Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] have the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Both elements of the total rent have the same VAT treatment .
2 Spain 's National Association of Electronic Industries reckons that approximately 12% or 1.5m Spanish homes have the necessary equipment to receive satellite television : out of the existing 285,000 satellite installations , 88% belong to individuals , the rest are either collective or use cable networks .
3 These audio-visual methods have the added advantage of being independent of the availability of the system .
4 ‘ If they get married will Brown Owl have the four Sixers as bridesmaids ? ’
5 A similar delay will not happen again as we will make sure British Rail have the right numbers .
6 The French Commandos have the heavy baseplate out of the ground and the mortar assembled and in action in what seems like a few seconds .
7 Residential workers have the difficult task of finding a balance between guiding young people forward , perhaps before they are ready , and caring for them in a personal way which does not threaten loyalty to their parents .
8 Professional counsellors faced with the same client would be clear that it is their task to explore emotions and they allocate the time to do it ; social workers have the mixed task of practical and emotional support but they have a restricted caseload and the time to build up a relationship .
9 Opposition Members believe that the British people have the basic talents and abilities which , with investment in their skills and a programme committed to training , will allow us to map out a better , more secure and more dignified future not for only those already in work but for the many people who will join the labour market in years to come .
10 Old people have the highest incidence of dementia , a condition with over 100 distinct causes .
11 Thus some slow , desiccated waltzing and gentle leans have the quietude of an old couple on a dull mild day ; sequences of deft , steppy footwork and sharp edged leaps have the high spirits of blustery sunshine , while a duet of rhythmic fidgety gestures has the feel of a lifelong argument continued during a rainy afternoon .
12 Where different professionals have the same skills , role within the team may become interchangeable .
13 Most bass clarinets have the low E ♭ , indicated by the black note .
14 ( Not all violent programmes have the same effect : the nature of the violence being portrayed , the type of child doing the observing , and whether short-term or long-term effects are being studied — all these are important in trying to reach any conclusion . )
15 And how very understated and very British , with every man of its crew trying not to show how pleased he was or how embarrassed , and quietly thanking the good Lord for getting them out of the mess in the Bay , and if He would n't mind , could some other perishing submarine have the next thirty-eight ?
16 To handle the change of tree computationally , we must specify how the parent function P' of T' may be determined from P. Experimentation with a few examples will show that the following rules have the desired effect .
17 Nor is there any implied claim that all individual speakers have the same rules or rule-order — far from it .
18 On Dec. 14 the Assembly unanimously adopted Resolution 45/94 which stressed the right of individuals to a healthy environment and noted that " as the main sources of pollution , the developed countries have the main responsibility for taking appropriate measures urgently " .
19 This could provide a solution to the problem , raised earlier , of why different regions in the early universe have the same properties .
20 If moral qualities have the same status as colours , it follows that God might have made hatred morally good , and benevolence morally bad , by attaching different sensations of the moral sense to them .
21 The parietal assemblages have the essential characteristics of a message : they respond to the needs and means that man has had since the Upper Palaeolithic to produce oral symbols in a material form by using his hands .
22 In this Agreement and its Schedules the following expressions have the following meanings :
23 Example 4:4 Turnover rent YIELDING AND PAYING THEREFOR by equal quarterly payments in advance on the usual quarter days : ( 1 ) the annual sum of £ ( " the basic rent " ) ; and ( 2 ) such sum as is calculated in accordance with the Schedule hereto ( " the turnover rent " ) SCHEDULE ( 1 ) In this schedule the following expressions have the following meanings : ( a ) " gross turnover " means the aggregate of all sums : ( i ) received by the tenant in return for goods supplied or services rendered in the course of any trade or business carried on by him in the demised property or partly in the demised property and partly elsewhere ; and ( ii ) payable to the tenant by any person in consideration of the use or occupation of the whole or any part of the demised property ( b ) " a rental year " means a period of twelve calendar months beginning on ( c ) " net turnover " means the gross turnover less : ( i ) any sum actually paid by the tenant to HM Commissioners of Customs and Excise by way of VAT or other tax chargeable on the supply of goods or services ; ( ii ) any sum refunded by the tenant to his customers in respect of defective or unsatisfactory goods or services ; ( iii ) per cent of any sums received by the tenant in return for services for which orders are received at the demised property but are performed wholly elsewhere ( d ) " qualified accountant " means a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales ( 2 ) The turnover rent for a rental year shall be : ( a ) per cent of the net turnover for the year immediately preceding that rental year exceeding £ but less than £ and ( b ) per cent of the net turnover for the year immediately preceding that rental year exceeding £ but less than £ ( 3 ) Within one month after the beginning of each rental year ( time being of the essence ) the tenant shall deliver to the landlord a certificate signed by a qualified accountant of the tenant 's gross turnover and net turnover for the year immediately preceding that rental year .
24 Example 4:6 Rent geared to subrents receivable YIELDING AND PAYING THEREFOR by equal quarterly payments in advance on 1 January 1 April 1 July and 1 October in each year per cent of the net rents which the tenant is entitled to receive for the whole or any part of the demised property and calculated in accordance with the schedule hereto SCHEDULE ( 1 ) In this schedule the following expressions have the following meanings : ( a ) " full rack rental value " means the best rent at which the demised property ( or as the case may be the part of the demised property in question ) might reasonably be expected to be let in the open market by a willing landlord to a willing tenant ( i ) in the case of property falling within paragraph ( 2 ) below on the terms ( other than as to rent or other pecuniary consideration ) upon which it is actually occupied ( ii ) in the case of property falling within paragraph ( 3 ) below on the terms ( other than as to rent or other pecuniary consideration ) of this lease ( iii ) in the case of property falling within paragraph ( 4 ) below on the terms ( other than as to rent or other pecuniary consideration ) upon which it was last occupied and in any case disregarding the matters set out in paragraphs ( a ) and ( b ) of section 34(1) of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 ( as amended ) and on the assumption that the rent so determined will be revised every five years ( b ) " qualified accountant " means a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales or the Association of Certified Accountants ( 2 ) If the tenant lets or permits to be occupied the whole or any part of the demised property in return for any pecuniary consideration other than the full rack rental value thereof as at the date of such letting or permission or in return for no pecuniary consideration then he shall be deemed for the purposes of this schedule to be entitled to receive the full rack rental value thereof determined as at the date of such letting or permission and redetermined as at every fifth anniversary thereof ( 3 ) If the tenant himself occupies the whole or any part of the demised property then he shall be deemed for the purposes of this schedule to be entitled to receive the full rack rental value thereof determined as at the date on which he went into occupation and redetermined as at every fifth anniversary thereof ( 4 ) If the whole or any part of the demised property remains vacant for three months or more then at the expiry of such period of three months the tenant shall until the same is next occupied be deemed to be entitled to receive the full rack rental value thereof determined as at the date upon which the said period expired and redetermined as at every fifth anniversary thereof ( 5 ) The tenant shall one month before the beginning of each quarter ( time being of the essence ) deliver to the landlord a certificate signed by a qualified accountant showing a true summary of : ( a ) the gross amount of all rents and licence fees which the tenant is entitled ( or deemed to be entitled ) to receive in respect of the demised property and each part thereof for that quarter and ( b ) the amount of any sum included in ( a ) above which the tenant is entitled to recover from any subtenant or occupier of the whole or any part of the demised property either by way of VAT or by way of service charge in respect of services or works performed or to be performed ( 6 ) Subject to paragraph ( 7 ) below the net rents shall be the difference between the two amounts shown in the said certificate ( 7 ) The net rents shall be determined by a single arbitrator to be appointed by the President for the time being of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors if : ( a ) the tenant fails to deliver a certificate in accordance with paragraph ( 5 ) above ( in which case the tenant shall pay interest on the net rents at the rate of … per cent from the quarter day in question until payment ) or ( b ) any dispute or difference arises between the parties in connection with the calculation of the net rents ( in which case the arbitrator shall determine the amount of interest if any to be paid by the tenant ) ( 8 ) The tenant shall permit the landlord or his agent to inspect and take copies of the tenant 's books or account or any other document or record ( and if necessary the tenant shall procure any computer print-out ) which in the opinion of the landlord or such agent is relevant to the calculation of the net rents and shall bear the costs of such inspection if there shall be any material discrepancy between the certificate delivered by the tenant under paragraph 5 above and the results of such inspection .
25 Of the three main parties , the Liberal Democrats have the widest concept of citizenship and the most radical commitment to it .
26 Parliamentary counsel have the inconsiderate habit of not telling you ( for example , in a footnote or marginal note ) that a particular word in the section is defined somewhere else in the statute ; you have to ferret out the information for yourself .
27 All directions transverse to this unique axis have the same properties , that is , the 1 an 2 axes are interchangeable .
28 Yes , it is in the authorities interests that as many of it 's travelling employees as possible use the car contract hire scheme , because it saves the authority money , and yes , officers around this large county have the cheapest possible rates .
29 ‘ BASICALLY , all human pheromones have the same chemical structure , ’ says Dave Kelly , senior lecturer in bio-chemistry at University College , Cardiff .
30 The nightmare of conductive education is unachievable because nowhere in human history have the different been turned into the normal and neither medical science nor other rehabilitative techniques or educational Interventions can assist in this process .
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