Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] to make the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They had not taken the step of demanding political change to make the decisions which affected their lives a matter of debate and consent before they were taken .
2 But the news overshadowed Labour attempts to make the economy the centrepiece of their conference attacks on the government .
3 Democratic Left MEP , Des Geraghty , says he will petition the European Parliament to make the Eire Government act .
4 His outline programme included a 100-day package to curb inflation , a declared intention to make the forint into a convertible currency ( but without a specified target date ) , and a commitment to land reforms , as demanded by the Smallholders who had campaigned on the single issue of returning farmland to its pre-1947 owners ; agriculture was to become primarily based on private ownership , with encouragement for family farms and voluntary co-operatives , although a limited number of state farms would also remain in existence .
5 I have found when mixing cement , sand and water , that they need the help of a softening agent to make the mortar much more malleable .
6 Every event , dressing , meal-times and so on , must be a sequence of carefully organised activities to make the process easier , indeed , manageable at all .
7 Some miners wanted to take up this challenge , but there was not sufficient determined popular support to make the break with a more conventional trade union practice .
8 The Jewish law required all faithful Jews to make the pilgrimage to Jerusalem three times a year for three different feasts :
9 He kept the turn going to the right , using the drag of the extended reverser to make the turn easier .
10 teachers striving to improve the results of national curriculum assessments and public examinations to make the school attractive to parents ; and
11 I like to put a pale colour behind a darkish one to make the dark colour stand out more and a dark colour dropped in just at one point behind a light colour to make the paleness improve .
12 In addition , the consortium has established a Bureau in Macro-Economic Modelling to make the variuos models available to other researchers .
13 The text retrieval system , like many other systems throughout the authority , suffers from the absence of the political , managerial and cultural will to make the system work at its most cost effective .
14 Instead of the stitch being transferred completely , leaving an empty needle to make the lace ‘ hole ’ , the stitch is only partially transferred .
15 As these are decorations and not toys , you can use glass or pearl-headed pins to make the halo , either pushing them right into the head like a wreath , or half-way in so that the halo stands away from the head .
16 The connections to the cistern are straightforward : the ballvalve is connected via a tap connector , which has a small fibre or rubber washer to make the seal ( a bent tap connector is often best for this job ) ; the cold feeds are connected to the tank connectors with compression joints and must fall gently away from the cistern to avoid airlocks ; the overflow pipe can be copper or plastic ( with a plastic tank connector ) and should be installed with a fall of at least 1 in 10 from the cistern .
17 It became an aloof , lonely personal fight to make the grade .
18 So would he call in extra help to make the coffin ?
19 Dickens has been very clever to intertwine all these aspects and ideas , and to make them all relate to each other , in the one central character , Pip , and the other central characters around Pip are basically just extra ingredients to make the plot work .
20 In serious songs , when her voice is not working , there is not enough personal extraordinariness to make the lack seem unimportant .
21 Add sufficient extra flour to make the dough manageable , then knead it thoroughly for about 10min , until smooth and shiny .
22 The second method is for central planning to make the master plan and then to hand over the outlines of a sub-plan to the departments who fill in the details of their own sub-plan .
23 I must emphasise that the vowels and are not included in the set of English phonemes but are simply additional symbols to make the writing and reading of transcription easier .
24 The club paid £100,000 in February , and must pay an additional £800,000 to make the transfer permanent .
25 There is little justification for assuming the uncertain earlier attribution of the Shipman 's Tale to be meaningful and its final attribution to be merely a convenient slot in which Chaucer parked his tale without even bothering to make a few simple revisions to make the tale fit its new narrator .
26 We had quite a simple shot to make the green , and Lee says to me , ‘ Willie , I 'm only interested in getting to the middle of the green . ’
27 He says this the perfect railway to make the film .
28 Mr. Browne referred to the trend in the developed world to make the polluter pay , but Mr. Malone stressed that the west could not deny developing countries who could n't afford the cost of cleaning up the growth which they had enjoyed .
29 In the case of the latter , the last straw in Wilson 's continuing agitation and " one of the greatest blunders the union ever made " , thought Walter Runciman , " was the despotic effort to make the officers and engineers join a union .
30 Indeed parallel with developments in the methodology of the survey , there has been a similar effort to make the interview a much more standardised , methodical and effective instrument of social inquiry .
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