Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] first " in BNC.

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1 I was made sorry for her at first , as I would be for any young girl , crippled — it is hinted by the cruelty of her husband — and a mother , but even at the beginning there is a niggling doubt that she is rather superficial and shallow .
2 It was strange for him at first but he soon came to enjoy it and did his best to improve the sporting standards and attitudes .
3 It 's bound to be a bit strange for you at first , but saying you wo n't make love to your own husband in your own house because of the servants … ’
4 Perhaps they were afraid of me at first .
5 Well like you say you feel nervous about it at first but once you do it , you 've got .
6 Nor was it easy for her at first to make new ones at The Milebrook , having only a pony and cart and her nearest neighbours being two , four and five miles away .
7 But he was so good to us at first — I never dreamed how he 'd change — ’
8 George , who was a friend of the Old Groaner for 25 years , will be talking about how Bing came to record White Christmas which became the world 's greatest hit even though Crosby was n't impressed by it at first .
9 In the French class nowadays the important thing is to SPEAK French — the sound of your voice in French may seem strange to you at first but you have a go right away and you will see what fun it can be .
10 Men would be crazy about her at first , echoing her belief in the romantic ideal .
11 Some of the other dancers made life difficult for them at first , resenting the physical advantages the South Africans had enjoyed , growing up far away from the hardships of wartime Britain .
12 I was nice about it at first and said that business and pleasure do n't mix ; and that I do n't go out with married men and so on . ’
13 Similarly , through Lata 's sister 's marriage to Pran you 're led into the world of politics and the subject of land reform , which sounded dull to me at first but became much more interesting as I got into it . ’
14 Kevin was frightened of her at first but she was good and , like him , she was alone with no friends .
15 When the three appeared for school they were wary of her at first but she was able to summon sufficient energy to disguise her lack of it and they were completely at ease before they left for school .
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