Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] them in the " in BNC.

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1 When questions , for example on morbidity , had been validated in the General Household Survey , it would be possible to include them in the Resource Allocation Survey .
2 Breeze had already heard the family mentioned the day before , at the Vicarage , and was interested to see them in the flesh .
3 There is unfortunately no miracle cure for leg ulcers around the corner ; community staff must be prepared to handle them in the most efficient and effective manner possible .
4 By now the champagne was flowing … all United need now is a new owner willing to keep them in the style to which they 'd like to become accustomed .
5 And , by the way , he did have this job in Italy , but if it was in the slightest degree inconvenient to join them in the villa , he 'd book into a cheap little pensione by the railway station in Siena .
6 I do not therefore mind leaving these matters in the safe hands of the Germans , just as many nations before 1914 were content to leave them in the safe hands of the British .
7 So they progressed back again , Sir George clutching the letters , Maud the opened cocoon of linen and silk , and Roland the three dolls , out of some vague fancy that it was cruel to leave them in the dark .
8 The King was much intrigued to see them in the Dolls ' House and enquired who gave her permission .
9 Well it 's good to see them in the bath anyway having a good good old splash about , you know ?
10 It will be helpful to set them in the context of the legislative framework which we have applied for many years .
11 My fingers feel all tingly , but it do n't half feel good to stick them in the water .
12 I do not believe that the Harrier pilots who found themselves in the Royal Naval Reserve will have the opportunity to fly either , but it is certainly useful to have them in the reserve should they be needed .
13 Incidentally , if you have any items which you think would be of interest to the Residents , your scribe would be happy to include them in the Newsletter .
14 Barton has heavy borrowings too , and to put it crudely , if they 're paying interest and Huerter is n't , Huerter ought to be able to undercut them in the market . ’
15 The skill of the marketing manager therefore lies in understanding how the four categories of the Marketing Mix interact , and in being able to combine them in the most cost-effective manner such that the company 's marketing objectives are satisfactorily achieved .
16 SOCIAL ‘ Sociologists apparently have come round to the belief that 50 per cent of middle-class parents who send their children to private schools would be happy to put them in the state system if dinner money was renamed lunch money . ’
17 You will then be able to soak them in the medicated solution for maximum effectiveness .
18 Apart from the outstanding quality and rarity of many of the items , much of their fascination for scholars has lain in being able to document them in the family 's ancient inventories .
19 France will just about be able to hold them in the line-out if Roumat plays , but the so-called hard men in the pack do n't look that tough to me .
20 It is not that these judgements should not be made , but that where subjective judgements are made by the teacher she should be aware that this is so and be prepared , not only to give reasons for her judgements , but also to be sufficiently flexible to change them in the light of particular circumstances .
21 Will you be able to get them in the morning ? ’
22 If that council harboured its resources sensibly and deployed them effectively , it would be able to spend them in the way that the hon. Gentleman suggests .
23 The politicians , army officers , civil servants and government officials all descended and Aarau , of course , was too small to accommodate them in the style to which they were accustomed .
24 It hardly seemed fair to keep them in the cage she had made out of an old claret case she had dragged up from the cellar .
25 Equally , large European Community ( EC ) grants had been attracted to Portugal which frequently lacked the infrastructure or administrative machinery necessary to absorb them in the most productive manner .
26 During the automatic processing stage an attempt was made to locate the targets indicated by the cross-references , and so validate them , and , where necessary modify them in the light of changes made to entries during automatic integration .
27 This time , because your subjects are not static objects but people , you can move the camera as necessary to keep them in the centre of the frame — but stay with the subject , do n't pan part-way through to show something else .
28 Rather , as in social anthropology , it is possible to develop a dynamic model in which the student begins from the acute self-consciousness that his or her own concepts may be culture-specific at depths so far unexamined , and so starts out tentatively from them , being ready to revise them in the light of new ethnography .
29 For but everything is so so not wholly satisfactory so I 'm just scared to have them in the house .
30 To make it easier , you could buy little marzipan animals instead of moulding them yourself — however , if you do make your own , it might be fun to make them in the shape of the children 's pets and pipe their names on to them .
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