Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] can [adv] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The matrix transform thus becomes : unc The spatial transformations can thus be included by raising the level of the coordinates to a value of N so that : unc The final model-to-view space transform thus results in three coordinate values .
2 If an application is declared admissible , and a friendly settlement can not be achieved , the subsequent decisions of the Court are binding on the United Kingdom .
3 Opponents of the hunt say that killing seals for non-essential products can not be justified economically or ecologically .
4 Not only is the professional designer faced with a wide variety of hygiene regulations , but in many cases fire officers disagree as to exactly how the fire risk which is inherent within any working kitchen can best be minimised .
5 Other changes such as sample decomposition , crosslinking , and the existence of polymorphic forms can also be detected .
6 A revealing spectrum can still be found today among species of hydra — small , sedentary , tentacled animals , like freshwater sea anemones .
7 Although personally we believe this to be of only secondary importance , its probable role in motivating innovative acts can not be ignored .
8 The value of this annual increment of rich topsoil can hardly be exaggerated .
9 Since private shareholders can not be expected to subsidize the wider goals of society as a whole , public ownership may then be inevitable .
10 Few of London 's historic houses can still be seen as they were intended .
11 The supplier of a now unused component can still be established .
12 First , an oral contract can never be caught , since s 3 ( 1 ) specifies dealing on " written standard terms of business " .
13 An interim payment can only be ordered against a person who is insured in respect of the plaintiff 's claim , a public authority , or a person whose means enable him to make the payment .
14 As Gittins has put it , ‘ The commonsense notion that all families in the past were much more solidaristic and stable institutions can not be borne out — death saw to that ’ ( Gittins , 1985 , p. 9 ) .
15 The development of housing for sale with the use of private funding can not be carried out by a registered housing association — Northern Counties Provident Housing Association — had to be set up .
16 But if criteria for inclusion and exclusion are not technical and professional but based on a philosophy about what human beings are , then parental expertise can not be different in kind from that of professional ( unnatural ? ) experts .
17 First , the European Parliament can never be as accountable to the electorate as the national parliaments .
18 Secondly , he rejects the very assumption of classical theory that economic phenomena can ultimately be explained as the result of universal needs .
19 Eternal values can also be sought in art , as they were by the French art historian Élie Faure , whose open mind accepted disparate arts , a view which he expressed like this : ‘ It is not paradoxical at all to affirm that an Ivory Coast mask and the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel express the same need to manifest a harmonious rapport which exists between mankind and the universe . ’
20 Tumin maintains that ‘ It is only when there is a genuinely equal access to recruitment and training for all potentially talented persons that differential rewards can conceivably be justified as functional .
21 The reason for highlighting this instance of attempted change can now be made clear .
22 Small-scale improvements can often be paid for out of savings , but if you are spending more substantial amounts , it might be better to borrow the money and keep your savings for regular maintenance work .
23 Th the , one of the main principles is a comprehensive clarification and rationalisation of child care law , probably the biggest we 're gon na get this century , and basic principles , as Councillor is that parental responsibility can not be lost through the process of law .
24 The methodological problem arises because beliefs , attitudes , values and other so-called subjective states can not be directly inspected .
25 The metabolic concentrations can not be taken to be representative of analgesic ratios .
26 The psychologists have plenty to say about this , about how the repressed emotion can then be projected on to a partner , or cause a kind of dual way of life to develop , where a woman may be sweet and lovely on the surface but grasping and rapacious beneath .
27 Even ‘ in a perverse way ’ there is no sense in which loyalist violence can ever be ‘ helpful ’ , in letting Catholics know the fear Protestants have felt and perhaps increasing pressure for a political settlement .
28 The extinction of left ear responses in the dichotic listening performance of split-brain subjects can thus be explained by the fact that material in the right hemisphere can not reach the speaking left hemisphere unless the anterior two thirds of the callosum ( Springer and Gazzaniga , 1975 ; Hécaen , Gosnave , Vedrenne and Szikla , 1978 ) and/or , in some patients , the anterior commissure , ( Risse , Le Doux , Springer , Wilson and Gazzaniga , 1978 ) is intact .
29 Nonetheless , income differences were not commensurate with some of these exceptional examples of personal wealth , and regional influences can not be ignored .
30 Again , a person charged with attempted larceny can not be convicted of attempting to obtain by false pretences ( Rex v. Gallagher ( 1929 ) 21 Cr.App.R. 172 ) .
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