Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [noun] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 All lysosomal enzyme assays were linear with respect to time and protein concentration .
2 Additionally , he 's been working with Left Hand Right Hand , who 've just toured the States , while his other musical activities have seen him involved with British Racing Green and Danielle Dax , with whom he plays bass from time to time .
3 There is nothing to be ashamed of in having your tank go wrong from time to time — it happens to me too you know !
4 The only one of them who appeared in public from time to time was the Conte 's daughter , who was already past what was considered a marriageable age .
5 I apologise for that omission erm it 's er erm one of those things that er er does I 'm afraid from time to time happen .
6 The procedure is very demanding in terms of time and trouble for the inspectors who enter wholly into the spirit of what is required .
7 It is fairly easy to quantify many of the costs of marketing in both human and financial terms , the extra meetings , the extra bits of Paper are identifiable in terms of time and cash .
8 Algorithms such as reversing sequences of ie to ei following a letter c are effective first attempts before going on to more complicated techniques , or even instead of such techniques which may turn out to be counter-productive in terms of time taken and the number of candidates produced .
9 He liked to rub in her few months extra from time to time .
10 From time to time he would take it out and read it , but no others came ; and he had to be content from time to time with the sight of Dinah above him on the lighted stage , playing her part superbly , her breasts outlined by scarlet netted silk .
11 Deeper down , though , the main mass cools down much more slowly , so that for weeks afterwards the core of the flow will be red hot , with the glow visible from time to time when small collapses take place .
12 Inquire locally at the tourist office of Winterthur for opening times of these castles , as they are likely to be subject to variation from time to time .
13 An important function of assessment is that it can help determine the extent to which a child 's language is subject to changes over time .
14 Although correct at the date this leaflet went to print , postal fees , charges , compensation and other conditions are subject to revision from time to time , and services may be added to or withdrawn .
15 Dates are subject to availability at time of booking .
16 We can then see that any person 's inclination to acknowledge obligations and responsibilities to specific relatives is subject to change over time in ways which are patterned and predictable , at least in part .
17 Finally , it is emphasised that conditions in the eurobond market are subject to change over time , secularly as well as cyclically .
18 As these charges are subject to change from time to time , you may wish to ask our Reservations Department for the latest information near to the time of your departure .
19 Some values , attitudes and emotions have been subject to modification over time , but the essential orientations outlined above have not been discarded .
20 The subscription rates shall be subject to review from time to time and altered on the recommendation of the Finance Committee with the agreement of the Executive Committee .
21 The fact that review may occur relatively rarely for any one agency , the fact that the agency may still be subject to pressures of time and cost which incline it towards a narrow bounded rationality , the relative strength of different interest groups pressing upon the agency , and the competence of the court to assess whether such an authority has improperly excluded a particular policy option , can all combine to limit the effectiveness of this aspect of judicial scrutiny .
22 Attlee attacked the very basis of the perception that the Mediterranean was crucial to Britain in time of war , arguing that with the development of air power the resources needed to protect sea routes from Gibraltar to Suez would be impossible to find .
23 See , it 's very easy to get confused between distance against time , speed against time , and even acceleration against time .
24 I 've managed to get them pretty manky from time to time and a spin through the washing machine brings them up as good as new .
25 You could hardly blame them , though , for feeling bewildered from time to time .
26 ‘ I suppose because she is old and gets confused from time to time . ’
27 They are rarely found on inland waters , although , since it is established that some of our winter visitors migrate over the interior of the county , such records are likely from time to time .
28 There was a mixture of the formal and the informal about it ; the Keeper of Zoology in the 1810s was wont from time to time to leap over the stuffed animals .
29 The patient lies still , just turning a little from time to time .
30 Indeed , a single success if it is too costly in terms of time , commitment , motivation or any other resource , may be at the expense of future changes — and we may be seeing some evidence of this at the moment in terms of the reactive stance of large parts of the service .
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