Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] her [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 7 It 's terrific to see her without the bars between us. 8 She sits eating the treat food at the opening to the door and looking at me. 9 How does she know to look into my eyes and not at the huge finger next to her .
2 But Matthew Blake did not seem prepared to let her off the hook so easily .
3 But Ven , she discovered , was not prepared to let her off the hook , and , ‘ Why … ’ he began to challenge , ‘ … when you 're honest , I know it , yet have begun on a path of deception to one particular end — why , when it 's so important to your sister whom — you love … ’ an alert look suddenly came to his eyes , and he broke off for a brief moment before continuing , his serious dark eyes holding hers ‘ … a sister whom you 'd do anything for , as you proved when you left England and came here — why are you ready to leave now , without another thought ? ’
4 Sabine followed her to the shade of the veranda , and took the cushioned chair her hostess indicated .
5 In the early stages he was content to keep her towards the rear of the field as Teleprompter — also attempting a mile and a half for the first time — took his accustomed role of front-runner .
6 ‘ I had a figure to go to and I 'm delighted to get her at the price . ’
7 ‘ I was glad to see her at the pictures with you , ’ Anne said .
8 She ignores me , whining about how he was supposed to meet her at the Bullet 's Head .
9 I asked him why this change of heart and he said that it was because Harold Wilson had seen fit to put her in the Lords .
10 ‘ To be honest , I 'm a bit tired of being described just as a jazz singer or with words like ‘ abstract ’ , ’ she says , responding to reviews that have tried a little too hard to distance her from the rave scene she still feels so much a part of .
11 He goes , no , you 're not supposed to do it like that you 're supposed to get her on the floor and step on her head ! you 're not doing it right !
12 The passers by stopped to admire her from the large wrought iron gates at the bottom of the drive .
13 The stairs were cold and draughty and the light was n't good , but she 'd placed herself so that the agency 's receptionist would be able to see her through the glass-panelled door if she should happen to glance up .
14 Then her father and two brothers will be able to see her for the first time in seven months .
15 Then her father and two brothers will be able to see her for the first time in seven months .
16 With the binoculars that they carried , they must have been able to see her from the moment that she set out .
17 France and Belgium were the two lesser industrial powers and although France had been a big eighteenth-century producer of coal , her resources were unable to provide her with the fuel she needed for industry on the German scale .
18 Mary had been brought up with her story which , for many in the valley — except her own generation , increasingly unable to visit her on the heights she chose for her seclusion — had gone cold long ago .
19 The male did not bother her at all after spawning , so I was able to leave her in the Mbuna colony until she was ‘ near term ’ — and all the fry were this time normal — all 120+ of them .
20 She was the one sister who was sympathetic to him ; that is , when he was able to detach her from the others .
21 When she returned to Swans ' Meadow , she found Ursula had embarked on a cold-blooded drinking bout and was reluctant to accompany her into the garden , the one venue where Charlotte felt she could safely disclose what had happened .
22 It was better that way because then no one , even when put under the most severe torture , would be able to name her as the culprit .
23 At first , you may still have accidents as you may not be able to get her to the potty in time , but she 'll gradually learn to hold on longer .
24 She was taking a secretarial course , and I was able to tell her about the importance of that work in hospital .
25 Christina was pleased to get her into the car without being mobbed , and drove quickly out of town and on to the coast-road .
26 The French-built 624ft Dreamward supports a two-storey casino , shopping arcade and conference centre , but still has a shallow enough draught to take her to the nought degrees longitude line in south east London .
27 ‘ Her husband obliged her to face the fact that there is no suitable successor available to relieve her of the heavy burden she carries , ’ says the insider .
28 It was difficult to see her through the dazzling spurts of fire ; she seemed to be less and less there .
29 Had it been Alex Household who had been shot , the situation would have been different , because she so patently disapproved of him , but with Michael Banks as the victim , it was difficult to cast her in the role of murderer .
30 But before writing to her friend of the matter , the queen-dowager debated whether or not it was necessary to burden her with the knowledge .
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