Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [verb] [pers pn] [det] " in BNC.

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1 He felt some shame in digging up long-dead ghosts to torment Vologsky , and a sense of moral wrong in telling him such a bundle of blasphemous untruths .
2 " Your aunt became interested in selling them some time before she died .
3 ‘ We were a bit nervous about doing it this year because of the recession but we are getting 5,000–7,000 calls every day , ’ she said .
4 Now he said , ‘ Not content with pestering her all week , you take up her freedom at the weekend !
5 I 'm sick of seeing them all !
6 ‘ It was n't an easy show for him and he was very conscious of carrying it all the way .
7 Now obviously this can happen a bit , but I do n't think , on the whole it happens very much , at least certainly not in a way that matters erm I do n't think it does matter if people change things a little bit , because erm but on the whole people are doing things in the way that they 're doing them erm because they 've got accustomed to doing them that way and that 's the way that they 've planned it , and that 's the way that it comes out as a result of all of those pressures that there are on them .
8 ’ Mebbe it 's unfair tae ask ye this kinna favour , but , man , we can nae always be hingin' oan tae oor pride . ’
9 Could I be sure of meeting you all again in health I could be content , but there is the anxiety …
10 We 're quite good at rearing them these days but even so their chances are hugely reduced by being picked up in the first place
11 The perceptive executive search consultant ( a ) keeps in contact with clients , both actual and prospective , and ( b ) is very effective at giving them this sort of information .
12 Yet he is required to hand over his children 's future to the ‘ non-ideological ’ market forces he thinks are largely responsible for getting us all into this mess in the first place .
13 He laid a small bet with himself that Fishbane had been responsible for giving her this photo-opportunity .
14 The information you are given should include the name and address of the organisation responsible for paying you any guaranteed minimum pension .
15 ‘ You are not the one apt for wishing me that , Mariot , ’ he told her .
16 You see , Miss Williams — or should I make that Fran , so that I can get used to calling you that ? — I could n't very well tell the police what had gone on last night , so I improvised .
17 Morpurgo precious near writing us both off in that bloody car crash .
18 There was no way she could prove her innocence , and he was certainly not open to giving her any benefit of the doubt .
19 I 've been so frightened of giving her all my love .
20 Well it 's just that for that , I mean that 's all , it 's all relative for those conditions there are , there is too much labour on the land , you erm , if you could increase agricultural productivity in a way that would displace labour and that 's very difficult to do , well you can , you can do it er most , most capital is labour displacing but not all , not all capital , erm so you could , whereas I see , I see what you are saying is that , why well the you could g you could , you could do it right even though that there are a lot of people on the land er you could still make them wholly productive by giving them more capital that was n't labour that was n't labour displacing , like you give them better seeds for example , like that would increase the productivity of the land , there would n't be so much you know population pressure on the land er because everybody would have enough to eat and we could er actually sell something , right .
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