Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] at the next " in BNC.

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1 But the executive also turned its collective mind to the task of responding to a resolution at the conference which had been sponsored by the Preston Trades Council , drawing attention to the deficiencies of the party in facing a general election , and asking that the machinery should be improved so that the party might ‘ make a determined bid for a Labour majority at the next General Election ’ .
2 The day before we left , we celebrated Ned 's 21st with lunch in a good restaurant ( the popping of the champagne cork causing much alarm and despondency among the old dears at the next table ) .
3 If there are two parties each putting forward programmes which they are pledged to carry out if elected to government , and which they are able to carry out because they possess sufficient internal cohesion , then the electorate in choosing a programme ( and a programme at that which has been drawn up to appeal to their interests ) mandates a party to carry out its programme and holds the party accountable for its adequate fulfillment at the next election .
4 He urged me to look elsewhere — particularly in the fields owned by an old lady at the next farm called Low Birk Hatt , because they were far more colourful than his .
5 Norway 's project will be assessed by the IWC and its scientific committee at the next annual meeting in Scotland in June .
6 In my view it is clear that the party is very much in search of a leader , very anxious , if it is to make an adequate showing at the next general election , over the fact that it needs a symbol of more meaning to the mass electorate than Mr Attlee .
7 A young bridal couple at the next table , returning from their honeymoon in Cairo , peeled hard-boiled eggs and ate in silence .
8 The French couple at the next table heard the scurrilous word and stared reproachfully at this affront to their palates .
9 The hierarchy is arranged so that groups of strong and weak elements at the lowest level themselves form strong or weak elements at the next level up and so on throughout the hierarchy , somewhat in the manner of the hierarchical structure of syntax .
10 WHEN constituency boundaries have been re-arranged , Labour will probably need to gain an extra 75 seats if it is to win an overall majority at the next election .
11 It was agreed that a joint group of experts or deputy foreign ministers from Czechoslovakia , Hungary and Poland would prepare a joint stand at the next Helsinki conference in 1991 , while another group would work out a plan of action for " entering Europe " .
12 A very gallant gentleman at the next table came over and for no particular reason , kissed my hand !
13 Obediently , resignedly , he swings the car round in a dangerous U-turn at the next intersection and they flash back towards the airport , the jewel factories and towerblocks of the Bangkok suburbs thinning out again to the dim outlines of swampy fields pierced by palmtree plantations .
14 The houses will then almost certainly return to the rates established on the previous day at the next round of assistance .
15 Kevin Maxwell and Brian Horton will be answering questions at the next Oxford United supporters forum , which will be held at the supporter 's club .
16 There were few predictions of a Tory victory at the next general election and even some concern that the country might topple over into serious civil strife .
17 Describing the report as " shamefully inadequate " the Social Democrat delegate and others walked out and declared that they would withdraw completely if Modrow ( who was in Bulgaria for a COMECON meeting — see p. 37202 ) did not present a satisfactory report at the next session on Jan. 15 .
18 It polled comfortably more than 50% in a number of areas where it will be looking for parliamentary gains at the next general election .
19 This year 's production number was of particular interest and significance because the Conservative high command is planning to make leadership a key issue at the next general election , only two years away .
20 On Dec. 18 Ariel Sharon , the hardline Housing and Contruction Minister , announced his intention to challenge his Likud colleague Itzhak Shamir for the post of Prime Minister at the next elections .
21 The intent of the politician was of course to create a feeling of obligation , which he undoubtedly hoped would stand him in good stead at the next election , but such feelings were all the stronger because the shrewd political manager never breathed a word about a bargain or the anticipated political return .
22 of industrialists believed that a Labour victory at the next election would be bad for the economy ?
23 At first they talked easily about David 's chances of demobilisation , and the kind of law he would practise when he eventually got back to London , and his prospects of fighting a reasonably safe seat at the next General Election , but inevitably that led on to Julia 's plans .
24 A lively group of beefy youngsters at the next table gave a loud cheer , and a girl exclaimed ‘ Great ! ’
25 Since then I 've been in contact with Kate Noble of Age Concern and we 've arranged for her to give a short presentation at the next meeting of Nether Wyresdale Parish Council on Thursday 21st January at 7.30 p.m. in Scorton School .
26 It was , he said , a ‘ new Victorian Poor Law ’ which would pave the way for the election of a Labour Government at the next election .
27 Did she hope to stand in a winnable seat at the next election ?
28 ‘ I now declare you to be members of the Elect to be initiated into the Sacred Ministries at the next Easter Vigil ’
29 Erm we 'll talk some more too about the away day at the next session .
30 The companies wrote to the Clerk to the Commissioners on 31 January 1991 , stating their intention to apply for a 90-day extension at the next meeting , explaining why they would not be able to comply with the precepts in the 50-day time limit .
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