Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] all " in BNC.

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1 His face filled with sly mockery , he allowed his eyes to slide insultingly over her , and a sneer pulled at his mouth as he said softly , ‘ Maybe I was wrong to ditch you after all .
2 When you consider that we have a mortgage book of roughly £50 billion , you can see that it would be impossible to offer it to all our borrowers .
3 Once they 've joined in the Pirates Club , you 'll be lucky to see them at all , as they go through their paces for the junior cabaret ( where a lot of hidden young talent come to light ) , or as they enjoy the treasure hunts and fancy dress parties .
4 She had it done cheap , promising to wear it in all the right places .
5 We stayed in a cheap boarding-house from which the landlord saw fit to evict us for all the hours of daylight ; strolling abroad , we devoted our time to churchgoing and to incoherent altercations with the Italian police .
6 I 'm so sorry to put you to all this trouble . ’
7 Still , it is good to see him at all , and I suspect his performance in Reflected Glory will linger in the memory …
8 Mayoress : ( warmly ) It 's good to see you after all I 've heard .
9 Just in case you 're tempted by knockdown prices on old style monitors , by the way , you should bear in mind that in four years time it will actually become illegal to use them at all at work .
10 Similarly , we could follow up people 20 years on to assess the results of our child care work , but even if we could successfully trace them , is it right to contact them after all that time when their spouses and children may not know of their earlier histories ?
11 This particular person had found the shock so great that she had not been able to acknowledge it at all except by taking this evading action .
12 MIDDLESBROUGH football fans unable to get to Wednesday 's Rumbelows Cup semi-final second leg tie against Manchester United at Old Trafford will be able to see it after all .
13 Sandison wondered what Elsie would be wearing , whether he would be able to recognise her at all .
14 It 'll be able to remind you of all the wonderful speeches you 've made so far .
15 The enzymes are specialized proteins which enable the body to carry out at body heat and atmospheric pressure complex reactions which , if man were able to reproduce them at all , would require high temperatures and high pressures to accomplish .
16 Relaxing a little , she told herself that having discovered the identity of R , it was not so essential to grill him after all ; but on the other hand , there was still the matter of the concealed photograph to be explained .
17 May I borrow some space in your magazine to say a big thank you for all the good wishes we have received in connection with the Presidency of the Baptist Union of Scotland ?
18 A very big thank you to all of you who helped with the sale .
19 A big thank you to all the schools who helped , St David 's , Sacred Heart , Redcar , Kings Manor , Beverly School for the Deaf , St Paulinus , St Josephs , St Thomas More , St Bernadettes , St Augustine 's and Newlands .
20 A great big THANK YOU to all of the Clothes Show Live visitors that popped along to see us at the N.E.C.
21 ‘ Everyone involved in this project would like to say a big thank you to all who have supported us .
22 A big thank you to all those concerned .
23 A big thank you to all of you who have been promoting the Society 's sales items .
24 To recognise where a reform is urgently required and must be effected at any cost , or where it may be postponed , or where it may be counted on to effect itself without outside influence , and , perhaps most important of all , to be able to recognise the fact that certain reforms would be beneficial could they be effected but that it is not possible to effect them at all ; to be able to arrive at a right decision on such points as these is what is chiefly required of a Resident .
25 ‘ To howl down a man just because he happens to be out of form one day is often sufficient to discourage him for all time , ’ he told the Yorkshire Evening Post .
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