Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [conj] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is interesting to see that some developments in reading instruction are stressing the need to help pupils cope with text organisational problems .
2 This makes them very unpleasant to use and some residents will prefer not to .
3 On the other hand , many people are quite prepared to concede that some animal or group of animals has been seen in the loch .
4 We must be prepared to adapt as some industries and occupations expand and others contract .
5 It is interesting to note that some phonologists of the 1950s and 1960s felt it necessary to invent a ‘ phoneme ’ of juncture in order to be able to transcribe minimal pairs like ‘ grey tape ’ / ‘ great ape ’ unambiguously without having to refer to grammatical boundaries ; see for example Trager and Smith ( 1951 ) .
6 Although her views are still regarded as highly eccentric outside reactionary conservative and fascist circles , it is interesting to note that some historians now argue that secret societies like the IRA and the Mafia have indeed played a significant role in world events , and that the Illuminati conspiracy in the 1780s was truly a model for future revolutionary organization .
7 It is interesting to note that some Branches were expected to open from 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. without even having arrangements in place for Lunch-time Opening .
8 Neither do I think it altogether heretical to wonder whether some diseases attributed to evil spirits may not have been forms of mental illness .
9 In cases where there was more than one accused , it was not unusual to discover that some evidence was admissible against one accused only and not the other accused .
10 ‘ Although it seemed natural to expect that some word match scores should be good enough that they could be considered correct , thereby eliminating attempts to find alternatives to them , in fact all attempts to implement such an intuition seemed to have led to at best indifferent results and usually to positive degradation .
11 Instead , they are likely to suggest that some methods of discipline can be used to help prevent a young person absconding from care so long as this does them no harm .
12 The plain shimmered below a cloudless sky , and it was not unusual to hear that some contadino ( peasant ) who had been working in the afternoon heat had been taken to the local hospital suffering or even dying from sunstroke .
13 At any given time the monitoring of caseloads is likely to show that some lawyers have capacity while others are overloaded .
14 It is encouraging to see that some organisations are taking renewable energy seriously .
15 The pop singer , Morrissey , was so astounded to discover that some girls ' breasts are bigger than others that he wrote a song about it .
16 Werking concluded that ‘ It is reasonable to assume that some research may now more satisfactorily come to terms with library use and its relation to bibliographic education ’ .
17 It might be reasonable to expect that some deficiency in parental relationships — and hence , some in all relationships — might ensue and it certainly is apparent in some cases of sexual relationship dysfunction .
18 However , in terms of what they ‘ mean ’ , their use in a specific cultural context , it is reasonable to maintain that some languages pay less explicit attention to abstract formulations .
19 If you have a sensitive nose , you yourself will be able to detect if some washing operation has been carried out , since the chemicals used tend to leave a lingering smell , especially along the inner margins .
20 Colours again are important as all decarbonisers are hazardous to handle and some sort of warning label is appropriate .
21 For instance , how many people have watched a woman carrying a load of shopping and a three year old child , or cleaning up after an incontinent elderly relation , and still been able to maintain that some jobs are too heavy and dirty for women ?
22 Only a very small number of authorities were unable to say that some money was being directly spent on training or were unable to indicate a person or people at least nominally responsible for training ( see Chapter 3 for discussion of resources available for training ) .
23 If the assessor is not involved in provision , they can take a more objective look at individual client need , be able to say whether some need is unmet , and not be tempted to offer those services for which they are responsible as the sole , potentially inappropriate solution to the client 's problems .
24 As this inhibition was less than the accompanying inhibition of PGE 2 it was possible to argue that some substrate diversion might have occurred , although weak inhibition of the 5-lipoxygenase enzyme by indomethacin seems a simpler and more plausible explanation .
25 In similar vein , it is also possible to argue that some view of how improvement in practice takes place is a necessary prerequisite of any accountability procedure .
26 Youthful offenders were also believed to be getting younger , and according to one magistrate parental authority was at such a low ebb that ‘ it is melancholy to find that some parents are not ashamed to confess that children of seven or eight years old are entirely beyond their control ’ , while another thought that ‘ in nine cases out of ten , children are entirely masters of the position ’ .
27 As it is now the middle of October , I do not think it unreasonable to request that some action be taken in this matter as soon as possible .
28 It was also likely that all incoming correspondence would have to be recorded before circulation in order to maintain system integrity , which would be difficult to control as some correspondence was passed directly to branch officers without being opened in the Registry .
29 It is only fair to add that some lawyers play exactly the opposite role , persuading clients who are itching for a zero sum fight that they would do better to reach a nonzero sum settlement out of court .
30 It is probably fair to say that some environmentalists have been careful not to over-identify with those involved in the animal welfare or animal rights movements .
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