Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] with the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 For the Sun and the Daily Mirror , where it is possible to compare with the numbers in 1978 , both show significant increases — the Sun from thirty-two to forty-nine and the Daily Mirror , even more , from twenty-six to forty-five .
2 Despite the two question marks that I put over the Bill , I believe that the Government are right to proceed with the reforms that it contains .
3 Though Labour joined with the Conservatives in May 1940 to fight the Second World War , under Churchill 's leadership , it is clear that despite the almost obsessive concern of the public about the threat of European fascism it was only the Labour Party , slow and cumbersome in its rate of change , which actually squared up to the necessity of facing fascism with military sanctions if necessary .
4 Then there is a range of measurements of the functioning of the physiological systems of the animal ; we can make measurements which tell us how hard a time the animal is having trying to cope with the conditions which are imposed upon it .
5 In concerning ourselves with the needs of pupils , we may too long have ignored the need to give our teachers services and support and help them to feel adequate to cope with the demands that education in the modern world is making upon them .
6 A 14 year-old boy or girl , leaving school for the big world outside ( unless academically suited for college and university ) , would be well-equipped to cope with the problems of work and making a living .
7 The ILP , despite the endless trouble which the United Front had caused , was still prepared to work with the Communists .
8 ‘ We are prepared to work with the police and to provide the information needed to bring the perpetrators of attacks to justice , ’ he says , adding that he would like to see Mr McLean in the hope of building a relationship .
9 Grover : ‘ We are prepared to work with the police ’ OVERNIGHT FILE
10 Edward for his part had to accommodate himself to political and financial realities , and was prepared to compromise with the commons in return for taxes , though he would not give way on the fundamental issue of the right to choose his own councillors .
11 On May 1 it had been reported that the Colombian government was willing to talk with the guerrillas , after three representatives of the two groups within the CNGSB ( the FARC and the ELN — see p. 38001 ) had occupied the Venezuelan embassy in Bogotá seeking diplomatic asylum .
12 Giovanna and her friend Ninetta were willing to help with the hens , in fact to provide physical assistance in the premature delivery of eggs .
13 It is wrong to deal with the needs of the poor by encouraging the general population to a wasteful use of energy supplied at a price too low in relation to its present environmental costs and the detriment of our descendants from the rapid exhaustion of fossil fuel reserves .
14 Although he was convinced that there was conclusive evidence that Japanese intelligence organizations were behind the Vietminh and their revolt , he also said that throughout their handling of the situation the French appeared to lack every vestige of imagination but , ‘ provided the French are prepared to deal with the Annamites as human beings and not as chattels for exploitation as in the past , there is every reason to believe that the leading Annamites will not only listen to them , but will help them … ’
15 To reach such a target audience we probably need , at the minimum , ( a ) about two pages of description by the authors of each unit , telling the user how to load the program , how to drive it , and its limitations both educationally and technically this information could be included on the disc or tape that loads the program ( b ) some incentive to the programmer to document the program to this level , perhaps through its resulting acceptance into a ‘ library ’ ( c ) assurance from those receiving the program that they will be prepared to deal with the problems that such draft programs impose — this implies that they must be fairly competent users of their computer system : they could not expect to get software support from the author , who is likely to be another teacher whose time is fully occupied ( d ) some financial and organizational support for the distribution of programs , even if only on a cooperative basis ( e ) that users of such programs should undertake to report to the authors ( and to the library ? ) on the usefulness of each program received , and if they wish , to make recommendations for improvement .
16 We face the vastly increased traffic projections for the twenty-first century with roads adequate to deal with the conditions of the nineteenth .
17 In the unlikely event that there are no restrictions in the lease prohibiting alienation , the tenant will be free to deal with the premises as it so wishes , whether by means of assignment , underletting , charge or otherwise .
18 If it is equitable , the chargee may be preferred on the ground that the company has been allowed to represent that it is free to deal with the assets in the normal course of business as though they were unencumbered .
19 As Professor Goode has pointed out , the fact that the charge has crystallised will affect the relationship between the chargee and the company but it does not necessarily affect a third party since if the company is left free to deal with the assets in the normal course of its business then the chargee should be estopped from denying the company 's authority to do so .
20 To provide an illustration , a child who gets into trouble is much more likely to come before a court if he or she is from a poor home and has parents who do not get on with the welfare authorities or the police , than if his or her family is prosperous , respectable and willing to co-operate with the police and social services .
21 In order to get that response he was prepared to dispense with the niceties of convention and the formulae of polite language : ‘ from the gut , to the gut . ’
22 In the case of ecclesiastical property this may be done through the church authorities ; in the case of other buildings it will be possible to consult with the agents who handled the commercial matters concerned ; these can be identified by consultation with the local authority .
23 Deaf 'd with the clamours of their own dear groans ,
24 This makes it easy to work with the components of Streamline in an integrated way .
25 The little ones with their mothers were , I think , fortunate compared with the others .
26 The one in particular I 'm referring to you will see we 'd all see the Son of Man , they they 'd recognised that reference to himself Son of Man , they 'd recognised that because that comes out of the Old Testament Book of Daniel does n't it , the Son of Man seated on the right hand of the Almighty coming with the clouds of heaven .
27 An abdication , on the other hand , would prove impossible to reconcile with the realities of political responsibility for the NHS .
28 It is appropriate to begin with the forms of propaganda adopted to convey the particular arguments and the broader ideological perspectives analysed in the last chapter .
29 He was supposed to go with the swimmers . ’
30 Fame and fortune have changed many a new born hero for the worse — especially when the object of everyone 's attention is young and unready to cope with the pressures of a hugely metamorphosed lifestyle .
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