Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] the way in " in BNC.

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1 I am being polite about the way in which the Government have behaved when I say that they have dealt with our recommendations in a cavalier fashion .
2 When they also understand that housing costs play a proportionately lower part in pensioners ' expenditure in England than in the rest of Europe , they may be grateful for the way in which we have promoted home ownership .
3 Buxtehude , which is studied first , is most interesting for the way in which an attempt has been made to treat a large area of a small town , ranging from centre to suburb .
4 Teachers need to be clear about the way in which different issues are decided .
5 Our regular ‘ In Conversation ’ interviews with many of today 's most successful artists have proved popular for the way in which they reveal the ideas and working methods of professional artists .
6 Thus the way a prison warder , or even a shopfloor supervisor , exercises authority to get subordinates to do what he wants will be different from the way in which the director of a public company or the managing director of an audit firm will exercise theirs .
7 That seems to me to be a very moving description of somebody who is preaching to people , not from any sense of superiority , but rather from a sense of human concern and caring about the people that she is addressing , and this makes the way in which George Eliot writes about her very different from the way in which other methodist preachers have been described either as ranters , erm or as people who are so caught up in what they are saying themselves that the fail to make any pay any attention to the people that they are addressing .
8 That Aethelberht , king of Kent , exercised authority over his brother , Eadberht , is clear from the way in which it was necessary for Ealdwulf , bishop of Rochester , to secure confirmation of a grant of land from Eadberht in 738 from Aethelberht and Nothhelm , archbishop of Canterbury , acknowledging that he had erred in not doing so sooner ( CS 159 : S 27 ) , but nothing is said of any necessity to secure Aethelbald 's confirmation .
9 In many cases , parents will be more interested in the way in which the professional uses information from the assessment to answer practical questions , such as ‘ Will she need to have speech therapy ? ’ ,
10 If we speak of the stylistic values of a non-literary text , we are interested in the way in which linguistic choices are adapted to communicative function — to such functions as newspaper reporting , advertising , scientific exposition .
11 In January 1875 Huxley spoke of the recent work on the ship and its relevance to geology , he was particularly interested in the way in which debris accumulates at the bottom of the sea because this would help in the interpretation of fossils .
12 And er this young lady , Clare 's terribly interested in the way in which we 're using our language today , so er I hope that does n't inhibit you .
13 Well , I 'm basically interested in the way in which education , or formal schooling , has attempted to prepare girls for their lives in the future , whether it prepares them for a life of , say , motherhood and working in the family , or whether it 's encouraging them to do work outside the home and try and achieve in the areas that men traditionally achieve .
14 Nineteenth-century linguistics was mainly interested in the ways in which languages change across the ages ; modern ‘ structural ’ linguistics prefers , in contrast , to concentrate on the ways in which they function for purposes of communication .
15 Both theories entail a shift of attention away from considerations of origin or cause to those of function or effect ; neither is as much interested in the ways in which language reflects reality , as in the ways in which it shapes our perception of things ; both attach central importance to the concepts of system and difference .
16 As my hon. Friend knows , the TA already does do that on occasion , and I am interested in the ways in which it could be developed .
17 The situation is analogous to the way in which the genes with their shape-specificity pass on inherited characteristics from one generation to the next .
18 He is right to draw attention to the divisions on the Labour side of the House , which were made clear by the way in which the House responded to a point that the Leader of the Opposition made yesterday about the so-called unity of the Labour party .
19 Is not it important , especially in the economic negotiations , that the leading role of the International Monetary Fund is stressed , but that we should be cautious about the way in which the IMF responds to the various questions raised by members of the CIS ?
20 Henry thought this was depressingly typical of the way in which people talked about the recently deceased .
21 If this caricature is typical of the way in which Adlerian theory operates , then the theory is not falsifiable .
22 Although we found no evidence that the referral behaviour of first wave fundholders was affected by budgetary pressures , this may not be indicative of the way in which the effects of the reforms will be felt in the next few years .
23 The minutes , as finally issued , still did not record my protest and I have since informed the Secretary of the Cabinet that I am still not content with the way in which this discussion was recorded .
24 He is delighted with the way in which the players have responded to new coach Stewart McKinney , and is hopeful that better times are on the way .
25 Several senior wholesalers told The Bookseller that they were dismayed with the way in which Reed had chosen to make the announcement .
26 Film , television output , and educational productions are mainly used in schools in the form of video , as this is cheap , easy to operate , and versatile in the ways in which it can be used ( see Box 14 ) .
27 And in fact , if the argument above is sound , to conceive of a knee other than yours hurting in the way in which yours hurts is to conceive of it as hurting you .
28 And it is doubtless the strategic codification of these points of resistance that makes a revolution possible , somewhat similar to the way in which the state relies on the institutional integration of power relationships .
29 This is similar to the way in which the causal theory worked , but in that case the relation required was specifically a causal relation .
30 a splendid initiative and it 's similar to the way in which the district council is now devolving responsibility for public toilets , and I 'm delighted that local government reorganization has been given a bit of stir that districts and county councils to get their acts together .
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