Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] that [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Keith Flett is right to claim that Labour needs active grassroots supporters to defeat the Tories ( Letters , 24 April ) .
2 are clearly right to emphasise that new forms of politics and people 's support of these politics must be in some way connected to changing social structures and crises within capitalist society .
3 Likewise it would be wrong to assume that economic difficulties worked to push the gentry increasingly into the Tory camp .
4 Both Mr Hyslop and Mr Guest said Mr Newbegin was wrong to suggest that 15-year-old models were uneconomical .
5 Western powers were wrong to believe that tsarist troops in Poland were aimed at the heart of Europe , for they were needed where they were .
6 Now I am quite prepared to believe that other countries can offer more obviously spectacular scenery .
7 It is interesting to learn that nuclear scientists are now seeking the particles necessary to anti-matter and may have found some of them .
8 The House may be interested to learn that hon. Members who represent south Wales constituencies hold fairly regular meetings with the south Wales constabulary .
9 It is interesting to note that rectilinear structures are frequently found in one of two distinctive locations , often accompanied by marked functional variations .
10 It is interesting to note that other countries are now copying our know-how funds because they have been of such help to the former Soviet Union and other eastern European countries .
11 ( It is interesting to note that freshwater pearls were known to the Chinese by the beginning of the first millennium B.C. )
12 It is interesting to note that electric vehicles built in 1920 were still in use in the 1950s .
13 It is sad to see that conservation bodies seem to have halted their attempts to purchase the key Cairngorms estate of Mar Lodge .
14 It is easy to deduce that other systems do , too ; many targets are being hit again and again .
15 Similarly , it may be intriguing to learn that on-line columns of silica-immobilised algal cells can eliminate problems such as overlapping peaks in anodic stripping voltammetry of trace metals .
16 The noble land-owners ' outlook was that of passive rentiers who made it a point of pride to be cheated by their bailiffs ; even if entail had not put technical difficulties in the way of raising capital it is hard to believe that Spanish aristocrats would have conceived of higher rents as a reward of investment .
17 The new arrangements were supposed to ensure that true fans got a fair chance , but a Sunderland Supporters Association spokeswoman said yesterday that was not the case .
18 It would be simplistic to interpret ‘ TransForm ’ as a study of the overlapping and interconnection of painting and sculpture in the twentieth century ; it would be more exact to say that avant-garde movements abandoned the concept of ‘ a painting ’ or ‘ a sculpture ’ as such .
19 Butler sometimes talks of a passion as directed at one 's ‘ having ’ its object , but it seems more satisfactory to say that particular passions are directed at occurrences , and that the basic one can not be directed ; t the occurrence of pleasure for oneself since this always stems from having something occur one wished to do so .
20 So far as the early history of the emancipation process is concerned Field 's position is probably stronger than Zakharova 's , for although Nicholas I 's call for a militia gave rise to disturbances among the peasantry in 1855 , although almost all the memoranda which circulated in private during the Crimean War referred to the possibility of peasant risings , and although Alexander II alluded to the prospect of rural uprisings both in his speech to the Moscow gentry and in his comments on the papers submitted to him by Haxthausen , it is hard to prove that rural developments took pride of place among the reasons for setting reform in train .
21 The Woolwich insists that it has no plans to introduce them , while the Abbey National believes that fluctuating payments ‘ show their value in weeks like the one we 've just had ’ .
22 Still , it is good to know that British boxers can now command as much money for fighting in London as they once would have received only when topping the bill in the United States .
23 It is impossible for any of us to monitor carefully every single thing we say — how boring and stilted our speech would be if we did — but it is as well to remember that young children take the spoken word very literally , and a great deal of harm can be caused by the use of thoughtless and insensitive phrases .
24 While it would be misleading to suggest that small firms are important across all manufacturing industries , it is also incorrect to assume that small firms are confined to traditionally labour-intensive industries like textiles , clothing , furnishing or ceramics .
25 It would , however , be incorrect to assume that syntactic aspects of language production could only be influenced by automatic accessing of particular lexical items .
26 In these circumstances it is just as reasonable to assume that political elites or administrative officials are acting autonomously as to assume that they are acting in accordance with society 's preferences .
27 This is somewhat surprising , since it would be reasonable to assume that domain-specific dictionaries would contain the most appropriate collocations for domain-specific documents .
28 However , it seems reasonable to assume that pragmatic factors in comprehension will also be present in production .
29 It is reasonable to assume that hormonal effects predominate in younger women , while dietary factors may become increasingly important in older women .
30 In its 1991 annual report published on July 10 , the human rights organization Amnesty International claimed that human rights violations had occurred in 141 countries and had actually worsened in some cases .
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