Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [Wh adv] [adv] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Most Labour stalwarts , patient people who had set their sights on achieving un-encumbered Labour rule however long it took , were distinctly unenthusiastic about such a prospect .
2 But no desert when it comes to wild life , for this is the Flow Country where David Bellamy brought to popular attention how deep he could sink as he cavorted from tuft to tuft of floating bog .
3 There would be so many empty years when finally they had to say good-bye .
4 If you 're trying to combine both in your life the chances of your being hit by stress are probably higher-no matter how brilliantly you may have organized the family in your absence — and it is even more important to be able to deal with it .
5 His sleep , he knew at once , must have been unusually deep , for he had no clear idea how long it had lasted nor where for that matter he was .
6 Please accept my sincere condolences at your family 's sad loss , I know from personal experience how much it hurts to lose one so close .
7 Are you looking for the interaction where you learn something about the culture from talking to the people or do you want minimal interaction where simply you visit a place , and you stay in your little bubble or ghetto with people of your own tour company , you do everything together and you never come into contact with local people .
8 ‘ I found out the following day how much it was worth when a dealer offered me £40,000 . ’
9 Martin looked up into the dark sky where now he could see a faint pattern of grey , scudding clouds , then whispered , ‘ I do n't think it 'll last long with this wind , and there 's more snow in the air .
10 But it had also been brought home to her with chilling clarity how easily he might have snatched her .
11 But many of the plastics being used in the linings are relatively untried and nobody has any real idea how long they will last .
12 When we were little children how eagerly we used to gather pieces of broken tile , little sticks , and mud with which to build houses and other tiny buildings , and if someone knocked them over , how heartbroken we were and how we cried !
13 Thank you for looking after on those really black days when even he seemed too much to cope with .
14 But then I thought , Where would we be without the night watchmen of the world , guys with the talent to ignore totally what 's staring the rest of us in the eyeballs and tell us , in a good firm voice , preferably with a couple of well-chosen statistics how well it all is ?
15 If a child is born with some degree of mental impairment and has parents able to handle the situation calmly , without undue guilt or anxiety , creating a relaxed home atmosphere , encouraging the child 's full development however slow it is , making use of the best educational facilities available and providing a stable , reassuring , affectionate home , then such a child might well not be severely handicapped by the disability , but grow up relatively independent , sociable and self-confident .
16 erm I E you 've got an enormous area where sometimes you 're moving in very quickly , and particularly in Manchuria y you 're trying to get there extremely quickly , and you , you have n't got the time to build up that kind of infrastructure , but that is gon na come later .
17 If you ask medical staff how often they have seen someone die , rather than if they have been around at the time , surprisingly few will say they witnessed the actual event .
18 A second obvious problem is the striking blank where normally we would expect to find discussion of content .
19 But in terms of actual control , we have forsworn many other areas where hitherto we sought to control by centralized edict .
20 But it just shows how , here , I said , how embarr there 's no different to any other place where ever you go .
21 On the latter point , my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister made it plain in his statement that we shall explore further with Russia and the other republics how best we can assist in the provision of employment for the scientists within the CIS to prevent them from going abroad .
22 Whatever you decide , you 'll be suitably bowled over by the excellent quality however much you 're paying .
23 There 's a charity shop on the main road where sometimes me and Marie go .
24 What is even more odd is that like the AV the STV is allowed to retain its original unitary value however often it is transferred and whatever its preferential status .
25 The regional nomarch , or prefect , tells each local office how much it ought to collect in the year ( the national total being what the government reckons the budget needs ) .
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