Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [noun] [subord] a " in BNC.

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1 Once humanity can formulate for itself a truly superstition-free religion , such activities would die a natural death , as for example , has the burning of ‘ witches ’ , although even this hideous ritual would be not entirely free from revival if a godless , religious vacuum were allowed to form .
2 Heel of the palm : Fast and less prone to injury than a punch .
3 A man and woman who freely and willingly engage in anal intercourse are thus as guilty of buggery as a man who perpetrates a violent anal attack .
4 Both were found guilty of murder after an Old Bailey jury heard Bentley shouted : ‘ Let him have it , Chris . ’
5 A real love song is infinitely more appropriate for Christmas than a trashy song cooked up as a commercial gimmick .
6 But the requirement of leave need not be too burdensome for applicants if an expeditious procedure for cases of emergency is provided ; and the question of time-limits could be dealt with by making it clear that a short time-limit should be imposed only if public works would otherwise be held in undue suspense .
7 Lump sum Convalescence Benefit — £20 per day , also tax-free — for a period of up to one year , payable on discharge when a hospital stay is 21 days or more .
8 Do n't make firm plans : Your ticket bears a warning that you are ‘ subject to removal if a confirmed passenger arrives before actual flight departure ’ .
9 The random switching pattern is ideal for use when a property is unoccupied .
10 Anthony Scrivener referred to the Bill as unique in jurisprudence because a defendant can be guilty of the aggravated offence even though he does no other act than commit the basic offence , and the event which makes the crime aggravated is outside his or her control .
11 Again , the Zuwaya did not base their genealogy solely on brotherhood : some groups were written in , recruited for instance when a group had insufficient members by natural means ; some were brought in by marriage ; one major section ( Muftah ) was related as half-brothers ( through their mother ) to Shuaghr , who were related as half-brothers ( through their father ) to the other sections of the Zuwaya .
12 It is a novelist 's trick , useful for recognition when a character is used in a series of stones : it is also properly matched to the portrait of a youth who is intelligent but not physically impressive .
13 The upper wing was as bare of fabric as a garden gate .
14 They were halfway up Cheapside when a small voice called out : ‘ Sir John !
15 I 'll bet he 's as useful in bed as a leaky hot-water bottle .
16 T. D. We had a CC , Plymouth Bill we called him — and he had a force in Plymouth that was n't as great in numbers as a division in Liverpool .
17 The main argument for a separate Ministry , more extensive in range than a Department of Legal Administration , is that the regulatory functions of the Home Office : the maintenance of public order , the strength of the police , the operation of the prisons and the penal system , immigration control and extradition , create unavoidable conflicts with the promotion of justice .
18 And the Milton Keynes-based Motor Insurers ' Bureau , which is responsible for compensation when a driver 's uninsured , says that it wo n't pay up either because Gooch was n't wholly to blame .
19 ‘ Well , ’ said Liese , who was now engaged to a nice young architect called Leonard , and who was proud and plump and stuffed as full of delight as a feather cushion — over-stuffed , Brenda remarked ‘ I suppose it 's better to believe in something than nothing .
20 Leck Fell is as full of holes as a much-used pin cushion but there the similarity ends , some of the holes penetrating the ground to depths of around 400 feet .
21 and as full of suspense as a wasp .
22 Because , look at , I 'm not , you know , I 'm not er gon na even talk about the disaster at airport things , you know , the taking off and landing , if you 've got a stadium nearby with a lot of people in it , and one of these disasters happened to happen , I know we 're not looking for that , but if it does , you 're gon na have a stadium full of people if a plane comes down , well , you know .
23 Sea animals take full advantage of the efficient passage of sound through water , and the ocean is as full of sound as a woodland in spring .
24 The water was as full of peril as an early Spielberg film .
25 The criterion for deciding whether to extend these powers is if ‘ such responsibilities are important to safety as a whole ’ ( Article 91a ) , or the ‘ maintenance of legal and economic unity ’ ( Article 72.2.3 ) .
26 The increased speed of the modern game and the athleticism of the participants has led to more crowded play so that linesmen are apt to flag when a forward suddenly breaks clear to receive a pass .
27 Firstly , the results may simply be due to chance since a search for clusters is likely to reveal some spatial aggregations of cases even if there is no causal explanation : this is particularly true if the age groups , areas , calendar periods , and diagnostic groups to be studied are not specified in advance .
28 I mean what what gives you more right to life than an animal does ?
29 Wyllie suddenly found himself without Brewer 's expertise , and Wyllis was incandescent with rage when a medical panel ruled Brewer out of the World Cup campaign .
30 This is important because it is directly relevant to understanding the mechanism of a type of eruption not yet observed at first hand by any human being , but one that would make the Mt Pelee eruption pale into insignificance if an example were to occur today .
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