Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This entirely new production , due to go on to the Royal National Theatre in London , remains true to the essence of Lorca 's play , and as vibrant as the heat and colours of ‘ the land of sun and shadow ’ .
2 A full council meeting is due to go ahead with the formality of passing the decision taken in January by members of Durham County Council 's social services committee .
3 He was due to go up to the Blue Mountains that morning and she started having pains , she said .
4 The former James Bond star got stagefright only weeks before the curtain was due to go up on the original West End show and made a shock exit .
5 When are you due to go back to the hospital ? ’
6 he , he were due to go back in the army and he overstayed
7 Runswick Bay , a multi-million pound investment by Yorkshire Television , is due to go out on the network five days a week next year .
8 ( e ) Limited contracting-out It may still be possible to contract out of the implied obligations owed under supply contracts .
9 Though it is possible to trace a system of remedies outside the court structure back a thousand years ( Wraith and Hutchesson , 1973 ) , it is unnecessary to go back beyond the National Insurance Act 1911 for an historical background to modern tribunals .
10 Despite the growth of the disabled people 's movement these paper professionals still think it quite normal to sit down round the table and decide what 's best for us .
11 As he waxed into an eloquent period , he would realize the absurdity of his situation or the humbug of his pleading and be overcome with internal laughter , a laughter so vast that on occasion it left him too weak to go on with the speech .
12 It may seem petty to distinguish between the plural and singular form , and therefore unnecessary to include both in the index .
13 Walter Heape , a reader in zoology and an anti-suffragist , writing at the end of the century , exulted in a description of menstruation which wallowed in gore , a picture of devastation , rupture , torn membranes , ‘ from which it would hardly seem possible to heal satisfactorily without the aid of surgical treatment ’ …
14 However , it should be recognised that while it is possible to analyse costs retrospectively to the individual patient , it is not possible to plan prospectively for the individual patient .
15 He was staring at the glove box now , he was too low to see out of the window .
16 As a source of information , the return collates much that should have been delivered for registration when the relevant transactions occurred , so that a searcher may find it unnecessary to search back beyond the latest annual return on the file .
17 It is possible to go on with the same therapist to deal with the problems which caused you to need the regression experience in the first place .
18 However , Operation Granby proved that it is possible to go out onto the charter market for ships and find ships from many different nations to perform the tasks that we wanted of them .
19 So now he sat there , his napkin tucked around his chin , smiling gently : a mild-natured , weak , weakened old man , loyal to his bully of a wife , glad to be included , glad Shirley had n't found it all too much for her , grateful to sit there in the warmth of the nice oil-fired 1970s central heating .
20 The Standing Committee on Postgraduate Medical Education is due to report soon to the secretary of state for health on how staff in NHS teaching hospitals can be helped to teach better .
21 Established in 1985 with an initial funding of about £14 million , DELTA has now commissioned 30 projects for its exploratory phase , most due to report back to the Commission early in 1991 .
22 I am a Labour supporter with many friends carrying cards , and , despite having observed the ‘ anti-Labour virulence ’ of the SNP , I do want Labour to come together with the Nats , the Liberals , the Greens , the Unions , the churches , the mosques , the synagogues , Uncle Tom Cobbley and all .
23 If you consistently — and by that I mean once or twice daily — follow this waist plan you will feel and see a definite toning up of the whole line .
24 Kinloss was a pleasant environment and the locals were extremely kind to the alien invasion , but one felt so very much out of the hurly burly of wartime England , this was made particularly clear when pupils I had trained returned for their rest period , and one did get the message that my operational background was no longer valid or right to pass on to the crews coming forward for conversion to twin-engined aircraft .
25 Tom , who worked for the British Caprotti poppet valve-gear manufacturers , Associated Locomotive Equipment Ltd , was instrumental , not only in the original design of 71000 , but also in the rebuilt carried out by the Trust .
26 Erm , I 'm sorry to come back to the central overheads er again , but erm it , considering that the other income largely related to ninety one , I 'm a little unclear why the central costs went down , I ca n't believe there 's been any salary cuts at
27 It is not only impossible to theorize fruitfully on the basis of abstract relations which are nothing but abstract relations , but it is only possible to theorize fruitfully on the basis of abstract relations that refer directly to observable phenomena in material reality .
28 FORMER Liberal leader Sir David Steel yesterday urged Labour to stand down for the Liberal-Democrats in seats they can not win at the next Election .
29 Tony took the overdose on Sunday night , at around the time when his father , his father 's girl friend and her son were due to come back from the pub .
30 I think Chris Patten is right to stand up to the Chinese , even though it may make very little difference in the end .
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