Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] in [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The British Museum 's show was originally scheduled to coincide with the publication of its new catalogue of the drawings of Rembrandt and his School , due to appear in a few year 's time .
2 An 18-year-old and a 16-year-old are due to appear in the same court to face a similar charge .
3 It carries more textual meaning than an adverbial occurring in the same position .
4 MR DAVID Mellor , the Home Office Minister of State , said yesterday that he was ‘ almost ashamed and embarrassed to live in the same society ’ as journalists working for tabloid newspapers .
5 I open some of the popular newspapers covering some people 's private lives or great national tragedies and I feel almost ashamed and embarrassed to live in the same society as people who can produce that sort of stuff . ’
6 Added upset came in the same year from a speech by Dr W. Starkie , the commissioner of National Education in Ireland , who attacked school managers for not being up to their job .
7 Perhaps even more valuable are those servicemen and servicewomen who are sufficiently secure , motivated , well paid and content to remain in the same job for fifteen , twenty or thirty years , providing a continuity of local knowledge that is invaluable to those who come to rely upon them .
8 It is impossible to describe in a few words , but one thing that many knitters do not realise is that it can be worked from either left or right and that some people find one side much easier than the other ( not necessarily related to whether you are right or left handed either ! ) .
9 What a week : Batts and Fat-Frank going in the same week , what the fuck is going on — i guess they need the cash to buy someone — guess we will know who in a couple of weeks … the newly in shape Maradona ?
10 If the offeror wishes to make a recommended bid , then the negotiations over price are likely to proceed in the same way as for any other business acquisition .
11 Different horses communicate in different ways , although those that live together or are of the same family are more likely to communicate in the same way .
12 It left the world unchanged save in a few interesting particulars .
13 Fathers may miss their teenagers but are not likely to grieve in the same way .
14 Certainly anyone who has ever had a severe , immediate reaction to a food is likely to react in the same way if they are told that they have consumed some of the same food .
15 Inexperienced teachers embarking on such experiments are likely to land in the same sort of confusion and chaos that resulted in those primary schools that went headlong into the " integrated day " without a preliminary survey of their available resources and their knowledge of children 's interests and reactions .
16 Gould would have been happy to remain in the same spot if it would continue providing him with novelties .
17 We had a small walled garden and oblong of grass and , though Father kept a long side bed gay with red geraniums , white marguerites and blue lobelia , capable of standing up to the odd cricket ball and the games we children were able to play in the few remaining square yards behind beggared description but we had the whole Heath beyond .
18 They are perceived as legitimate , not just because of this , but more importantly because the pupils feel able to respond in the same vein and at the same level .
19 In winter the ground becomes cold and the trees are unable to take in the same amount of moisture as they do in summer .
20 These hams are dry cured in the same way as many of the English hams , but their distinctive flavours were traditionally achieved by feeding the pigs on special foods .
21 A folk hero , a man who could draw climbers literally hundreds of miles just to sit in the same pub and hear him sing and play his accordion .
22 The principle is thus clear , though difficult to apply in the many practical situations which arise .
23 Determined to respond in the same offhand manner with which he had made the announcement , she simply tossed her head .
24 True schizophrenias , on the other hand , may not be possible to externalize in the same way because they lack the superego elements present in paranoia and because they represent much more radical breaks with reality .
25 It turned out to be uniquely suited because the station is no longer used as an American Maintenance base and is due to close in a few weeks time .
26 The second national conference for charity accountants provides an opportunity for all those involved in charity financial management , including accountants , advisers with charity clients , treasurers and trustees , to meet other working in the same field , and to examine the new demands and expectations facing charities and the impact of new charity law .
27 Also , a truce between the Provisionals and British authorities was due to begin in a few hours .
28 Nigeria 's term in the OAU chair is due to expire in a few months , and Mr Babangida is determined to contribute to a South African settlement before leaving office .
29 ‘ Just as a trading company has a trading reputation which it is entitled to protect by bringing an action for defamation , so in my view the plaintiffs as a local government corporation have a ‘ governing ’ reputation which they are equally entitled to protect in the same way — of course , bearing in mind the vital distinction between defamation of the corporation as such and defamation of its individual officers or members .
30 The small factory she 'd approached to undertake the making of the curtains , cushions and loose covers told her they 'd be ready to start in a few weeks ' time , and even allowing for this wildly optimistic schedule , she felt she ought to know when to expect delivery of the fabrics .
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