Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] be [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And now a subtle change was coming over the two hundred and fifty watching children in the audience .
2 Probably , in terms of company drive , this product was the sacred cow of all sacred cows and yet the economic tide was flowing against us .
3 identified that in the period 1951–66 two different spatial tendencies were operating in England .
4 ‘ My dear sister was talking about you only today at tea .
5 All 3 political groups are pitching for increased spending , Labour is likely to propose a budget around £320 million , the Liberal Democrats around £314 million and the Tory group up to £310 millions , all of them well above Government guidelines of £306 million .
6 But Mr Garrett said others who have taken only the three-hour assessment are responding to pursuits despite force guidelines prohibiting them .
7 It does n't mean that your regional accent is going to be bullied out of you , so that you are unable to use it ever again — on the contrary , your accent may in all probability be your most interesting and valuable possession .
8 At this stage three armed groups were contending for power : ( i ) units of the Armed Forces of Liberia ( AFL ) , led by Brig. -Gen .
9 In the mid-nineteenth century life expectation was rising , especially for the new middle class , and central and regional authorities were coming to terms with the urban influx , which had changed the face of Britain .
10 There are farmers who with the existing lack of any political support are looking at different avenues to improve their profits or even make a profit .
11 Libet concluded from this that the subjective experience was occurring before the neural events which bought it about .
12 Now , I think we all appreciate that the Liberal and Labour groups are working to another agenda .
13 When the loyalist prisoners were campaigning for segregation from republicans ( a campaign which involved the tactic so loudly condemned when used by republicans : the hunger strike ) , DUP spokesmen were conspicuously more active than the Officials in the promotion of the prisoners , case .
14 As he looked out over the familiar landscape that spring day , the poetic miracles which had begun in the lime-tree bower were coming to an end .
15 Zimbabwe Geological investigations are continuing in the Archaean Midlands Greenstone Belt of Zimbabwe as part of an integrated exploration project in which appropriate methods of regional structural analysis are being introduced as a basis for formulating sound gold exploration strategies and identifying targets for follow-up by the commercial sector.By the end of the second year about 1700 square kilometres ( or 70% ) of the project area has been tectonically mapped at scales of 1:25 000 to 1:50 000 , and selected areas , including over 80 medium-to-small gold mines , have been subjected to detailed structural analysis at survey scales of 1:200 to 1:2500 .
16 In the 1950s West European economies had already recovered from the war , trade amongst all advanced states was growing in the 1960s and Western trade expansion was helped by the ‘ Kennedy Round ’ of tariff reductions involving Europe and North America .
17 The European struggle was drawing to a close but in the Pacific and Far East the savage struggle continued .
18 As the Golasecca culture flourished , elsewhere in Europe the first of the truly great European cultures was rising to the east .
19 Some odd irresponsibility is stirring in me as I listen to Serafin 's preposterous diatribe .
20 Similarly , broad money is growing at a rate of just 6.1 per cent against 10.9 per cent a year ago .
21 About three miles away a failed wizard was hanging by his hands from a high branch in a beech tree .
22 Political progress is going to be very difficult to achieve as the electorate is not at present united enough to force the politicians to compromise .
23 In a way , current legislation and political attitudes are pushing in opposing directions simultaneously .
24 Mungo 's clammy pyjamas were clinging to his chest .
25 Because both sides of the political divide are benefiting from the traffic , the issue is brushed under the carpet .
26 On March 29 Moscow radio reported that almost all Ossete villages in South Ossetia had been razed by Georgian militants , and on the following day there were ominous reports from officials in North Ossetia that 12,000 armed Georgians were massing for an assault on Tskhinvali and surrounding districts still under Ossete control .
27 Somewhere deep inside her a tightly coiled tension was unravelling with frightening speed .
28 This was particularly noticeable tonight , for her cheeks were deeply flushed and her hazel eyes were dancing with excitement .
29 Sources of financial support for residents in private homes Date Private means Local authority Health board DHSS 1985 65.6% 9.1% 0.6% 26.8% 1987 50.7% 1.2% 0.0% 48.1% Increase in funding for people in private homes is coming from DHSS .
30 The Junior Club is thriving with up to 35 members while the senior section is smaller with 10 to 15 members but 2 have completed a leadership course .
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