're coming on the programme later they 've just got number one for the first time with their new video with their new single I do n't know I 'm not quite sure we 'll find out when they get here well they 've just got number one for the first time and they 've been trying hard for a long time .
23 Old John Knox had been ill for a long time and , two years after I joined the firm , he was told that he must retire .
24 Very often I spend long days on my allotment , and cook quite nice dinners of , say , breast of mutton and peas and fruit off the allotment for myself and a [ woman ] friend who has been ill for a long time … .
25 After all , you really were quite ill for a long time .
26 But the poor woman had been ill for a long time , although we had not realized it , and died soon after Hareton was born .
27 He was ill for a long time .
28 We have a son who still lives at home who in fact has been quite ill for a long time and erm she you know the amount the work she has done therefore has been seriously limited .
29 ‘ She 'd been ill for a long time .
30 Party Chairman Tony Picking said today Mr Burge has been ill for a long time and resigned in February .
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