Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] and [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It 's like umbilical cords and nothing but .
2 Four are in a first complete remission and one in partial remission .
3 The situation where such clauses are most likely to be reasonable is one where prior negotiations have been complex , with many oral discussions and lots of paper work passing between the parties , so that it is equally to the advantage of both parties to create certainty by describing all of their rights and liabilities in one defined set of documents and excluding all extraneous issues .
4 A s8 order may contain directions about how it is to be carried into effect and impose conditions on a parent , a non-parent with parental responsibility and anyone with whom the child is living .
5 There was fresh salmon to start with , baked in a light-as-a-feather pastry , then duck cooked in a mouth-watering loganberry sauce , plus a couple of huge tureens of fresh vegetables and plenty of white wine to wash down each delicious mouthful .
6 Some of the descriptions are devastating : Alford is a ‘ small , uneventful market town ’ ; Beelsby , ‘ a few old houses and plenty of recent infill for the Grimsby commuter ’ ; Fosdyke , ‘ an austere village in remote and forbidding Fen country ’ ; and Mablethorpe , ‘ famed for its sand , certainly not for its architecture ’ .
7 Laker 's air line , all its troubles over , collapsed to extraordinary scenes of public support and lots of money by mail to save it .
8 Some pupils expressed strong negative views on having to deal with the two systems , and several tasks were tried out in two versions , one with metric units and one with Imperial units , the version with Imperial units often proving to be easier .
9 The ballroom is scattered with cheap wooden chairs , tables , rolls of ancient , mouldy-smelling carpets , a couple of old motorbikes and lots of bits of motorbikes standing or lying on oil-stained sheets , and what looks and smells like an industrial-standard deep-fat frier with the associated hoods , filters , fan housing and ducting .
10 In the playground they had a sturdy wooden house with door and windows , climbing and swinging equipment and lots of small bicycles and tricycles .
11 No matter how carefully they pointed out that areas of low pressure almost always bring rain and high winds and plenty of cloud , it did n't help at all when Station Commanders and Navigation Officers specifically wanted clear skies and good visibility over their targets .
12 Much further south , Orlando in Florida has become popular for family holidays because of nearby DisneyWorld and plenty of golf for mum and dad .
13 The Rhine , Elbe and Moselle are Germany 's three greatest rivers , and a luxury cruise on any one of them is probably the best way of taking in the superb scenery , fascinating cities , exciting excursions and plenty of jolly good food !
14 At p596 Stamp J asked the rhetorical question : … how can a British Income Tax Act impute to a foreign resident " for the purposes of " that Act an income of which the foreigner has divested himself under the foreign law and which in his hands is altogether outside all the provisions of the Income Tax Act ?
15 Based on our clinical experience , we arbitrarily chose to dilate these patients at weekly intervals and one to six bougies were usually passed on each occasion , depending upon the patient 's tolerance and the tightness of strictures .
16 The lead singer had a Mohican haircut and lots of chains and zips .
17 As well as sixty specially commissioned photographs of choice instruments there 'll be catalogue reprints , new interviews with former and present Fender employees , a unique listings system detailing over 150 different guitars and plenty of dating information .
18 He said : ‘ We are trying to keep the kids informed because he is a very popular lad and lots of people keep asking how he is .
19 Gregory 's bass guitar was out of tune because of a wayward string and none of the group had guitar tuners .
20 A rigorous syllabus and lots of tests dictate the kind of work done .
21 Matched pairs of applications were sent for each post — one with an English name and one with an Asian name .
22 Great brother Jim gave him fresh water and plenty of oats .
23 This will be a price worth paying only if the vital expressive quality of the work is sustained and enhanced ; that is to say , whether the carer be man or woman , the tasks to be performed involve a relationship with the old person and one in which the essential core of the response should be benign and experienced by the old person as loving .
24 In my view the Tate should probably divide into two separate entities , one for British art and one for Modern art , although I presume that certain British artists would be present in both collections .
25 A former Labour Prime Minister got that far in his thinking in the 1970s when he pointed out that one could not have high inflation and lots of employment and that high inflation would reduce rather than increase the number of jobs .
26 funny abbreviations and lots of and so obviously .
27 For children , students , old people and anyone on a restricted income the choice of buying rather than borrowing is not open to them
28 THERE were fond farewells and plenty of tears yesterday when Russian exchange students left Harwich for home .
29 Using the wider kin group as the basis for organizing social and economic life may not be characteristic of contemporary Britain , but some of the groups who have migrated to this country since the Second World War have brought with them , and retained , a pattern of kin relationships which differs from the white British norm and which in some cases includes a preference for cousin marriage .
30 All of which adds up to an absorbing daily life and one in which any time that she spends on her own , when she often dwells on her sad past , is kept to a minimum .
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