Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 There is no harm in adding , say , 5% to that price as long as you are prepared to reduce it by that amount in negotiation .
2 Cassie was content to leave it at that .
3 He goes , no , you 're not supposed to do it like that you 're supposed to get her on the floor and step on her head ! you 're not doing it right !
4 Having stumped up £250 to help sponsor a general practitioners ' management meeting in Nottingham , the Royal Bank of Scotland saw fit to leave it at that .
5 ‘ You 're not supposed to eat it like that , ’ said Gurder severely .
6 Secondly , the relationship with the credit firm means that , if the customer wants credit , then he is likely to get it from that particular firm .
7 You set the weight one sorry the weight , it 's probably it 's it 's hard to explain it like that , but you apply the decoder function F here F bracket to the particular tuple and you get a state J. So you set the weight for that particular state .
8 And it 's no good actually , it 's not good pulling it like that and pulling it away because it 'll still be there .
9 Nobody except his lawyers and myself know his whereabouts or have an address and it might be as well to leave it at that .
10 Yeah it 's like it 's not very good to do it with that because you ca n't
11 So I I was a bit stupid letting him on that sort of thing .
12 Oh , that flowerpot , well it 's no good putting it under that one , it 's supposed to be under the one with the camellia in it …
13 ‘ Jane , it is not polite to question me in that way .
14 — You might be able to reach him with that ! ’
15 Would you be able to hear me through that ?
16 Would I be able to hear you through that , yeah .
17 I hope that my hon. Friend the Minister will be able to help us on that point tonight .
18 ‘ I 'm not able to help you in that area .
19 I have to say that the Pro GAP would n't be my first choice in any rack system because each time I 've used one I 've been unable to rid it of that ‘ overprocessed ’ synthetic edge .
20 Gary became aware of YWAM as an organisation and that God might be able to use him in that organisation .
21 No one was able to give us at that time the valuable advice which I only picked up years later , namely that the great danger in cholera was dehydration , necessitating that the sufferer be given frequent drinks of cold water previously boiled .
22 you might be able to do it off that , you wo n't be able to listen to it at the same time
23 Though this derives from psychological studies of covert actions types , it would be waste to leave it at that .
24 Bonanza Boy finished a remote eighth in the race and is 10lb worse off with Little Polveir but it is unwise to judge him on that performance which came at the end of a long season after some punishing contests .
25 That missing report has been put round the table this morning and I hope that members of the committee would have found it and would be able to add it to that
26 And another sister said she would be happy to join me in that .
27 And surely any dramatist ought to be able to move us with that final night of Holly 's life , when his musicians ( including Waylon Jennings ) gave their places on the ‘ plane to the Big Bopper and Ritchie Valens .
28 I hope that the right hon. Gentleman will be able to tell us about that soon and that he will make a statement on that matter next week .
29 Certainly , the Opposition will be only too pleased to support him in that respect .
30 As it was your generous gift of the physic Garden to the Worshipful Company of Apothecaries that encouraged the supporting of that Garden for the improvement of Botany and so consequently was the Occasion of my being employed in a service so agreeable to my natural inclinations , so the favourable opinion you have had of my abilities , when you was pleased to recommend me to that worshipful Company , with the several instances I have since had of your generous inclinations to encourage the Art and me , will ever lay me under the greatest obligations to endeavour to answer that character you was please to give of me and herein humbly hoping to approve myself what I most desire to be thought of …
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