Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [art] [adj] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Hambleton 's development control officer Maurice Cann told the inquiry that the area was unsuitable for the elderly because it was industrial and noisy .
2 When the British were attacked for their role in the Boer War , Hyndman and Quelch for the British Social Democratic Federation prepared a dossier on the crimes of other imperial powers as the basis for condemning all — and so exonerating the British as no worse than the rest .
3 Freud 's view here is Comtean ; he thinks in terms of three stages for the progress of civilization , beginning with the animistic phase , to which modern obsessional or paranoid neurotics regress , going through an intermediate phase of religion , which is different from the first because people give the powers and omnipotence to gods , and not to themselves as they do in the magical phase of animism .
4 In our judgment the answer has to be ‘ No ’ and it would be peculiar in the extreme if Dr. Hayes could in effect be ordered to give evidence of their contents merely because he was no longer in Crown employment .
5 It views the subject as a holistic entity , suggests that it encompasses consciousness as well as behaviour , and is interested in the interpersonal as well as the individual aspects of this consciousness .
6 One is that it is doubtful in the extreme whether one can assume that the legislature always intended the tribunal to be the arbiter as to what the contents of the bracket ought to be .
7 In both cases the shock had to be overwhelming and painful in the extreme if it was to generate the civilizing consequences of respect for , and maintenance of , the great taboos of civilization .
8 The crowd gave a good send-off to the latter when he was substituted so I suppose he did well .
9 In 1773 when raw silk was difficult to obtain , the owner of a throwing mill in Sherborne wrote : … having discharged many of my hands which are either starving , or are become burdensome to the town , others are incessantly crying for a little work and could they obtain but a morsel of Barley-bread they are happy , they very often go days with little or no nourishment … the continued cries of the poor people complaining for want of the necessaries of life as well for want of employment is shocking indeed … and what is worse the overseers are not so bountiful to the necessitous as I could wish .
10 In the first half of the seventeenth century the traditional Elizabethan style carried on , unabashed by fashion ; then again there was the purely classical Queen 's House at Greenwich , built by Inigo Jones , as radically different to the former as chalk is to cheese .
11 These chapters will be particularly interesting to the practising as well as to the trainee forensic scientist .
12 He was guilty of no more than his usual exaggeration when , at the age of twenty-four , he announced to a friend that he had read ‘ almost every thing ’ .
13 Lukic was guilty of no more than a challenge for a 50–50 ball with the speeding Rob Jones around the 18-yard line .
14 For the next half-hour Roland worked haphazardly , moving backwards and forwards in the Vico , half-looking for Proserpina , half-reading Ash 's notes , which was not easy , since they were written in various languages , in Ash 's annotating hand , which was reduced to a minute near-printing , not immediately identifiable as the same as his more generous poetic or letter-writing hand .
15 For some time now , the SARA Executive has been seeking input more generally from the rowing population for the updating of its Development Plan , but what might have been a good idea to achieve this seems set for a less than successful conclusion .
16 DG said that while it was n't satisfied with its overall results , it was encouraged by the continued success of its AViiON family of Unix computers , which showed significant growth over the year-ago quarter , and it remains cautious for the short-term because of the weak worldwide economy and because it sees no evidence that industry-wide pricing pressures will abate in the near future .
17 Commenting on its reduced second quarter loss ( figures , page seven ) , Data General Corp said that while it was n't satisfied with its overall results , it was encouraged by the continued success of its AViiON family of Unix computers , which showed significant growth over the year-ago quarter , and it remains cautious for the short-term because of the weak worldwide economy and because it sees no evidence that industry-wide pricing pressures will abate in the near future ; the Westboro company is able to shrug off the small but steady and grinding losses because it still had $196.2m in cash and marketable securities at the end of the quarter .
18 Ferguson said : ‘ He was a wonderful player and a gentleman , typical of the mid-60s when there were so many great performers .
19 Beveridge and his contemporaries were much inspired by Canon Barnett , who by 1900 was firmly convinced of the economic as well as personal causes of distress and that more state help was needed for the destitute .
20 She had been giddy in the mornings and tired at night ; her breasts felt different , she had been sleeping badly , dreaming dreams , longing all day for Tristram to come and take her in his arms and love her , when instead she had had to be content with no more than a covert glance from him when he came home from Knollys 's yard in the evenings , or a touch of his ankle under the table at supper time .
21 Yeah , yeah , I 'm , none the less we have got the comments of three , three in front of us and we see that the accumulate effect was going to be dangerous in the extreme if the money is not forthcoming
22 In other words , in our model we accept the view that the inflation-unemployment trade-off is less favourable in the long-run than in the short-run , but we do not adopt the more extreme view that the trade-off disappears completely in the long-run .
23 On the basis of these expressed views we hypothesized that attitudes towards the use of the booklet , with the attendant possibility of consequent change , would generally be more favourable in the northern than in the southern schools .
24 The British government bought a controlling interest in Anglo-Persian , which from then on operated in Iran on terms much more favourable to the British than to the Iranians .
25 I have left this subject to the last because of the peculiar character and importance of relief-sculpture in the development of Greek art .
26 Instead , as we go deeper and deeper the gaseous hydrogen gradually gets denser and denser until imperceptibly , and at pressures considerably in excess of those in Figure 9.9 , it acquires a density more characteristic of a liquid than that of a gas .
27 It was less obviously unjustified in the natural than in the social sciences , but equally marked .
28 Also the ways in which , as a result , the negro ‘ has been fixated in terms of the genital ’ ( pp. 157 , 165 ) , and the corresponding displacement on to the person of colour of inadequacies and fears intrinsic to the cultural as distinct from natural formation of European sexuality ( pp. 1 57 , 165 ) .
29 But it may be a lot more useful for the latter than the former .
30 This instrument of control , however , is the least effective of the three because , in contrast to the good old days , parts of the press are refusing to be browbeaten .
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