Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] for a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , with British Council assistance it has been possible to arrange for a Romanian student to successfully complete a conservations course at Cambridge .
2 I still have grave doubts as to whether it is right to go for a single currency , fixed exchange rates and the whole of that considerable abdication of political sovereignty .
3 The team began experimenting there in December ‘ 88 and by the end of January it was felt right to go for a public launch on Palm Sunday ‘ 89 with attendant door to door visiting with invitations , and publicity to the press and media .
4 Through the New Times of Burma and the Burmese Weekly we did everything possible to appeal for a concerted effort to restore the cultivation of rice to the pre-war level .
5 The full committee was due to meet for a final session in mid-February , prior to presentation of the Basic Law to the Chinese legislature for approval in March-April 1990 .
6 In those places where there is a delay in substantiation , faith is prepared to wait for a long time at the bar of history .
7 However , he went on to say that the acceptance of the existence of Communist China did not mean that Taiwan had abandoned its " one-China policy " and that the country was prepared to wait for a positive response to its proposals for unification on the basis of liberal democratic policies .
8 The princess , patron of the Northern Ballet , told stars of the company 's production they had been brave to go for a modern version of the Tchaikovsky classic .
9 As the proposed Directive establishes essential standards only , Member States are free to provide for a lower threshold to trigger the compulsory bid ( the UK rule is 30% ) .
10 For example , a worker who is unaware that exposure to high levels of benzene , as happens in some chemical plants , might cause cancer will be willing to work for a lower wage than she would if this information were widely available .
11 The voluntary non-statutory sector was able to extend provision because it could attract the services of people who would not be prepared to work for a public authority .
12 Since changes in blood group antigen expression in the colon are associated with dysplasia and may be useful in screening for the development of colorectal carcinoma , we were particularly interested to look for a similar association between inappropriate expression of blood group antigens in the biliary tree and biliary dysplasia and cholangiocarcinoma .
13 If anyone is disposed to look for a golden lining in the effects of Typhoon Thelma — which , in November , killed about 7,000 people on the islands of Leyte and Negros in the central Philippines — it might be the resulting national outrage against illegal logging .
14 It is made from presses steel , which is then epoxy coated for a durable finish , and has rubber treads bonded on for step security .
15 This will tend to reduce the price that a trader is prepared to pay for a long position , and increase the price required for a short position .
16 If the client is willing to pay for a comprehensive pro-active search , MAS will generally refer the search to MC Strategy Services .
17 In the final analysis all power relationships depend on resources , be it those obtained from the state , the respective local authority or the private individual who is to be willing to pay for a specific service .
18 Such an approach also assumes that management would be willing to pay for a large project , accept the risks involved and get little reward in terms of information systems for a number of years .
19 ‘ Spoken like a true woman , ’ said Dr Neil , staring at the board , empty save for a few pieces clustered round a pair of kings in one corner .
20 As readers from last week may recall , the clothing giants were taking legal steps against the Scottish grungers for an alleged infringement of copyright , ie the ‘ borrowing ’ of the C&A logo for a single sleeve .
21 We should not find it easy to go for a single currency if we had already moved down the federalist route in a dangerous way on foreign and defence policies .
22 It is trivially easy to select for a particular genetic formula , so long as you can read the genes of all the animals .
23 Nevertheless , unless the transaction is a management buy-in , for which it is appropriate to ask for a full set of warranties , a reasonable compromise is for the vendor to give the purchaser a set of warranties shorter than normally appropriate on a share sale .
24 The pope despatched two pallia in June 634 ( HE 11 , 18 ) , but the death of Eadwine in battle in Hatfield Chase against combined Welsh and Mercian forces , either in October 633 or more likely October 634 , and the subsequent collapse of the ecclesiastical community at York with the flight of Paulinus to Kent ( HE 11 , 20 ) ( see below , p. 83 ff. ) , terminated this phase in the history of the church of York and arrested its development as an archiepiscopal see for a hundred years .
25 Only in the political disarray which followed the deaths of Offa and Ecgfrith is there evidence of an eagerness to abandon Lichfield , when Coenwulf , king of the Mercians , proposed in letters to Pope Leo in 797 and again in 798 the creation of an archiepiscopal see for a single southern province for Aethelheard at London to replace both Canterbury and Lichfield .
26 It 's fairly flexible and easy to cut for an exact fit ; with adhesive or double-sided tape being used only at seams and edges .
27 Standard periods would be prescribed for different types of business , although it would be possible to apply for a special timetable at an early stage and for detailed variations of the timetable .
28 New work patterns , such a partial shifts , mean that senior house officers are less likely to work for a single consultant and also make it more difficult for all junior doctors to attend teaching sessions at set times .
29 Feeling reflective and pensive we are more likely to reach for a sensitive ultramarine or restful cobalt than a stinging chrome yellow or vivid lime .
30 We seem to have two kinds of ‘ existenceworthiness ’ : the dewdrop kind , which can be summed up as ‘ likely to come into existence but not very durable ’ ; and the rock kind , which can be summed up as ‘ not very likely to come into existence but likely to last for a long time once there ’ .
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