Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [adj] [noun pl] who " in BNC.

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1 In school this progressive acquisition of domestic technology was taken for granted , and we felt sorry for those children who lagged behind .
2 You could begin to feel sorry for any humans who got in her way .
3 What was interesting about those MPs who were swift to defend him was that they come from the traditional working-class wing of the parliamentary party — people like Jimmy Hood , or Aberdeen North 's Bob Hughes .
4 This week the Solidarity trade union — the workers , that is , bereft of old leaders who have gone on to other things — led a two-hour nationwide protest strike .
5 Still with the chap in the lightweight , knee-length anorak of French origin , very popular with bearded prannies who wear ethnic shoes , get off on Olde English folk music and have girlfriends called Ros who run encounter groups where you can find your true self and be at one with the cosmos .
6 The vehicle is in regular use during the season and has become very popular with disabled passengers who can now enjoy the views of the passing countryside in comfort .
7 The painting of the Virgin blessing Christ before the Passion by Urbino was once popular with newly-wedded couples who knelt before it and asked for a blessing on their marriage .
8 There can be little doubt that there are many people in this country who would welcome such a change , as is evidenced by the customers who flock to stores to shop on Sunday when they are given the opportunity to do so ; but it might not be so popular with small retailers who could find it more difficult to open their shops regularly on Sundays to remain competitive with their larger and more powerful rivals .
9 Be extra careful with new employees who have worked for you for eight weeks or less .
10 In that respect , I was different from other reporters who were on a big story one day and a ‘ bun worry ’ the next .
11 ‘ We are simply not interested in vicious brutes who have eaten the leg off the milkman . ’
12 She first asked the dairyman if Mr Clare was interested in old families who had lost their money and land .
13 Indeed , the study by Hanmer and Saunders ( 1984 ) suggested that women 's low expectations of police assistance led them to become ever more dependent upon other men who were also untrustworthy .
14 What is crucial , then , is not that a particular individual should necessarily own property himself , but that ‘ property should be sufficiently dispersed so that the individual is not dependent on particular persons who alone can provide him with what he needs or who alone can employ him ’ .
15 Quality consciousness is said to be very high among Japanese workers who endeavour to eliminate components that are rejected as substandard .
16 ( This is quite consistent with some suppliers who face a relatively low level of demand producing below normal , while those who face a relatively high level of demand produce above normal , the two groups offsetting each other . )
17 Many advisers were desperate for more space : the bureau general office being too crowded with administrative workers who should have their own area ; they wanted easy access to the information system without too much clutter ; some suggested that the telephone adviser should be in a separate area and a separate receptionist area be allocated , and a coffee machine be available for clients .
18 The true state must have settled frontiers rather than vague notional territories that many modern historians ( Partner , Waley , Laufs ) see Innocent III as the founder of the Papal State as distinct from previous popes who were little more than nominal overlords of disparate and scattered lands which they found very difficult to control without imperial help .
19 The traffickers also demanded that they be placed in a special prison and not be forced to testify against themselves or their collaborators , although they dropped an earlier requirement that they be treated as a political organization similar to left-wing guerrillas who had negotiated with the government .
20 Can the Minister assure us that training for nurse prescribing will be provided and that it will be accessible to those nurses who need it ?
21 And of course we 're offering a service of allowing people to choose to come at four rather than six and we are making ourselves accessible to single mothers who perhaps ca n't come out in the evening etcetera .
22 The severe disablement allowance replaces the non-contributory invalidity pension and the housewives ' non-contributory invalidity pension ( HNCIP ) , which was payable to married women who were unable to take paid work but who did not have sufficient contributions to claim invalidity benefit itself .
23 Eliot may not have in his poem Kipling 's Greek slave on a galley out of Egypt , but he does give us a slightly earlier seafarer who sailed out of the Middle East and whose story might be thought to be specially appropriate to those clerks who work in the city —
24 The decision was crucial to those Britons who had now resolved to take up arms against Rome if necessary , but for the Druids it was now simply a matter of life or death .
25 Yet the Government 's own figures show that in most cases what has occurred is the creation of single-person businesses , that is self-employment by individual workers who do not employ any assistants as part of their business activities .
26 Times are hard for chartered architects who sometimes ask ‘ What does the Institute do for me ? ’
27 The Ozick extract is a particular case because it is a fantasy but it is the kind of clipped talk I think likely between two opponents who are squaring up to fight one another .
28 When asked to talk through her technique , she appears reticent , suggesting that it is a little too simplistic and old-fashioned , perhaps too naive for those readers who have been to art school .
29 When asked to talk through her technique , she appears reticent , suggesting that it is a little too simplistic and old-fashioned , perhaps too naive for those readers who have been to art school .
30 This book will be especially valuable for new researchers who are contemplating or starting peptide synthesis , but advanced undergraduates and those already experienced in the field will also find it interesting while newcomers will find a very valuable guide to the extensive bibliography of the subject .
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