Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [pron] than [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He was a congenial colleague to A. E. Housman [ q.v. ] , and in 1936 , the year of Housman 's death , brought out a brief memoir which , though mainly concerned with Housman 's scholarship , throws more light upon him than almost any of the studies by literary persons .
2 In a number of ways also armies became more conscious of themselves than ever before as entities clearly distinguished from civilian society .
3 The full implications of this are best indicated if we observe that far more is involved in it than merely the uniqueness of the revelation in Jesus , solely the issue whether there is genuine access to knowledge of God in any other place .
4 And if and when this happens , the cat will , because of our detailed knowledge of its abilities , be more fascinating to us than ever before .
5 That 's much more important to me than just having someone recognise my style .
6 On 22nd July , Major Wood came to the Wallowa to investigate the killing , and reported Joseph as saying that ‘ the valley was more sacred to him than ever before , and he would and did claim it now as recompense for the life taken . ’
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