Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [verb] [conj] a " in BNC.

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1 Paul Johnson ( 1987 ) has pointed out that there is something wonderfully absurd about assuming that a retired 66-year-old millionaire is more ‘ dependent ’ in an economic sense than a 64-year-old employed road mender .
2 My Afrikaner grandfather was fond of repeating that a man needs six hours , a woman seven , and a bloody fool eight' hours ' sleep — a sentiment which nicely incorporated both his simple male chauvinism and a Calvinist abomination of indulgence .
3 That old smarty pants Dr Samuel Johnson was fond of saying that a woman preaching was like a dog standing on hind legs — it was not done well but it was surprising to find it done at all .
4 She discovered that she was afraid of getting close , afraid of being betrayed , afraid of finding that a relationship did not solve all her problems , afraid of feeling trapped , afraid of ‘ disappearing ’ as a person , afraid of admitting that men were not all bad , afraid of losing her friends , afraid of having no more goals in life , afraid of giving up her unhappiness , afraid he might die , afraid of feeling dependent , afraid of sexual intimacy , afraid of letting go of the past , afraid that reality would not match up to the glorious fantasy … .
5 In this sense there is nothing wrong with saying that a body has both the ( legal ) power and a ( legal ) duty to do X because , of course , if a body by law must do X , then it is legally entitled to do X. Secondly , we need to distinguish between legal powers and what we might call ‘ de facto ’ powers .
6 There is nothing wrong with ensuring that a benefiting nation spends its gift vouchers in our national shops .
7 But to argue that an embryo is sacred is different from saying that a sperm is sacred .
8 The emphasis on medium , form and aesthetic grammar would suggest that , whatever their ‘ content ’ or ‘ effect ’ , they are somehow different ; at the simplest level , saying that a history or sociology book is badly written is different from saying that a novel is badly written .
9 Those who argue that a universal definition of aggression is possible and even desirable are often interested in determining whether a universal human proclivity toward aggression exists , or whether the members of one society can be said to be ‘ more aggressive ’ than another according to some quantitative scale .
10 As a private registry it was available only to the trading partners , and not to third parties interested in knowing whether a given shipment was sold , pledged , or had taken place .
11 And the world is all too prone to assuming that a scientific solution can work a miracle .
12 It is misguided in believing that a solution to the problem of the legitimacy of corporate managerial power can ever be found by looking to either the market or the ordering of power within the company .
13 In other words , are they right in thinking that a person must know something he calls ‘ I ’ , either by acquaintance or by description , to use the word ‘ I ’ meaningfully ?
14 Assuming that Jackson is right in thinking that a larger budget and extra staff will be less effective in achieving such objectives , a model of bureaucratic behaviour needs to include the trade-offs to be made by bureaucrats between the different elements in their utility functions .
15 Nuclear disarmers are right in saying that a test ban would stop weapons builders trying out new and fancier designs .
16 Mr. Kinnock is not alone in thinking that a united Ireland may be ‘ a long way away ’ .
17 The defence of a firm accused of predatory pricing is often that it is merely responding to competition : so evidence of its intentions may be quite important in deciding whether a firm 's conduct is predatory or not .
18 Humans are not very sensitive to the acidity or alkalinity of liquids , but they are perfectly capable of deciding whether a piece of red paper has turned blue , or vice versa .
19 One of the hotel 's most appealing features is a treelined terrace — delightful for sunbathing or a relaxing cool drink .
20 However , even persons as brash as Heath had to recognise continually that the majority was uneasy and dangerous and much effort was expended in monitoring it and in camouflaging the government 's Irish unification objective from the man-in-the-street who , initially , was almost incapable of believing that a British government was endeavouring to cede its own subjects to a foreign power .
21 Abandoned by her family and deserted by her servants , Elena Petrescu was incapable of grasping that a revolution had happened .
22 Referees seem incapable of deciding whether a fast , controlled snap punch to the face has scored or not , and they generally disallow them .
23 This patient was bound to be extremely distressed at finding that a male doctor had forcibly touched her intimately .
24 Much of the criticism was justified but to be fair to Hodge , he had been placed in an invidious position and , blinkered as he was , in some respects , he was correct in appreciating that a rebuilding of the Korean right offered the only means of preventing communist success in south Korea .
25 If Professor Wheatcroft is correct in saying that a tax system breathes through its loopholes , the new tax system has been throttled at birth .
26 Russell also found that economic factors were highly significant in determining whether a sexually abused wife remained with her husband .
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