Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] for the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 I am optimistic now that we 've got a stable base for the next year , and I 'm always optimistic for the year after !
2 The offence is in outline very similar to the pre-existing offence under the Public Order Act 1936 , section 5A , although it adds ‘ behaviour ’ to the list of proscribed activities for the first time .
3 Mr Cooney said the reason Northern Ireland had received only £1.04bn European funding for the next seven years , while the Republic got £7.8bn , was because the province did not have its own negotiators in Brussels .
4 Mr Rawlins announced his intention to leave Sturge at some time in the future towards the end of last year although he had no specific plans for the next step in his career .
5 Er I mean the er it 's er , course there are three orders that we are looking at tonight , it includes the er the third order er in relation not to boundaries but to the registration of overseas er voters to enable them to vote er in this , in this er election within U K constituencies and therefore that 's why the position that Mr David Robeddow as the chairman of Conservatives abroad er in Monte Carlo is relevant , er but also bec because of course the purpose of the European parliament for the first time as it will go through under these new boundaries , now is that they will be able to remedy some of that democratic deficit .
6 It will then go to the European Parliament for the second reading .
7 Wales were convinced that they were one up on Scotland in having already experienced Joel Dume in their England match , while the Sassenachs ' top brass reckoned Scotland would be at a definite disadvantage for the first 20 minutes .
8 It says a great deal for Saxon resilience that the Sussex settlements do not seem to have reverted to wholesale waste , and the pressure was greatly liked in 1017 when Cnut was elected king of England and the country passed under a Scandinavian aegis for the next half century or so .
9 The troubles which surrounded the bishop 's authority in the 1570s were matched by growing economic uncertainty for the next eighty years or so .
10 Whereas in the 1980s the reforming emphasis was on market economics without political openness ( perestroika without glasnost ) , the China of the mid-to-late 1990s was driven by a concern for political openness for the first time in its history .
11 Long ago , the broad tactics for the next and final stage of this war had been decided ; all that remained were a host of small decisions and , of course , the normal government of his kingdom .
12 Even when these insects adopt a very different existence for the first part of their lives , they do not change their form very radically .
13 Although there was no official statement concerning the content of the agenda , it was widely believed that the two sides would begin detailed discussions for the first time since the negotiations began in July 1990 .
14 Another sees Riesenhuber in charge of a new ministry of the environment , where he could head off the political challenge of the Green movement which enters the West German parliament for the first time after the election successes .
15 The Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral Concerts Society has scooped a top award for the sixth year on the run .
16 ‘ I have interesting plans for the next few centuries .
17 The Grundig World series , in its fifth year but now officially recognised by the International Cycling Union , will visit Strathpeffer in the Scottish Highlands for the third of 10 rounds on May 3-4 .
18 According to the Far Eastern Economic Review of June 27 , the aim of the new strategy , the New Development Policy ( NDP — for March release of working paper see p. 38100 ) , was to provide a theoretical framework for the Second Outline Perspective Plan ( OPP2 ) for 1991-2000 .
19 The so-called New Development Policy ( NDP ) was devised to provide a theoretical framework for the Second Outline Perspective Plan ( OPP2 ) for 1991-2000 , the first phase of Mahathir 's plan to build Malaysia into a fully developed state by 2020 .
20 That was where I got all the old aerosols for the last War , not to mention several important parts of the Wasp Factory , including the Face itself .
21 BGS provided much of the logistical support for the first international conference arranged under the auspices of IGCP Project 294 , Very Low Grade Metamorphism , which was held at the University of Manchester , 5–6 July 1990 .
22 They were driving into the city now , and she looked around her , seeing it with different eyes for the first time , seeing it as a garrulous old lady with so much to tell to anyone willing to listen .
23 Although the number of species may have been at least approximately the same in marine environments for the last 300 million years or so the kinds of fossils have changed repeatedly , so that , for example , in marine limestones of Silurian age the shelled brachiopods may number dozens of species , whereas in similar looking limestones of Eocene age no brachiopods at all can be found , but there may be as many species of gastropods of kinds unknown in Silurian rocks .
24 In this way lengthy chains of behaviour can be developed with any one event providing the terminating condition for one action and the enabling condition for the next ( see Kelleher , 1966 ) .
25 Then it is across the road to the social club for the third pint , before tackling the first of the long uphill stretches to the Lamb at Denholme and the fourth pint .
26 BORIS BECKER disappointed his West German supporters for the second consecutive year when a knee injury forced him to withdraw from the Stuttgart Classic here yesterday .
27 ‘ Just imagine him standing by the side of you , with his hands crossed before him in a Miss Mollyish style , his intended bow half a courtsey , his fat arms and legs assisting , as in duty bound ; his side glances at you every ten seconds , while he softly , sweetly and insinuatingly informs you — that he has made the arts his peculiar study for the last eight years , and that he flatters himself , by his unremitting study he has greatly contributed to their improvement ; that he came to Ambleside for that purpose ( 't is a great big lie — he came solely to get a living for himself and family , but he is too proud to acknowledge this ) and hopes that the time has been employed with equal advantage to the arts and to himself . ’
28 It was a derby match to remember , especially if you 're a United fan ; defeating the old enemy for the first time in years .
29 It was a derby match to remember , especially if you 're a United fan ; defeating the old enemy for the first time in years .
30 The image of the disastrous goalkeeper has haunted Scottish football for the last 30 years .
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