Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [adj] [noun pl] which " in BNC.

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1 Whatever the merits of Devlin 's position , of the crimes in private between consenting adults which he wished to retain , homosexuality , abortion , incest , pornography and prostitution have either been partially decriminalized or some proposals therefor have been put forward .
2 It is generally accepted that energy reductions of 10 per cent may be possible through simple steps which are often termed ‘ good housekeeping ’ .
3 More recently , we have learnt to become grateful for robust programs which will do 95% of the work and leave the human being to make the decisive intervention in the other 5% of cases .
4 The best you could do would be to sit very close to another frog , and if possible between two frogs which are close to one another .
5 There is also the chance of a schoolgirl falling pregnant during vital examinations which can lead to missing out on getting qualifications and eventually jobs .
6 We must please be clear about those factors which actually matter , always bearing in mind that it is for the county council in the first instance and perhaps for the panel in the second instance , to take a decision about the suppression of past migration trends .
7 And be careful about smaller companies which promise to get an engineer to your computer by the next day of something goes wrong .
8 For example , Dickens is fond of parenthetical constructions which allow the generalizing authorial voice to interrupt the narrative flow .
9 Homoeopathic potencies are therefore quite different from conventional drugs which have to be administered daily , and possibly several times a day , over a period of weeks or longer .
10 I think that the adjective moralistic is really an unkind way of protesting at the fact that she seems to continue to be interested in moral themes which are often associated with Christianity , even if she has got rid of actual orthodox commitment to Christianity itself .
11 Why were they interested in those topics which they chose to emphasize , and why did the work of certain authors , especially that of Lewis Henry Morgan , gain such prominence in their thinking ?
12 Devitrification is almost universal in ancient glasses which were usually badly made in the first place and have had plenty of time to crystallize ; the result , however is , often very beautiful , though these old glasses have become very weak .
13 Now Egypt is dependent upon imported fertilizers which drain foreign currency reserves .
14 The Eurodollars which are lent are indistinguishable from domestic dollars which are lent , the source is merely different .
15 So , for example , among the Muslim Somali of north-east Africa , married women are frequently prone to mysterious complaints which are diagnosed by the experts as possession by evil spirits .
16 He was prone to over-effusive compliments which made her feel embarrassed .
17 Last year saw a major update of its Directory of Sources and Contacts in Transport Statistics , a publication available free to all members which contains entries and sources of transport statistics from governmental and non-governmental organisations .
18 But following discussions with the DoH , the SSD is now planning to write direct to those authorities which are known to have recruited some of the former workers .
19 This deal was made acceptable to those provinces which would lose seats in the new Senate by increasing their representation in a House of Commons expanded from 295 to 337 members .
20 However , in the passage in which he specifically considers whether a woman can be ordained , his answering in the negative , it must be pointed out , is dependent on biological presuppositions which we now know to be false .
21 It ranks high among those topics which you fear may bore your listeners , but which , secretly , you take very seriously .
22 The establishment 's insecurity is reflected in a report written in 1986 by the British Medical Association ( BMA ) , which hotly defends the position of medical orthodoxy and is disparaging of alternative methods which , it claims , are ‘ unscientific ’ ; not based on systematically conducted trials , and therefore not worthy of attention .
23 In sociology , for example , we are most explicit about those procedures which we ourselves have invented or developed , that is quantitative procedures .
24 Certainly , by now , we should have learned to be cautious about simplified statements which attempt to outline the central features of ‘ the family in modern society ’ .
25 In cases of " innocent publication " , where the defendant has not intended to criticise the plaintiff ( either because the defendant did not realise that the words would be understood to refer to the plaintiff or the defendant is unaware of special circumstances which make them defamatory ) liability may be avoided by making an " offer of amends " under s4 of the 1952 Defamation Act .
26 The anger over the Flow Country is not so much about employment as about the ending of a scandalous rip-off of public funds which fuelled private forestry and the associated inflation of land values .
27 It is the last remaining of four windmills which once stood in the town .
28 What what what we have is a serious of local plans which include policies for protecting land and they are working perfectly well in achieving that objective .
29 This is consistent with previous studies which have shown that more than 90% of gastrin in serum consists of G17 and G34 in both duodenal ulcer patients and healthy volunteers .
30 Then the landscapes at La Rue-des Bois which are influenced by Cézanne are still related in many ways to Picasso 's more ‘ primitive ’ or ‘ Negroid ’ work ; indeed , this series of paintings begun in La Rue-des-Bois is contemporary with other canvases which represent only a continuation of his earlier work ; some of the simplest of the La Rue-des-Bois landscapes , with their almost naive interpretation of houses and trees , remind one strongly of the art of the Douanier Rousseau .
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